Food Fight

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   " But usual recipes call for that much sugar. "

   " I know, but I like a lot of sugar. It makes the cake sweeter. "

   " Okay. "

He used my hands and tilted the bag downward pouring more sugar into the batter. Half of the sugar bag was empty by the time he tilted my arms back. I set the bag to the side and mixed the dry ingredients along with the wet ones. My face stayed heated as I continued to mix the batter together. I poured the batter in the greased cake pan and I looked at L.

   " Mind helping for a moment? "

   " Sure. "

   " Grab that spoon and scrape the excess batter out of the bowl and into the pan. "

   " Okay. "

He did as I asked and scraped the excess into the pan. I put the bowl down and set the cake pan into the oven and waited for it to bake. I started cleaning up the ingredients when I felt something hit my head. I put my hand on the back of my head and when I brought it to the front of my face I saw it was flour. I looked back at L and saw him looking at me with an innocent look.

   " You're going to get it. "

I grabbed a small handful of flour and threw it at him. It hit his neck and fell down his shirt. He looked at me before grabbing an egg and he threw it at me. I dodged the egg and it hit the wall beside me. Before I could react another egg hit my forehead. 

   " You thought I missed? I only did it to catch you off guar-"

Before he could finish talking I threw some more flour at his face. It landed in his mouth and he coughed it out. I laughed a little at him and got prepared to through something else. He grabbed the whole bag of flour and looked at me with a smirk.

   " No. "

   " Yes. "

   " No! "

I ran around the kitchen, but I didn't realize he was faster than me. He caught me by wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest. He dumped the bag of flour on me. I kept my eyes and mouth closed as he poured it. When he finished I shook the flour off of me. I rubbed it out of my eyes and turned in his arm to look at him. 

   " Caught you. "

   " Not quite. "

I poured the milk all over him. Without him knowing I grabbed the milk as I ran around the kitchen and let him capture me. I poured half of the gallon on him before setting it on the counter.

   " Looks like you don't like losing either. "

   " Seems that way, yes. "

I realized he was still holding me to him. He let go and we separated. My cheeks flared up with red and I looked at the clock above the oven. We had 10 minutes left before it was done. I looked at the door to see Watari standing in the doorway chuckling at us. 

   " Master L please go shower and Miss Y/n you may use the guest bathroom. "

   " I don't have any clothes. "

   " I've left a pair in the guest bathroom for you. I'll take care of the cake. Please go clean up you two. "

I nodded and walked to the guest room trying to not trail flour on the floor. I got to the guest bathroom and jumped in the shower. I scrubbed all of the flour out of my hair and got the egg off of my face. When I left the shower I dried my hair. I looked at the clothes Watari left for me and recognized them. They were L's clothes. White long-sleeved shirt with blue jeans. A note sat on the top of the clothes.

Miss Y/n,

          Please leave your clothes in the basket beside the shower and I will wash them for you.

   ' Good thing I already put my clothes in the basket. '

I put on L's clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a version of L himself. The clothes were a bit big but I held up the pants with a clip I always keep in my pocket. I kept it in my pocket in case my clothes got stretched. I walked out of the bathroom and saw L in a new set of fresh attire but the same clothes he wore every day. His hair was still wet and there was only a towel sitting on his head.

   " Good, you cleaned up quickly. The cake is ready and we must get back to work. "

   " Okay. "

He starred at me for a minute and made his way out of the guest room. I followed behind him as we walked out. I saw Watari in the kitchen as we passed the kitchen doorway. He smiled at me and continued to clean our mess. L sat down in his chair propped up like usual and started eating his cake as he scrolled through files on his computer. I grabbed the towel on his head and started rubbing his head with the towel.

   " Why are you drying my head? "

   " Killing two birds with one stone. I can read the files and dry your hair. "

   " Whatever suits you best. Also, you'll be staying here for the night. Your clothes won't be ready until the morning. "

   " Fine with me. I don't have work tomorrow. "

   " You'll have to come back here and work. "

   " I forgot about that for a moment. "

   " Yes, unless..."

    " Unless what? "

   " Hangout with Light tomorrow. I'm going to put a bug on you to see how he acts. All my reports from the detective following him have been normal. He recently just sent me a note of hijacking where Light thought up a plan to get the hijacker off the bus, but the man saw something and died before he could put his plan into action. "

   " Alright. I don't know why Light of all people but fine. What's my percentage of being Kira? "

   " Twenty-five percent. "

   " That's high. "

   " No matter the percentage, as long as one percent is there than you and anyone is on my list of who could be Kira. I just have to limit it down. "

   " Have fun with that. I don't think there's a way for me to lower it without you thinking it was suspicious and going up instead of down with the percent. "

Just then something amazing happened. L chuckled. It was rare to see him smile or laugh so I took what I could get and smiled at my accomplishment. I continued drying his hair and reading the files together and eventually falling asleep in the guest room.

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