It's Over

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   ' So, Misa found Kira? That's interesting. '

Misa was able to trick one of the men she was going on a date with, Higuchi, and when she told him she would marry him if he said he was Kira and he did it. We waited a while until we were sure and he proved that he was Kira. Ryuzaki put a plan together and the plan was now being put in action. Matsuda agreed to the role he would be playing. Ryuzaki and Light would stay together and where I would be positioned wasn't decided yet.

   " I could go with you guys in the helicopter. "

   " No, we don't have a lot of room in the helicopter. "

   " How about I stay with Matsuda as he talks? "

   " That could work. I guess we could go with that. Please do not put yourself in a position that would harm you. "

   " That's the plan. "

Now it's time. I was sitting a little way out of the camera's range so I couldn't be seen. Matsuda talked and talked about the Yotsuba group. When the time came I knocked what was covering Matsuda out of the way. I ran before the camera zoomed out. People ran and covered him, while they set the screen back up. I continued to watch and got ready to grab my phone in case something happened. Mr. Yagami was standing with the director in another room making sure it was broadcasted. After a while, commercials went on and I walked up to Matsuda. Mr. Yagami walked out of the director's room and called Ryuzaki.

   " Ryuzaki, Mogi is in position at Yotsuba productions. He's just received a call from Higuchi. "

When Mr. Yagami was done he looked at Matsuda and me.

   " He said it's time for phase two. "

We nodded. Mr. Yagami left us and I looked at Matsuda.

   " How are you doing so far? "

   " I'm doing fine. "

I ran off the stage before he went back to answer questions behind the screen. Light called me and everything was going according to plan. Wendy was now following Higuchi. I stayed on the phone with Light from thereon. He kept me updated on what was going on since they bugged his car and put a camera in his car.

   " He's talking to no one. He's talking to himself but he used the name Rem. "

   " Really? That's weird. Who's Rem? We haven't encountered anyone with that name or even a fake name. "

   " We aren't sure. Stay on the phone with me Y/n. "

   " I don't plan on leaving the phone. "

   " Alright, there's only one hour left! " The announcer said.

   " Y/n he's at Yotshiba productions. "

   " Got it. "

I wrote on a card and showed it to Matsuda and he nodded his head. He eventually got back into his car after he didn't find Matsuda's personal file at Yotshiba. He eventually left and started speeding to Sakura TV station. The next commercial came and I ran to Matsuda's seat and put the dummy there and Matsuda came on the sidelines with me. Wendy, Ryuzaki, Matsuda, and I hid with a gun and waited for Higuchi. I felt nervous. Mogi and Aiber were right behind him. The door opened and I could hear Higuchy's footsteps as he entered the room. I stood up and covered my face when Mr. Yagami stood up.

   " Higuchi! Stop right there! "

   " Don't move. " Wendy instructed.

Matsuda and I stood up with helmets and pointed pistols at him. He looked mad. Mogi and Aiber entered and blocked his only other escape.

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