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We waited a couple of days until we got a response. Then finally we got one. 

   " Ryuzaki we have a reply from the second Kira! "

We all stood in shock before going to the computer and watching what the second Kira sent in. 

   " Kira thank you for your reply. Please do not worry I will follow orders and do as you say. "

   " Wow. "

   " It worked. "

   " Was it that easy? " I asked.

   " I really want to meet you. I don't think you have the eyes, but you don't have to worry I would never try to kill you. That's a promise. "

I looked to Light to see his reaction and he looked shocked. He looked.....mad.

   " Oh god. Wait. It can't be. " I whispered.

   ' Is this some sort of shinigami trick!? '

   " Please tell me how I can meet you without the police knowing. You'll think of something and when we meet we can confirm our identities by showing our shinigami to each other. "

At that Ryuzaki and I gasped. Ryuzaki started screaming and threw his hands up in the air. I started shaking and I could feel the sweat on my brow.

   ' What the hell!? '

Ryuzaki fell over and I collapsed right beside him except I fell on my knees, unlike him. He fell on his side and out of his chair.

   " Ryuzaki, Y/n! "

The task force rushed over to us but I couldn't leave my thoughts.

   ' How the hell!? Shinigami aren't real!? '

Ryuzaki sat up and looked up at the screen. He pulled me closer and sat me in his lap with a tight embrace. My shaking didn't stop and I could feel my heart beating in my chest.

   " S-Shinigami? Am I supposed to believe that? Do shinigami actually exist?  " He said nervously.

   " W-W-What the hell? " I whispered. 

The task force stood behind us as they tried convincing us that they didn't exist. But I blocked them out. They had to have existed.

   ' All the points lead up to a shinigami! '

Ryuzaki turned his head towards Light and his grip on me tightened. 

   " You're probably right, but I remember that Kira had those prisoners write something suggesting the presence of a shinigami. "

   " So based on that fact perhaps we are dealing with the same person after all. " Mr. Yagami suggested.

   " No! "

The entire task force looked at me in Ryuzaki's lap. Ryuzaki even looked at me. They all showed concern and Ryuzaki held the same emotion I had about the shinigami.

   " If this was the same person it's highly unlikely that he would have responded to the video in the first place. "

   " You took the words right out of my mouth Y/n, but you forgot about a question. Why would he let L live after going through all the trouble of getting him to appear on TV? the real Kira wants him dead. So, it doesn't make sense. "

I felt Ryuzaki start to calm down and his grip on me loosened. He reached one hand up to press at his temples. He reached back down and whispered in my ear to calm down. 

   " We will figure this out. "

   " Calm down. "

   " I am as shaken as you. "

   " Please. For me. "

I eventually calmed down and Ryuzaki stood up. He helped me up and I listened to Aizawa's explanation for the whole shinigami thing.

   " Maybe they have already met and have decided to use the word ' shinigami ' as a code word? "

   " No, I'd say that's unlikely. "

Ryuzaki joined back into the conversation as he set the chair back on its four feet.

   " It's as Light said. If the two Kira's were connected I don't think the imposter would be so willing to give up on their plan to kill me. "

Ryuzaki took a seat back in his chair and waved me over. There was enough room in the chair for me to fit. Ryuzaki scooted over and I sat beside him. His hand met my head as he calmly started caressing my head and hair.

   " All of this suggests to me that the copy cat has its own agenda and is acting independently of the first. I believe that their actual motive is to meet the original. "

   " I think you're right. He's acting out of an interest in Kira. The word shinigami could very well be some reference to their killing power. Saying we could confirm our identities by showing our shinigami to each other probably means they can confirm their identities by somehow demonstrating their ability to kill. "

   " Yes, that's it. " Ryuzaki said softly.

As we started discussing the message I pulled Ryuzaki's hand away from my head and set it on his knee. I nodded at him that I would be fine and we continued the discussion. 

   " No, from now on it's best to leave the rest between the two Kira's. "

Everyone looked at him shocked.

   " What do you mean? "

Ryuzaki looked at me seeing if I would answer for him but I didn't. I kept quiet. After all the talk about shinigami, I didn't want to talk. Ryuzaki must have seen this as he continued his explanation. 

   " We can assume that the second Kira is satisfied with getting a reply from the original. They sent a message to get Kira's attention and as far as they know they know have it. Also, there's that word they used that only the two of them would understand. We'll arrange to have this reply broadcasted today on Sakura's 6 o'clock news. Naturally, this would be of interest to Kira...."

I started to doze off, but I tried my best to stay awake. Eventually, I leaned against Ryuzaki's knees and fell asleep.

( Light's P.O.V. )

   ' I'm glad I can think on my feet. Ryuzaki and Y/n figured out everything about a shinigami in seconds. I'm guessing they have researched them. '

I was angry that Ryuzaki was comforting her, but at the same time, I'm glad she's calmed down. When that word popped up I knew I would be in trouble, but it looks like I'm safe for now. I looked at Y/n's face as she started to doze off and fall asleep. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and keep her there. I walked towards the Two as Ryuzaki stopped talking. I picked up Y/n and walked over to the biggest sofa Ryuzaki had. I laid Y/n down on the sofa and walked down the hall. I saw Watari as I walked.

   " Watari, do you know where I can find some blankets and a pillow? "

   " Yes, follow me, Mr. Yagami. "

I followed Watari and he led me to a closet. I opened the door and grabbed a pillow and a blanket. I walked back to the living room and set the pillow under Y/n's head and covered her in the blanket. I crouched down to her height and kissed her forehead.

   " Get some rest. "

I stood up and felt someone staring at my back.

   ' Of course, it's Ryuzaki. '

Ryuzaki was starring at Y/n and I. I couldn't read him. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

   ' He's getting to close to Y/n and to my identity. He needs to go as soon as possible. '

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