Getting Groceries

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The next day no one came to the Task Force building, still upset over the death of two criminals dressed like Watari and Lawliet. I woke up that morning and got dressed.

   " I need to go to the store to get groceries. The only things that are down there are a few snacks. "

I got dressed and took the elevator to the main floor. When I left the elevator I noticed Light standing by the computers that were shut off.

   " Light? "

He looked at me and a small smile came on his face.

   " I wanted to come to check up on you. How are you doing? "

   " I'm still sad over yesterday. It's hard to believe they are gone. "

   " I know. "

   " I'm kind of scared. "

   " Why? "

   " When he risked his name being seen at Toho University that day, the day before he told me he wanted me to take his place as the new ' L '.  I don't know if he wants me to still take his place or not. "

   " You won't be taking his place. "

   " What? "

   " Y/n Kira just killed him. Kira won the game and killed off L. If you take RYuzaki's place then that means the game will keep going and you'll be the one taking his place. "

   ' He knows the cameras still work. I hope Lawliet finds footage of yesterday when I was in the security room and deletes it. I'm afraid they'll look at it. '

   " But if it's what he wanted shouldn't I take his place? "

   " No. I won't let you take his place. It's too dangerous for you and I'm not going to lose you. "

   " Light, it might be for the best-"

   " No. I forbid you from taking his spot. "

I stared at Light and realized what his real message was.

   ' I don't want to kill you. I love you too much to even try and kill you. Don't take his spot. Well, Light thanks for the warning. '

   " Fine. "

   " Good. Where were you going today by the way? I noticed you were heading to the front of the building. "

   " I was going to get groceries. "

   " I'll come with you. "

   " Alright. "

He held my hand and we walked to the front of the building. The rain had stopped and it was peaceful.

   " Please don't make me kill you Y/n. "

   " I won't Light. I promise. "

   " Thank you. I couldn't imagine killing my best friend or the love of my life. "

   " Light that's...way too cheesy. "

   " I guess it is, but it works. "

   " What about Misa? "

   " What about her? "

   " What's going to happen to her now? "

   " I'm going to keep her around. She has the shinigami eyes so she can still be of some use to me. "

   ' Good he's not going to kill her. '

   " You know you're family is probably wondering why you two aren't married yet. What are you going to tell them? "

   " Is someone jealous? "

   " No! I'm just curious about what's going to happen now. "

   " Well, don't worry about it. Right now everything is going to be peaceful. criminals will still die here and there but it'll be less stressful with Ryuzaki gone. "

We continued to walk to the market. We talked here and there as we walked to the market place. When we reached the market I started getting a lot of food.

   " Why are you getting so much? "

   " So, I won't have to come back here again until next week. "

   " I see. Let's get plenty for you then. "

When we went to the baking Isle I grabbed a bag of flour. When I put it in the cart some of the flour that was outside of the bag flew up to my face. I coughed as I stepped back from the cart. I rubbed my eyes and looked a Light. He had a small smile on his face and I could tell he wanted to laugh.

   " Light, don't laugh at me or you'll pay. "

Then he did exactly what I told him not to do. He laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him and enveloped him in a hug. The flour that was on me was now on him. I tried pulling my arms off of him but he couldn't do it.

   " Wow, would you look at that the man that's trying to get my love is pushing me away from a hug. "

   " You know what two can play at that game. "

He stopped struggling and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me to his body tightly. People were starting to come into the isle.

   " Light people are looking at us. "

   " Let them look. I don't want to hide the love I have for you. "

   " L-Light. "

I felt my face turn a little red. He squeezed me one more time and then let go. We continued to shop for groceries and then we paid for them. We carried the groceries back to the task force building. We set them on the kitchen counter when a memory hit me.

( Flashback )

   " That letter you never's in my room that I never use. Under the pillow to the left side of the bed. After today I want you to go look for it and read it. "

   " Ryuzaki..."

He pulled his head away and looked at my face. He wiped the tears away that were streaming down my face. He kissed my forehead and looked at me. He looked around the area once more and then looked back at me.

( Flashback Over )

   " I need to go look for that. "

   " Look for what? "

   " Ryuzaki said he left a letter for me. He wrote a letter a long time ago and said I could read it if he died and he told me where it was before he died. I need to go find it. "

   " Well, let's go find it. "

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