Light's Caring Treatment

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I turned to my side and snuggled into the pillow more. It was warm and comfortable. I felt a hand on my shoulder and the hand started shaking me lightly.

   " Y/n? "

   " ... "

   " Y/n I know you're awake. "

   " 5 more minutes mom. "

   ' Wait why does my mom's voice sound deeper than usual? Also, why is she here? She is supposed to be on a business trip with dad. '

I opened my eyes and saw Light kneeling beside the bed in front of me. Sunlight streamed through his window and the light highlighted Light's features. It made his figure seem angelic. He was smiling at me as I stared at him.

   " Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not your mom. "

   " Why am I in your room? "

I sat up on his bed and looked around the room. It was his room. His desk had the TV on but the volume was low and he had a notebook sitting out on top of his desk. I looked back at Light waiting for an answer. He sat beside me and his smile faded into a face of concern. 

   " After Ryuzaki left last night you passed out. It seems you passed out from exhaustion and fatigue. Have you been pushing yourself lately? "

   " I have. With the Kira case and when I studied for exams, it was either work or study. I didn't really focus on anything else. Then when we got in college it was the same thing. "

   " You should really focus on yourself more N/n. "

   " Probably but with Kira out there killing people I can't. I have to focus on this case. " 

   " Which is your problem. "

   " What? "

   " Y/n you passed out last night when we left the hospital and I brought you home. You were pale and you didn't look good. You needed a good rest. You shouldn't worry so much about the Kira case if it's gonna do this to you. "

He leaned forward and leaned his head against mine and whispered,

   " I don't want to see you in a hospital bed next from a heart attack. "

   " Light it isn't that bad. "

   " Y/n I thought my father was fine and the next thing I hear is that he had a heart attack. Promise me you won't let this happen again. I don't want to risk losing you. Especially to a heart attack. "

   " Light..." 

I looked into his eyes and only saw love and care in his pupils. He looked into my E/c eyes wondering what I would say. I reached my hand up behind him and patted his head. I ran my fingers through his brown hair to calm him. 

   " I promise I won't have a heart attack. I also promise I won't work as hard. "

   " Thank you. "

He grabbed the hand I was petting him with and gently brought it to his face. He rubbed the back of my hand on his left cheek. I blushed at his actions. Then, he set my hand down and looked at me with a huge smile. 

   " I already informed Ryuzaki of what happened. My father is coming out of the hospital today and he will be going back to work tomorrow. So will we. "

   " Wait, you can go on ahead and work Light. I'm fine, so I should be at work as well. "

   " No, you are staying here in bed. Ryuzaki agreed with me for you to rest up today and you would go back to work tomorrow. I'm going to take care of you while you rest. "

   " When can I go home? "

   " When I think you should. When I believe you are better. "

   " Or I can stand up now and walk out. "

   " Or you can stay there and I can get you my famous breakfast meal. "

   " You are a good cook. "

   " Exactly what I thought you would say. "

I stuck my tongue out at him as he left the room. I saw my phone sitting on his desk so I stood up and walked to his desk. My vision blurred from standing up too quickly, but I managed. I got to his desk and grabbed my phone. I saw messages from a random number on my phone and I could only assume it was Watari or Ryuzaki.

???: Light has informed us about your current position and you are permitted to spending the day for yourself. Please do get better Y/n. You are as smart as Kira or me so we need you back as quickly as you can recover.

Matsuda: Get better Y/n! Get some good sleep and let everyone else focus on the case for the day.

I smiled at the messages and looked at the notebook on Light's desk. It was the same notebook he had when L first made his appearance challenging Kira. ' Death Note ' it read.

   ' I'm curious to see what's inside. '

I reached out for the notebook but brought my hand back before I could touch it. The door handle was twisting and I knew Light would be mad if he saw that I looked through his notebook. I continued to look through my phone. Then I looked up at the door. Light stood in the doorway with a plate/bowl filled with B/f ( Breakfast food )

   " As always it looks delicious Light. "

   " Thanks. I thought I told you to stay in bed? "

   " You did, but I saw my phone on your desk and I wanted to grab it. "

   " I see. Well, get back in bed. You can eat breakfast and I need to ask you some questions. "

   " Okay. "

   ' Why? '

I sat back down on his bed and he handed me the plate/bowl and I started eating the delicious food. Light sat in his desk chair and looked at me. 

   " Did you open my notebook? "

   " No, all I did was get up to grab my phone. I saw messages from Matsuda and Watari or Ryuzaki. I promise that's all I did. I wouldn't invade your privacy like that. "

   " Suuuuureee. "

   " Hey!? "

He chuckled at my little shout and asked me another question.

   " Last night did you hear me talking to someone after Ryuzaki left? "

I racked my brain and remembered that I did hear him talking with someone. 

   " Yeah, I thought I heard you talking to someone. I thought I was imagining it though. "

   "  I was on the phone with someone when you collapsed. "

   " Then why ask? "

   " It's a surprise for the future. "

   " Now, that's no fun. "

   " Oh well. "

I rolled my eyes and finished eating and set the plate/bowl to the side and looked at Light. I found that he was staring intensely at the floor deep in thought. I leaned closer and touched his knee and looked into his eyes.

   " Are you okay Light? You've been different lately. "

   ' More like since Ryuzaki told you who he was. '

   " I'm fine. There's just a lot to take in. "

   " I bet. "

We stared at each other for a minute until his hand lifted my face closer to his. Our faces were inches apart from each other. Then he closed the gap between us. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. The kiss was gentle and sweet. I could taste traces of apple juice left on his lips. Light placed his hands on my back and I placed mine on the back of his neck. Fireworks erupted as we continued to kiss. Then we slowly pulled away. I opened my eyes and looked at Light. He had a gentle smile on his face. He hugged me close and joined me in sitting on his bed. He leaned against the headboard and I leaned against him. He wrapped his arms around me as we laid on his bed in peacefulness. 

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now