Lawliet's Ending Pt.1

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I had to make two part's to Lawliet's because his ending is where the anime continues and no one dies.

Nothing was happening. No one was falling on the ground or dying. Everyone was still alive.

   " We're still alive. It's been over a minute and we haven't died! " Matsuda said with amazement.

   " Didn't I already tell you all that no one was gonna die? " Near said

   " But why? Why won't they die? God! I did everything you told me! " He said shouting at Light

   " Rester, Gevanni, take him now! "

They charged at him and held him in place. They handcuffed him and he dropped the notebook. Light looked stunned. It looked as if his brain couldn't function.

   " Gevanni, the notebook, please. "

He brought the notebook to Near. Near let go of my hand to read it.

   " If you didn't believe me earlier, then see for yourselves. I can confirm that the first four names are definitely real names of the SPK members. The second four are the names of your team. The only names that haven't been written Y/n's name and Light Yagami. "

I could see Light snarling at Near.

   " We can tell it wasn't Y/n because Mikami here addressed you, Light Yagami, as God and said he did what you asked him to. It's settled. "

Light started taking deep breaths. It looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

   " It's a trap! This whole thing is a setup! This is all part of Near's plan to frame me! Isn't it a little odd that no one died after having their name written in the notebook? This proves its a trap! "

   ' I've never heard Light like this. He sounds... desperate. '

   " I believe I already told you that no one would die because I modified the notebook. "

   " No! You-That can't be! This is a setup. I don't know this guy! "

Mikami started crying from what Light said. Aizawa walked up to Light and placed a hand on his shoulder.

   " Light, it's too late to deny it. You know Near has won. Just a moment ago you said ' looks like I win '. How much more of a confession do we need? "

   " Light...why? "

Matsuda fell to his knees and Aizawa took his hand off of his shoulder. Mogi walked up to him and was about to put handcuffs on Light. When he yelled.

   " Stop it! "

He moved away from Mogi and started running away. Ran and then tripped. He started running again until his body met with a door to the building. One you would lift upward. He looked shaken and desperate for something, anything to happen. I walked closer to them. To the Task Force.

   " Light Yagami, L, Kira, it's over. You've lost the game. Just a moment ago you proclaimed your victory, expecting us all to die. And to tell the truth, you might've actually won. And I would've lost. We ended up doing exactly what you expected us to and altered the fake notebook in Mikami's possession. "

   " However, when he said they had modified the notebook, he was referring to the real notebook as well as the fake. They only switched part of the fake notebook. But as for the real one they replaced the entire thing. " Lawliet said

   " This notebook here is actually the real one. " Near said pulling the real notebook from his white shirt.

   " No! Impossible! " Light screamed.

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