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Things did not get any better from there. Crimes had stopped completely around the world. People who were being arrested would not offer up their names. The police had to force it out of them and they went to great lengths to hide their name. Kids even used their own name against others. Threatening to put their name on the internet for Kira to see. Graffiti changed from rude markings to sentences asking Kira to kill. In the Yagami household, Sayu was left alone. Her father was gone and her mother died of a broken heart. She was left alone to cry. The L/n house was empty. The parents were no longer living there. Unknown to Y/n they wanted to leave her behind so they could travel. Hence why they were always on business trips. So the house was empty and sad. The task force building was still deserted. Watari and Lawliet wandered around freely. They weren't afraid to hide away anymore. The building wasn't being used so they would continue to use it. Lawliet saw Watari in a new light. As a father. They both missed Y/n very much, but they couldn't do anything but talk to Near about what would happen next. For the first time in his life, Lawliet felt useless.

Other people took what was going on in a new light. They saw Kira as a god. They saw him as justice. Kira's Kingdom played most of the time on TV and it supported Kira and what he did. They worshipped him. The task force was back in Japan now watching the show.

   " Kira's Kingdom, huh? What a horrible title. " Aizawa said

   " This is insanity. "

   " If anybody deserves to be killed by Kira it's this guy ."

   " Switch it back to the press conference. The president's about to start. " Matsuda said in a sad tone.

Without Mr. Yagami, the situation felt wrong. Without you, the situation felt sad and depressing. Everyone missed the two of you. Mostly Matsuda and Light. Matsuda saw you as a little sister and Light was afraid of what was happening to you. Misa had talked to him about them being together and he knew you had talked with Misa. He was happy she would still help him and that she would stop trying to become his wife, but when that happened you were kidnapped. They switched the channels and the president stood at the podium.

   " I wonder what it's about? All they said was that it was gonna be some sort of international announcement. " Matsuda said continuing to talk.

He threw an apple up into the air and Ryuk caught it.

   " You don't do anything but watch TV, don't you? "

   " Uh, what? "

Matsuda snatched the apple from Ryuk and bite into it and started eating it himself.

  " Good morning, I'm gonna try to keep this brief. The United States will no longer oppose Kira. "

   " Those cowards! " Light yelled.

   ' I've done it, I've even brought America to its knees. ' he thought.

   " Justice? No, no, I never said that. But because of Kira, war and conflict have ceased to exist. Criminal organizations are in a state of ruin, not only in the United States but in all free nations. Anyone who defies Kira head-on will be killed. That is a fact, we are not acknowledging Kira as a symbol of justice, we are simply saying that, as a country, we will not take any actions against him. "

 ( With Near )

   "It looks like we've been disbanded by that chicken of a president. No, he's not even a chicken, he's less than a maggot." Near said while he was building a wall out of legos.

   " Near? "

Near looked up at the screens and it showed Mello holding a gun to a blonde woman's head. A woman who works for Near in the SPK. Behind him, there was a body following him. Her arms weren't tied up anymore and she had patches on her skin. One on her left cheek, another on her left hand, then finally one on her left leg. She was in jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, boots, and a black jacket. Her hands were wrapped around her form due to the cold air. They couldn't see her face due to the hood being up.

   " What should we do? "

   " Let them in. " Near stated simply.

Mello walked inside with his gun still pointed at the blonde woman.

   " Mello, welcome. "

   " Drop your weapon! " The agents yelled at him.

   " Everyone please put away your guns. Having a shoot-out here would achieve nothing. " Near stated still not facing Mello.

Everyone put their weapons away and Mello took down his hood.

   " It seems like things have been going just as you planned, Near. "

   " Yes. I take it you've already heard all about the second L from Lidner by now? I've pretty much figured out who Kira is and it's mostly thanks to everything you've done. "

He pointed his gun at Near and yelled for him to shut up.

   " I'm not just a tool in order for you to use to solve your puzzles, y'know? "

   " Mello, If you really wanna shoot me then go ahead and do it. "

Mello slowly put his gun away and continued to talk.

   " Anyway, I'm only here for one thing. I came to take back that photograph you have. "

   " Of course. I got it from the orphanage. There was only one and no copies have been made. I've already gone ahead and dealt with everyone who knows your face, both inside and outside of Wammy's house. They'll keep quiet. "

He threw the picture at Mello and he caught it between his fingers.

   " I can't say a hundred percent for certain, but it shouldn't be possible for you to be killed by the notebook. Is that the only business you had with me, Mello? "

   " Near... Let's get one thing straight. I have no intention of working together with you on this. "

   " Yes, I know. "

   " At the same time, I can't just take my photo and leave, that wouldn't be right. So I'll settle my debt. "

   " Hmm? "

   " The killer belongs to a shinigami. Whoever touches it is able to see a god of death. "

The other agents went crazy and started calling him a liar.

   " I believe him completely. What good would it do for him to tell an outrageous lie like that? Even if he had something to gain he could have at least come up with a more believable story. Therefore, these gods of death must exist. "

   " The notebook I obtained had previously belonged to another shinigami. Perhaps even Kira himself. Also, some of the rules written inside are actually fake. That's all I can tell you for now. "

Mello started walking away but he stopped.

   " Near? "

   " Mello? "

Mello took out his chocolate bar and took a bite out of it and then Near started twirling a piece of his hair.

   " Which of us is gonna reach Kira first, I wonder? "

   " The race is on. "

   " We're both heading towards the same destination. I'll be waiting for you. "

   " Right. "

Mello then left the SPK building leaving his other captive behind to stand alone and cold.

   " This person who came in with him is still here. Hey! Take your hood down so we can see your face. "

   " Mello might not tell you more, but I certainly can. " She said

She took her hood off and showed her face with the patch on her left cheek. The agents looked at her and wondered how she was alive but Near looked at her with a small smile.

   " It's good to finally meet you Y/n. "

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