New Building

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   " About this Love at first sight. It happened in Aoyama on May 22, didn't it? "

   " So what? "

    " Why did you choose that day to go to Aoyama? And do you remember what you wore? "

   " It's like I told you. I just happened to go there. I don't know why. I don't remember how I felt and I don't even know what I was wearing. Anyways, since when do I need a reason to hang out in Aoyama, huh? "

Misa stepped away from Light and leaned towards Ryuzaki in a gesture meaning she was confident.

   " And somehow when you came back from Aoyama,  you knew that you were in love with some guy and that his name was Light. "

   " Yes. "

   " And yet, you yourself have no idea how you came to know his name. "

   " Yeah. So what? " Now she was in his face glaring at him. His facial expression stayed the same.

  " Tell me, what if Light was Kira? How would it make you feel? "

   " That would be wonderful. "

Misa walked back to Light and held his arm as she smiled.

   " I mean, I've always been grateful to Kira for punishing the man who murdered my parents. So, if I found out that Light was actually Kira, that would be like a bonus for me. If anything it would make me love him even more. "

   " But it's Kira. Wouldn't you be afraid? What if he tried to kill you? " I asked.

   " You're talking about Light being Kira. He wouldn't be scary at all. I'm a supporter of Kira, so If I found out that my Light was actually him, I'd think of how I could be helpful. "

I looked over at the other task force members and Aizawa looked like he was mad or in pain. Mr. Yagami was silent. No expression was in his eyes. When Matsuda was revealed to be Misa's new manager Aizawa snapped.

   " Would you cut it out with all this dating, kissing, and Misa-Misa talk already? This is the Kira investigation! Stop messing around! "

   " I'm sorry Aizawa. " Matsuda apologized.

   " No, it's alright. I've just figured out what the problem is. Misa Amane, it's time for you to go to your room. " Aizawa said standing up.

   " Why? "

   " Out you go! "

Aizawa was able to push her out even after she tried forcing her way back in and asking Light on a date. Aizawa looked relieved that she was gone.

   "  So, Light, are you serious about her? " Ryuzaki asked.

   " No way. Like I told you earlier, it's completely one-sided. I'm afraid I like someone else at the moment. "

Aizawa walked to Ryuzaki and I and took Ryuzaki's arms off of my waist. He nodded at me and I nodded back. Ryuzaki, Light, and I stood in a triangle. when Light said he was interested in someone else I noticed his eyes looked at me for a moment.

   " Then, could be at least pretend to be serious for the sake of the investigation and hold off on dating this other girl? There are two things I know about Amane for sure. one that she is involved in this and two that she's in love with you. "

    " You want me to become intimate with her to gather information about the Second Kira? "

   " Yes, I think you could do it without arousing her suspicions. this is the main reason why I agreed to release the two of you. "

Just Friends? ( Death Note Light x Reader x L )Where stories live. Discover now