A Different Light

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I picked up my phone and called Light.

   " Hello? "

   " Light did you see the news this morning? "

   " Yeah, I did. "

   " Is it bad that I don't feel bad for that biker guys death? I mean he was trying to harass that woman and he was punished for it. "

   " Did you miss the other guy who died? He was on the news last night he died of a heart attack and his hostages went free. "

   " It's weird. Hey, hold on a moment. "

I listened to the news again and waited for them to speak.

   " It seems that some of the world's worst criminals have all died by a heart attack. That is-"

   " Are you watching the news right now? "

   " Yes. "

   " Isn't that weird? All or most of the world's criminals have just died of a heart attack. That seems to...it seems to picked. "

   " Explain. "

   " It seems like someone did it and they didn't just die of a heart attack. There's someone behind it. "

   " That sounds crazy Y/n. How could he do that? They all just died of heart attacks. "

   " I don't know it just seems to categorized. Why only the criminals? "

   " Maybe the person doing it is trying to clean the world? "

   " Maybe, I don't know how to feel about that, but I can't worry about it now. I have to go I need to finish getting ready and I'll meet you outside. "

   " Alright, bye. "

I got off of the couch and grabbed my toast. I started eating it and I walked outside my house. I closed my door with a thud and locked it and walked away from my house. I walked down the road and saw Light waiting outside of his house. I ran the rest of the way and walked beside him.

   " Morning Light. "

   " Morning Y/n. Besides the news how was your morning? "

   " Fine. I just ate some toast and watched the news. "

   " How do you feel about that by the way? You never told me a straight answer. "

   " I don't know how to feel about it. Cause the criminals have died, but they died because someone did something. I don't know how but they managed to kill a lot of criminals. The words worst. "

   " I think they're doing the right thing. "

   " What? "

   " Well, it's kind of like their cleaning the world of the bad people that are tarnishing it. " 

   " That seems a little harsh though. Death? They are already serving time in jail. "

   " Looks like we're here. Do you have work today? "

   " Yeah, I have to work at the bakery after school today. "

   " I'll walk you home when you get off of work. "

   " Okay. I'll see you later. "

We separated from each other and walked to our classes. I tried my best to avoid the bullies and I seemed to be able to succeed in avoiding them. I made it to class without a scratch and sat in my usual seat. I waited all day for the bell to ring for me to go to work. Working at a bakery had its perks. The people were nice and I got to take a baked good home once every week. I heard the bell ring and I grabbed my stuff and left the class immediately. I ran through the school and made it outside before a fire like pain spread through my head. I stumbled and fell on my knees and held my head. It was throbbing and searing with pain.

   " Aww look at the mouse crumble. "

   " Isn't it pathetic? "

   " What do you two simpletons want? "

   " Just to have a little fun before you leave. "

   " I have to go so do it some other time. "

I stood up and started walking away when they pulled the collar of my uniform back. I let out a yelp and when they pulled me back they punched me in the gut. It hurt really bad and I held my stomach. Horie held my arms back and Rai started punching my stomach. 

   " Let me go! "

   " Not a chan-"

   " Stop it! "

I saw a figure stand in front of me and take one of Rai's punches to the stomach, but they didn't fall. They stood tall and proud. Horie let me go and the bullies ran away.

   " Light are you okay? "

   " Yeah, I'm fine. You should be more worried about yourself. You took a lot of punches. "

   " You came before they did anything severe. Because you're so popular they left and ran away. "

   " Hey, if my popularity helps save you from getting hurt I am all for staying popular. "

   " You're too nice to me Light. "

   " Come on I'll walk you to work. "

   " Okay thank you. "

We walked to the bakery together and we talked about our classes. Light made some funny jokes and we had a lot of good laughs but I could tell that something was off about him. I don't know what it was but his eyes looked a little more suspicious. A little more menacing, but I didn't think anything about it. We made it to the bakery and we said our goodbyes.

   " I'll see you after work Y/n. "

   " Bye, Light. "

Before I left Light brought me into a hug. 

   " Be careful Y/n. I know people are getting killed lately so please don't bring attention to yourself and get killed. I don't want to lose you. "

   " You won't lose me Light. I promise. "

I hugged him back before he gave me one final squeeze. He hesitated and then leaned down to kiss my forehead. I felt warmth where he kissed my forehead and on my cheeks from embarrassment. I saw light was blushing too before he walked off. I shook my head and walked inside the bakery waiting to have someone approach the counter. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I didn't recognize the number. I walked away from the counter a little and answered the call.

   " Hello? "

   " Hello is this Y/n? "

   " Yes, this is she. "

   " This is the National Police Agency. Two students in your class have just died from two heart attacks. Their names are Rai Hijamie and Horie Soungh. Do you happen to know them? "

   ' Oh my God. '

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