Is He Going to Die

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Don't play the music yet.

The next day went as usual. I could tell Light was tense and I was starting to get tense about the situation that would be coming soon. Ryuzaki didn't tell me anything about what was going to happen. He only said I should be there to witness it. Light and I was finally leaving the lecture hall. It was a bright and sunny day outside we were with Takada as we were walking.  We stopped walking when we spotted Ryuzaki sitting on a bench in the shade reading a small book. He looked peaceful but Light looked sinister. Before I could talk Ryuzaki smiled? He waved his hand in the air.

   " Oh, hey, Light! Hey, Y/n! "

   ' Since when does he smile? '

Then his face dropped back to its normal unsmiling expression.

   " How's it going? "

Light apologized to Takada and asked for us to be alone. We walked closer to him and stopped in front of him.

   " I hope she's not upset. "

   " Never mind that. Is it okay for you to be here? "

   " I realized as long as you're not Kira I should be safe, but the fact is you're the only one on the outside who knows me as well. Due to the assumption that I will die in the next few days, I have told the task force to assume you're Kira. "

   ' My gosh just bluntly tell him. '

I stood there and listened to the conversation as it progressed. I didn't make any comments. I only watched and listened. 

   " Hey, do you guys want to join me for some cake in the cafeteria? "

   " Sure we have a break now anyway. "

   ' What the hell is going on? ' 

As we walked to the cafeteria we heard a yell from behind us.

   " Light there you are! "

We turned around and saw Misa running towards us. 

   " This must be a friend of yours! He looks so different and unique. "

She walked closer to us and I made room for her beside me. She smiled at me and looked back at Ryuzaki. After their introductions, I could feel the atmosphere change. As is the battle of L vs. Kira was happening. I kept my eyes on Light. Then Ryuzaki started laughing softly and smiled with his thumb to his teeth. 

   " Light, you're a lucky guy. I have been a big fan of yours since the August Issue of Eighteen. "

Misa cheered and got into a conversation about it and I just looked at Light with total confusion. He showed me the same look. People started to take notice and crowd around us. Light took my arm so we wouldn't lose each other. 

   " No way somebody just touched my butt? "

   ' Oh my God. '

Ryuzaki was the one standing behind Misa. I shook my head and watched everything else happen.

   " This is an outrage! Taking advantage of this situation is unforgivable I will find whoever is responsible for this. " Ryuzaki said running in front of Misa. 

   " Ryuga! You're os funny! "

   " What the hell is going on here? " Light and I said at the same time. 

Then her manager came and they left. The crowd dispersed. it was just Light, Ryuzaki, and me. We continued to the cafeteria. But Light said he had to use the restroom. Ryuzaki and I continued until Ryuzaki's phone started ringing. He pulled out a phone that didn't look like his at all. Ryuzaki stopped walking and held up the phone for Light to see once he turned around. Ryuzaki smiled for a moment and then answered the call. 

   " Oh is it you Light? Someone must have dropped this phone in all the commotion earlier on. "

   ' No, he took it. That's what happened earlier when Misa said someone touched her. '

Light walked back to us requesting for the phone, but,

   " I see sure that makes sense. "

Ryuzaki handed the phone to light and continued walking. This time his actual cell phone rang. He answered it and then turned to Light. 

   " I'm not exactly sure how you'll take this, but regarding Misa Amane, there is something you should know. We've taken her into custody under suspicion of being the second Kira. "

   ' Oh my God is this what he planned? ' 

   " We gathered physical evidence that was gathered from the envelops sent by the second Kira. The public would be in an uproar about this so we have charged her manager with drug possession and she is a voluntary witness. But I doubt any of this would get out. "

Start the music here, please.

Ryuzaki walked away and Light just stood there stunned. Then eventually he walked away I just stood there not knowing what to say or what to do. I went home after college and I didn't know what to do. 

   ' So, Ryuzaki isn't dead. That's great but Misa is now arrested and Light...Light seemed tired and perplexed by the situation. Well, I only know one thing for sure and that's the fact I won't take Ryuzakis position and that I won't get to read the letter he wrote. '

I heard a knock on the door and I got up from my couch and walked downstairs. I could hear the rain hitting my windows. I opened the door and I saw Light standing there soaked, and sad.

   " Y/n can I come in? "

   " Sure. "

I let him inside and I walked to my bathroom to grab a towel.

   ' I should be careful around Light. If Ryuzaki suspected Misa he is positive Light is Kira. '

I walked into my living room and saw Light sitting on my couch with a dejected look.

   ' Maybe that can start tomorrow. For right now I have a job to do and that's to take care of my best friend. '

I sat beside him and handed him the towel. He dried his hair and set the towel down on the side of the chair. He looked up at me and the next thing that happened had me a little stunned. Light jumped at me and hugged me. He pulled me close and hugged me. I hugged him back and patted his back. 

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