Is It Pt. 1

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( Your P

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( Your P.O.V. )

   " What? Is something wrong? You're just starring at me. "

   " I'm fine. Let's go. You need to contact Light and we will drop you off near the park because that's where you'll meet. "

   " Alright. "

I grabbed my phone and called Light's number. 

   " Hello? " He asked with his normal voice.

   " Morning Light. "

   " Morning Y/n. What are you doing up this early? It's Saturday I would have thought you would be asleep. "

   " Light I'm like you, I wake up early. "

   " Right. How are you this morning? "

   " I'm doing fine. "

I walked out of L's apartment after hooking up the mic and the bug to the inside of my clothes. I waved at L and followed Watari to the elevator.

   " I was wondering if you would like to come out with me. "

   " When? " He sounded different this time. He sounded eager.

   " This morning. Maybe get breakfast somewhere if you haven't eaten yet. "

   " You're lucky I haven't eaten yet. "

   " Today's my lucky day. Sound like a plan? "

   " Sure. I'll look for places to eat. I'll pick you up in a minute. "

   " I'm afraid I'll have to meet you at the park. "

   " Why? "

   " The meeting yesterday lasted till it was late so I kind of stayed at the bakery. "

   " Y/n! You shouldn't sleep at the bakery. "

   " Well, it was really late and I didn't want to walk home because of how dark and late it was. "

   " You're off the hook this once, but please don't do that. I messaged you last night. "

   " I know, but I was exhausted. I fell asleep instantly. "

   " Alright. I'll meet you at the park in a few minutes. "

   " Sounds good. We can discuss what else to do after we are finished eating. "

   " Alright. Bye. "

   " Bye. "

I hung up and looked out of the window as Watari drove. The car stopped and I saw the park outside the window. I got out of the car and thanked Watari. I sat on a park bench and waited for Light to show.

( Light's P.O.V. )

I jumped out of my desk chair and opened my closet. I looked through all of my clothes and found something that looked casual but nice. I grabbed it and changed into the outfit.

   " What are you doing Light? " Ryuk asked.

   " Changing. I'm meeting Y/n in a few minutes. "

   " Is this how you act every time you hangout? "

   " No, this is different, Ryuk. "

   " How? "

   " Because she asked me out on a da-"

   ' Wait. Her words were 'Do you want to go out?' Is this a date? '

I stopped rushing and started thinking a bit more. 

   " I never even asked if it was a date. I-I hope she meant it as one. "

   " Ask her when you get to the park, you dummy. Your ' goddess ' is waiting. "

I got changed and ran out of the house. I walked to the park and saw Y/n's beautiful H/c hair. I walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at me and smiled.

   " Hey, Light! "

She stood up and stood in front of me. I hugged her and held her close to my body. 

   " I missed you Y/n. "

   " Aww, I missed you too Light. "

I felt her embrace me back and felt warmth fill my body. We pulled away and I looked into her eyes.

   ' I have to ask her. '

   " Y/n is this a date? "

   " Woah that escalated from zero to one hundred real quick. "

I saw her face turn red and her figure became nervous. 

   " L-Light...."

She took a deep breath and then continued to speak.

   " L-Light, I didn't intend for t-t-this to be a date. I-I-I'm s-sorry. "

I felt my heartbreak in my chest. It hurt and I felt crushed.

   ' W-What? '

I heard Ryuk land beside me and set his feet on the ground instead of flying. He patted my shoulder and told me there were other women that were better than her, but I didn't want better! I held Y/n's hand gently and looked into her eyes. 

   ' I need to tell her now. I have nothing to lose. '

   " Y-y/n I'm going, to be honest. I thought this was a date. I was really excited because I've liked you for the longest time now. I like you still. I know you weren't intending for this to be a date, but instead, would you go on a date with me this morning? "

   " L-Light? "

   ' Please. '

I saw her nervous figure calm down and her blush left her face a tiny bit. A blush still remained but it wasn't as big. She looked up at me and starred caringly into my brown eyes.

   " Light...Light I would enjoy a date with you. "

I felt the pieces of my heart spike up and rebuild itself. Joy was the only emotion I felt. I smiled and pulled Y/n into a hug. I hugged her tightly and didn't want to let go of her. I heard her laugh and hug me back.

   " Light you're crushing me! "

   " I'm sorry! You've just made me so happy Y/n! "

I pulled away and looked at her face. It was bright and happy. I rested my head on hers and felt my heartbeat with adrenaline. I grabbed her hand and started walking to the place I picked out for our breakfast.

( L's P.O.V. )

   ' Well, this will be interesting. '

I listened to the conversation and was surprised by what he asked her.

   ' I feel like this will further the investigation with their new relationship, but I don't like it. '

I felt a mad flare of anger in my chest and body. I felt jealous.

   ' This is the first I've felt this way. Why is that? '

I continued to listen to the conversations they had feeling jealous and annoyed.

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