Farewell Mr. Yagami

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( Light's P.O.V. )

   " A letter? Who's it from? "

   " We aren't sure. There are no fingerprints on it, there's no name. "

I took the letter from them and started reading it. When I finished a picture slipped from the page. I picked it up and saw it was a picture of Y/n tied up and laying on a couch.

   " They kidnap Sayu and now they kidnap Y/n. "

   " Thay have? "

   " Yes. "

I showed them all the picture of her tied up. I felt my blood start to boil, from the anger rising inside of my body.

   " What do we do now? " Matsuda asked.

   " We continue with the plan. "

   " With Y/n inside the building!? "

   " Yes, when father makes the deal for the shinigami eyes and everyone invades the building we'll rescue Y/n at the same time. All of them should be dead except maybe two and Mello. Y/n won't be targeted and Mello might take her with him when he tries to avoid the explosions. We will do what we can to find Y/n and get her out of there out of harm's way. "

   " Alright. Let's do it. "

( Lawliet's P.O.V. )

   " So, Mello's taken Y/n. That's not good at all. "

   " It isn't. The NPA has a plan they are going to enact and we can assume they are going to try and rescue Y/n. "

   " What about the SPK? "

   " We will help them in any way we can. "

   " Alright. I trust you Near to get Y/n back safely. "

   " Don't worry, she'll be safe and back home. If Mello survives there is only one possible place he could go and that's here. He'll surely make sure she survives as well so, don't worry about her safety. "

   " Alright. Thank you. "

I ended our call and stood up. I walked over to Watari and started biting my thumb.

   " Watari what do you think of the situation? "

   " I think everything will be fine in the end. "

   " Do you think it was smart of me to hideaway? "

   " Master Lawliet it is up to you. If it makes you feel comfortable no one but the task force has ever seen you. Near and Mello are exceptions of course. "

   " Thanks, Watari. "

I grabbed some ice cream and walked out of the secret room and wandered around the task force building.

( Your P.O.V. )

   ' My head hurts. '

I opened my eyes and looked around. I noticed I wasn't in the park anymore. I was sitting on a silver couch with the same guy who kidnapped me sitting next to me. He had a laptop beside him that viewed camera's around the building.

   ' His name's Mello, I think. '

   " Hello? "

He turned towards me and I noticed he was eating chocolate.

   " Hello, I'm glad you finally woke up. "

   " Where am I? "

   " We are at my Mafia base in L.A. "

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