Mr. Yagami, why

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They've been in prison for over a month. 50 days to be exact and now Ryuzaki has come up with a plan. A final test. No one was allowed to know about it. Only Ryuzaki and Mr. Yagami himself. It has been three days after Mr. Yagami was released that the plan was going to be in action. On this day I was looking for Watari. I looked in the laundry room and saw him putting clothes into the dryer.

   " Watari. "

He looked at me and his smile widened a bit.

   " Miss Y/n. It seems you have finally caught me. "

   " I have. I can finally have the letter! " I cheered.

He pulled a letter out of his jacket. It was in a white envelope and my name was written on it in a pretty, cursive text. He handed me the letter and I thanked him. I walked back to the main room and sat on the couch. I was about to open it when the letter was snatched from my hands. I looked up and saw that Ryuzaki had grabbed the letter from me.

   " Ryuzaki I was about to read that! "

   " I know, but today is the day the final test will be conducted. I am afraid this isn't the time for the letter. "

   " Fine. What do I have to do? I want that letter. "

   " I know you do. Just follow Mr. Yagami. Don't make any moves or say anything. Just follow him. "

   " Alright. Can I have that letter back? "

   " When you get back. "

   " Okay. "

I stood up and saw Mr. Yagami waiting for me by the door. I felt Ryuzaki's hands on my shoulders. He turned me around and faced me to him. I saw that he had let go of the letter and it now rested on the floor.

   " Everything will be fine. I promise. But tell me something. Do you think I'm crazy for detaining them that long? "

   " I are crazy smart. You are the world's best detective for a reason. Ryuzaki I know you were in the right place. We both thought we knew who Kira and the second Kira were. But we were wrong. I am at fault as much as you are. So don't think you are the only wrong one here. Do you understand Ryuzaki? "

His eyes were focused on me. They never left my eyes. His hands were gentle on my shoulders. He didn't say anything.

   " Ryuzaki? "

   " ... "

Before I knew it he started coming closer. I felt my face heat up and I could feel my heartbeat get faster. His forehead leaned on mine and I could feel his breath against my face.

   " R-Ryuzaki? "

   " ... "

His face continued to get closer. His eyes eventually closed and so did mine. His face was so close to mine that if I moved forward, even an inch, our lips would connect instantly.

   " Ryuzaki, I'm sorry to interrupt this moment, but we must be going. " Mr. Yagami said as he placed a hand on my back.

I opened my eyes and saw Ryuzaki open his eyes as well. Ryuzaki's hands left my shoulders and he pulled away from me. My body instantly felt cold without him close to me. He stepped back a little more and coughed.

   " Yes, I'm sorry. You two should be going. The plan needs to be enacted quickly. I will see you both later. "

He started walking away and he grabbed the letter as he walked. Mr. Yagami started walking me towards the front door. My face was still red as we walked. We got outside and Mr. Yagami opened the passenger side car door for me. I thanked him and got in. He walked to the other side and got in the driver's seat. He started the car and started driving away from the hotel.

   " I'm sorry that I had to ruin your moment with Ryuzaki Y/n. "

   " U-Umm. "

   " Y/n, I want you to know something. "

   " Y-Yes? "

   " I hope you and Ryuzaki are happy together. "

   " M-Mr. Yagami? "

   " My son has a girlfriend and I'm happy for him. But I will be honest. I wish you two had gotten together. "

   ' We were together. He just didn't tell you. '

   " But I understand that he has a girlfriend and I respect his choices. I have seen you as my own daughter for years and I want you to be happy as well. From what I have seen moments ago and how I see Ryuzaki look at you every time you enter the room, I want you to know I approve of you and Ryuzaki dating. "

   " M-Mr. Yagami I don't think t-t-this is the r-right time to talk about this. "

I saw him look over towards me and he smiled. He continued to drive until he made it to our destination. I didn't know where we were until I saw Misa walk out with Watari behind her. She was unchained and she didn't have a blindfold on. She was wearing a white shirt that was too big for her and white slacks. She got in the back seat and we started driving away and onto the bridge.

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