The Letter

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   " He said it was under a pillow on the bed in his bedroom that he never uses. "

   " So we need to go to his room first. "

He started making our way to his room. When we got to the door I opened it and looked inside. There was a perfectly made bed. It was white with black sheets. There was a TV across from the bed and it hung on the wall. There was a desk in the corner and the wall that faced outside was a  wall of glass. The walls were grey and the floors were white.

   " Where did he say the letter was? "

   " Under the pillow on the left side of the bed, I think. "

I walked to the left side of the bed and lifted up the pillow. There was an envelope lying under the pillow and it had my name written in neat twirly handwriting. It was written in a silver marker. I picked up the letter and set the pillow back down. I sat on the bed and Light sat beside me. I opened the envelope and took the letter out. I unfolded the paper and set the envelope aside.

   " Could you read it out loud? I want to hear what it says. "

   " Okay. It says,

Dear Y/n,
               If you are reading this, that can only mean I died. The only way I could have died was from Kira or the Second Kira found my name. I'm sorry that I died and had to leave you behind. I wish I hadn't died but it was inevitable. Don't be sad that I'm gone. Be worried about yourself. Kira is still out there and ready to kill anyone who helped me. Stay safe, for me. If I haven't told you already when I was alive then I'll tell you now. I love you. I wish I had told you when I was alive. Things would have been different, but that's no the case now. I started developing feelings for you when you stayed in my hotel room for the night and you made me a cake. We threw flour at each other and eggs. It was the best night of my life, so thank you. Thank you, for showing me how to love someone beyond the word love. I can't say how every time I ever put my arms around you I felt that I was home. Watari was like a father to me but I saw you as more than a partner and friend. I love you, Y/n. Even in death.

    T-That's all it says. "

   " Well, that was interesting. "

I felt tears come to my eyes. I set the letter aside and started wiping away the tears that left my eyes. I felt Light's arm wrap around me and pull me closer. 

   ' Well, now I've got Kira vs. L again. Except for this time, it's over me. How great. '

I picked up the letter and set it in the envelope. I wiped my tears from my eyes and stood up. Light stood with me and we started leaving the room. We walked down the stairs and back to the kitchen. Light left my side and grabbed a cup of F/d and handed it to me.

   " Thank you. "

I leaned against the island and started drinking it. He leaned beside me with a cup of water and we just stayed there and drank out of my cup.

   " I'm glad I killed him now. " Light whispered.

   " What? "

   " I just said I can't believe he's gone now. Especially after that letter."

   " Yeah. I think I'm going to rest a little bit. "

   " Okay, I'll leave then. "

   " I'll walk you out. "

We started walking to the entrance. We walked outside and he hugged me.

   " I'll see you later okay? "

   " Definitely. "

   " If you need anything let me know okay? Anything at all. "

   " I will. "

   " Even if you need more food. "

   " Okay. "

   " Or you just want to spend the night. "

   " Okay. "

   " Or you just want to see me. "

   " I get it. "

   " Or, you just wanna go on a date. "

   " Yeah. "

   " Or you just want cuddles and kisses. "

   " Light, I get it! " I yelled smiling at him.

   " I'm just making sure. I'll see you later. "

He kissed my cheek and started walking away. I walked into the building and went to the kitchen. I grabbed the groceries and took the elevator to the underground floors. When I reached the library I found the bookshelf in the far back and I took the white book out and put it back in. The secret passage opened and closed behind me as I walked through. I walked down the hallway until I reached the secret room. When I entered I saw Lawliet standing by the big monitor. Watari was ironing clothes.

   " I brought you guys food. "

   " Thank you, Y/n. "

Watari stopped ironing and took the groceries from me. HE walked to the kitchen and started putting them away. I walked up to the monitor that Lawliet was standing in front of.

  " Anything new? "

   " Nothing yet. My death seems to have been released to the public so now the world believes that I am dead. "

   " Kira especially. "

   " That's the good thing about it. Everyone believes I am dead but you and Watari. "

   " I read your letter. "

   " You did? "

   " Yeah. "

   " What did you think of the letter? "

   " You sounded worried in the letter. "

   " Because I knew that if I died then I wouldn't have been able to protect you anymore. How's Light doing? "

   " Right now he's worried about me. "

   " I see. He'll most definitely be around you more often. "

   " Yeah, I agree with that. I need to confess Lawliet Light told me he was Kira. "

   " When? "

   " When I was in the hospital. He came one day and explained about the cheating. He confessed he was Kira. "

   " Why didn't you tell me earlier? "

   " Well, I didn't know how to tell you. Then, when I got out of the hospital you started acting dead and sullen. At that point, I was more worried about you. "

   " Did you try to convince him not to kill me? "

   " I didn't know he was going to. I didn't find out his plan until I went to the surveillance room and saw Rem about to kill Watari. "

   " I see. So I was right all this time. Light was Kira and Misa Amane is the second Kira. "

   " Yes. "

   " Now we just need some evidence to put on Light so he can be executed. "

   " We'll have to wait. Right now he's laying low. "

   " I agree. For now, I'll observe down here while you observe above ground for me. "

   " Alright. "

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now