Saying Goodbye For the Last Time

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Don't listen to the music just yet.

Only a couple minutes later the rain started to pour down. Ryuzaki disappeared and I stood up to go look for him.

   " Y/n are you going to look for Ryuzaki? "

   " Yes. "

   " I'll come with you. "

   " Okay. "

We got in the elevator and traveled to the top floor. I didn't know how I knew, but I just did. We walked to the door leading to the roof and Light opened the door for me. I thanked him and walked out in the rain. Sure enough, Ryuzaki was standing in the rain just starring out at the sky. He turned his head and looked towards us. His face was unreadable.

   " What are you doing standing out there by yourself? " Light asked.

Ryuzaki didn't respond. He just put his hand to his ear and leaned further towards us. His clothes and hair were completely soaked. Light yelled the question again and Ryuzaki made the same gesture. We started walking in the rain towards Ryuzaki. Light held me in his jacket to try and keep me dry, but it didn't work.

   " What are you doing Ryuzaki? "

   " Oh, I'm not doing anything in particular. It's just...I hear the bell. "

   " The bell? "

   ' The bell. This is what Watari was talking about. '

I walked further to Ryuzaki until I stood right beside him. I placed my hand on his arm and he looked down at me and then back to the sky.

   " Yes. The sound of the bell's been unusually loud today. "

   " I don't hear anything. " Light told him.

   " Really? You can't hear it? It's been ringing non-stop all day. I find it...very distracting. I wonder if it's a church...maybe a wedding, or perhaps a... "

   " What are you getting at Ryuzaki? Come on, cut it out. Let's get back inside. "

   " Yeah, let's go. " I said finally speaking.

   " I'm sorry. Nothing I say makes any sense anyway. If I were you I wouldn't believe any of it."

I tried to pull Ryuzaki to the doorway but he wouldn't budge. He and Light kept talking and he would only hold my hands on his arm in a gentle way.

   " Tell me Light, from the moment you were born, has there ever been a point when you've told the truth? "

   " Oh shit. " I whispered.

   " Where is this coming from Ryuzaki? I do admit I stretch the truth here and there. However, find me one person in this world who's never had to tell a lie. It wouldn't be easy. Human beings aren't made to be perfect like that. We all lie from time to time. "

   " I had a feeling you would say something like that. Let's go back inside. We're all drenched. "

   " Yeah. "

We all walked back inside and found towels waiting for us. Light sat down on the stairs and started cleaning his hair while I held the towel around me. Ryuzaki stood above the stairs and had his towel on his head.

   " Well, that was certainly an unpleasant outing. "

   " That's your own fault. I mean, what did you expect? "

   " You're right. Sorry. "

Ryuzaki took his towel off of his head and walked towards Light. He crouched down in front of his feet and started drying Light's feet.

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