His Lies

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The next night I got out of the bed and went to get a shower. I cleaned and got changed. I put some shoes on and walked out of the door into the room. The task force was there along with Light. I didn't pay it any mind.

   " Ryuzaki can I have the folder from yesterday when I was sick? "

   " Only if you aren't sick anymore. "

   " I'm perfectly fine thank you. "

He handed me the folder and I read everything I missed the other night.

   ' So, I missed a video message from the second Kira about thanking the police for their advice and they will stop trying to find Kira. The catch is that they would still help Kira killing criminals. Well, this is getting more interesting by the day. '

   " They've made contact. " Ryuzaki said.

   " They have. Otherwise, why would this copy cat suddenly just stop searching for the original? They were so determined to meet them before so now you can tell they've met. "

   " That's how I've come to my conclusion, Light here didn't seem to get that conclusion though I'm afraid. "

   " Oh really? "

   " Yes. Light's percentage of being Kira has gone down because of this message. This is not something he would say. "

   ' I can tell he just lied. He believes Light is Kira still. He says the percentage has gone down but at this moment it probably stayed the same only going down by a point. '

   " Ryuzaki also admitted that Light was the first friend he had ever had. " Matsuda pointed out with a smile.

   ' Another lie. Ryuzaki is only saying that to get closer to Light because he still believes he is Kira. I think I was Ryuzaki's first friend anyway. That doesn't matter. Ryuzaki is lying to them all. Am I the only one who can see that he is lying? I understand why but can they not tell? '

From there Light filled me in on the rest of the situation.

   " Thank you, Light. "

   " Not a problem. "

   " Y/n can I talk to you for a moment? "

I looked towards Ryuzaki and saw him standing from his chair with a donut in hand.

   " Sure. "

We walked away from everyone and into the kitchen. I sat on the counter and Ryuzaki stood in front of me as he started licking the donut.

   " I needed to talk to you as well, Ryuzaki. Good timing. "

   " That's why I asked to talk to you. I saw that you wanted to say something during the overview. "

   " Yes, you lied to everyone didn't you? "

   " Please be more specific. "

   " You lied about Light's percentage going down. It may have gone down but by only one point I bet. Mr. Yagami was given the perception that it went down by more. "

   " You caught me on that. "

   " You also lied about Light being your first friend. "

   " Why do you think I lied about that? "

   " One, you have me. We met before Light knew you. Two, you just want to get closer to Light because you still believe he is Kira. "

   " Again you have caught me in my lies. I'm not surprised. I thought I played it off pretty well. "

   " You did. Everyone believed it. "

   " Everyone except you. "

   " Cause I'm smarter than the average person. "

He ate the rest of his donut and walked closer to me. He rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I felt heart rate pick up and my face get hot.

   " Close your eyes for a moment. Someones watching. " He whispered.

I closed my eyes and did as he said and I heard footsteps that weren't far away.

   " Ryuzaki I need Y/n for a moment. "

I opened my eyes and saw Ryuzaki's black orbs open as well. I looked to the doorway and saw Light standing there.

   " What do you need Light? "

   " I was going to ask if you wanted to walk home with me. I'm heading out now. "

   " Sure. I'll be a minute. "

   " Okay. I'll be by the door. "

   " Alright. "

Light left the kitchen and Ryuzaki pulled away from me. His thumb went to his mouth like usual and he started to get into his thinking mode.

   " Did you have to get that close? "

   " From my assumption yes I did. You seemed to like it a well due to your red cheeks. "

   " Alright, alright, alright. I gotta go. I'm going home. "

   " Have a good night and be careful Y/n. "

   " I will Ryuzaki. Try and get some rest. I know you are an insomniac but try. "

I left the kitchen and met Light by the door and we walked to the elevator. He called a cab and we got in as soon as it got there. It took us to our street and then it left. We started walking down the lit street.

   " How's your college working going? "

   " Top of the class as usual. "

   " Of course and are you still Mr. Popular? "

   " Somehow I am. "

   " It's a good thing sometimes. "

   " How? " Light said smiling towards me.

   " It's good because I get to tease you about it all the time. "

   " That's the only time it's good. "

   " Yes. It. Is. "

We continued to laugh and joke until I felt a pang in my chest. It hurt a little bit. I stopped walking and fell on the ground. I landed on my knees and I dropped my folder.

   " Y/n! "

Light ran to my side and held my arms.

   " Are you okay? What's wrong? "

I held my chest for a moment. I held my chest where my heart was. Light saw it and rubbed my back.

   " Just try to calm down. You're to stressed from work. "

I took a deep breath in and out until the pain went away. Once it did I gathered my stuff and stood up with Light's help.

   " Thank you, Light. I think I was about to have a heart attack. "

   " I'm glad you didn't have one. I don't want to see my best friend in a hospital bed. "

   " Light! "

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now