I Know you

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The task force walked in and starred at Ryuzaki with wide curious eyes. Ryuzaki stood in front of them with a blank face and simply said,

   " I am L. "

I could see the task force whispering among themselves. I stayed beside L as they whispered. L just scratched the back of his neck and stayed by me. Mr. Yagami pulled out his police badge.

   " I'm Yagami the NPA. "

They each pulled out their badges and introduced themselves.

   " I'm Matsuda. "

   " I'm Aizawa. "

   " I'm Mogi. "

   " I'm Ukita. "

   " I'm very sorry we're late. Currently, the five of us are-"

   " Bang! "

As Mr. Yagami was talking Ryuzaki raised his hand in a gun like motion and said bang. The task force looked confused at his action. 

   " What the hell was that? " Aizawa asked

   " If I were Kira you'd be dead Mr. Soichiro Yagami. chief of the NPA. "

They looked shocked as they stared at Ryuzaki. 

   " Kira needs a face and a name in order to commit murder, but I'm sure you've already figured that much out haven't you? Please do not give out your names so carelessly. Instead, let's value our lives. "

Ryuzaki started walking to the living room while the task force stood still. 

   " I'm sorry for the confusion. Please join us in the living room to discuss matters further. "

They all turned towards me. Mr. Yagami's eyes widened at seeing me. 

   " Hello, Mr. Yagami. "

    " What are you doing here Y/n? "

   " I've been working with L since this mess has started Mr. Yagami. "

   " What? "

   " Yes, we met a while ago and he appreciated my intellect and asked for my help. I accepted and have been working with him for quite some time now. "

   " Do you know her Mr. Yagami? " Matsuda questioned him.

   " Yes, that's Light's best friend. They have been together since they were in diapers. "

   ' So, Light hasn't mentioned that we aren't dating. Weird. '

   " That's enough small talk for now come this way. " Ryuzaki said interrupting our chat.

I followed him into the living room and sat on one of the couches closest to him. 

   " Please turn off all cell phones, handhelds, and other communication devices and leave them on the table right there. "

   " What do you think we're going to be using our cell phones during this meeting to leak information? " One of them asked

   " It's alright just do as he says. " Mr. Yagami said to the man. 

They all set their electronics on the table and continued towards where Ryuzaki and I were sitting. 

   " I realize he's been cautious from the very beginning but I still can't tell if he trusts us or not. "

   " No, I just find them distracting. I can't stand it when people's cell phones are ringing while I'm trying to talk. "

They joined us in the living room and L sat in his weird perched position on the chair. 

   " Let me start by saying nobody takes notes on anything that's said in these meetings. That means when we leave headquarters information we need is committed to memory. Please make yourselves comfortable.  "

They soon walked further into the room and took a seat around the coffee table. L's stare watching all of them as they sat there. Watari brought some coffee and sugar and set it on the table. Ryuzaki poured himself a cup and took a sip of it. He set it down and started putting sugar cubs in it unsatisfied with its bitter taste.

   " Excuse me L-"

   " From now on I'll have to ask that you stop calling me L. It's Ryuzaki, now. Just to be safe. "

   " Okay, Ryuzaki If we know that he needs a name and a face to kill...couldn't we cut down on the number of victims by keeping criminals names from the news? "

I felt my head pop up at his question. The answer was simple. Ryuzaki gestured to me to answer for him since he was so focused on his coffee.

   " If we do that. We'll only be putting the general public at risk. "

   " The general public? Why? " The task force asked looking at me.

   " Kira is childish and hates losing. " Ryuzaki said interrupting my explanation.

   " Just what do you mean? " Mr. Yagami asked.

   " Well, I'm also childish and hate to lose. That's how I know. Y/n here is the same way which is how she is here with me today. "

   " Ryuzaki would you mind being a little more specific for us? "

   " Early on in the investigation, I tried to provoke Kira with that broadcast. Up until then, we thought that Kira would only go after criminals but as we all witnessed he didn't hesitate to kill my stand-in. Also, as soon as I said we knew he was in the Kanto region in defiance he made sure his next victims came from within japan. As if to say " What are you going to do about it "."

   "He's met each of Ryuzakis challenges head-on and he's never missed an opportunity to return the favor. "

   " Now what do you think would happen if we tried to us media restrictions to hide criminals from someone like that? "

   " I guess... " Matsuda stated before being interrupted.

   " " If you choose to withhold the names of your worst criminals I'll kill petty criminals or the innocent. I'm holding the whole world hostage! So who's it going to be? I'm not the evil one here. But all those who oppose me by hiding criminals you are truly evil. " That's exactly how Kira thinks. "

   " In any case let's look at another way we can use the media to draw him out. " I said hoping they would agree.

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