The First Bite

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The next day after killing Suzuki Ouga, it was the usual as the previous day. The entire school squealing and blushing over Kira, who remained indifferent and playing on her phone while throwing a few flirty lines back and forth which almost caused the students to faint.
Zero and Yuki were sleeping again. Yuki woke up and let out a yawn. Her ear perked up towards the noise in the classroom.
"Kya~ Kira-sama you look so beautiful today!"
"Kira-Senpai is always beautiful"
"Kira San please notice me"
Yuki rolled her eyes at the comments and looked behind. She saw Kira sitting on the bench while all the students were gushing over her. The astonishing thing was that Zero was still sleeping peacefully through the loud and disturbing noise.
Yuki also saw her friend, Sayori Wakaba, looking at Kira with a curious expression.
Sayori saw that Yuki has woken up from her slumber and decided to talk to her.
"Hey Yuki!" Said Sayori
Yuki looked where the voice came from and smiled lazily.
"Oh... Hey Sayori..." She said and yawned right after.
"Yuki... I was wondering why the students are divided into night class and day class?"
Yuki choked on her saliva making Sayori somewhat suspicious. Yuki than laughed nervously.
"I mean.... are they lazy to get up in the morning and study so that's why they study at night because if that's the thing then even I want to join them" Sayori said hopefully.
"Or are we divided based upon our appearance but if that's the case shouldn't Kira and Zero be in the night class too?" Sayori said and looked at Yuki with an eyebrow raised.
"Uh well-"
"Alright class! Settle down!" The teacher interrupted Yuki.
Yuki was so happy for the first time seeing her geography teacher. She noticed the Sayori was still looking at her.
"Well.... let's focus on the class" She said to her.
Sayori sighed disappointedly and nodded while taking out her books and looking towards the board.
Yuki just hoped her friend would not ask about this topic again. She cannot think of anything to say, she can't just blurt out that the night class is filled with vampires because that's going to outrage her headmaster.
After class is over Sayori opened her mouth to say something but, to Yuki's delight, Kira came.
"Yo! Yuki" Kira said
"Hey Kira" Yuki said while smiling.
Kira looked besides Yuki and smiled. "Who might this pretty girl be?" She asked.
Sayori blushed and answered "Sayori, Sayori Wakaba"
"Hey Sayori! Really nice to meet you" Kira said.
"Y-Yeah you too" Sayori said shyly.
"Anyways~ let's go my dear Yuki" Kira said.
Yuki nodded and got up her seat while yelling "see you later Sayori!"
"Yeah see you, I'll ask my question again!" Sayori Yelled back.
"Uhhh...." Yuki just went out the class as fast as possible.
Kira smiled at Sayori one last time and mouthed 'bye pretty girl' to which Sayori blushed.
Kira went out and saw Yuki waiting for her. "By the way... which question was your friend talking about?" Kira asked while putting her arms around Yuki's shoulders.
"She asked me about how are the students divided into night class and day class" Yuki replied.
"Oh, and... what did you answer?" Kira asked.
"I was going to say something but fortunately the teacher came" Yuki said and Kira nodded.
"Hey! How dare you two leave me alone sleeping vulnerably in the class" they both turned around to where the voice came from and saw Zero running towards them angrily.
"Well, I thought it would be best not to disturb you during your nap time" Kira replied while shrugging.
Zero glared at Kira and said "well, thanks to you that old hag scolded me again"
"Yeah you deserved it for slacking off" Kira said nonchalantly.
Zero glared at Kira while Kira looked at him with calmness. Yuki was feeling a bit awkward in this situation.
"Uhh guys.... maybe we should get going to the moon dorm gates" Yuki said hesitantly.
Zero broke his eye contact with Kira still pissed. Zero looked at Yuki who seemed tensed.
"Yeah let's go" Zero said like an obedient toddler who was scolded by his mother.
Kira didn't say anything but started walking towards the moon dorm while Zero and Yuki followed right behind.
As soon as the trio reached the gates opened leading to the high pitched screams being louder.
Yuki immediately ran off to stop the fangirls from trampling over the night class students due to their obsession. "Everyone please step back- Kira help me!" Yuki was trying her best to stop the girls.
Kira sighed and walked forward. She glared at the girls who seemed to have quite down completely.
The night class students looked at Kira seemingly impressed. Kaname was watching her like she was the only free sample tofu left after which there were dozens of people.
Kira than smiled sweetly at the girls and said "hey ladies~ remember what I told you yesterday? You need your sleep to remain all pretty and young. So... how about you go back to your dorm"
The girls all squealed and ran towards their dorm. All the night class students remained dumbfounded.
"Well... is that how you cleared the fans yesterday also?" Asked Reiji
Kira looked at him with a poker face and said "Well yeah"
Kira than turned towards Zero and Yuki who were casually standing like used to it all. "Let's go, I'm starving" Kira said.
Zero nodded and went forward with Kira. Yuki looked towards Kaname and bowed "See you later Kaname senpai"
Kaname looked at the brunette girl and smiled "yeah see you too Yuki, you better get some rest"
Yuki smiled and nodded then ran towards Zero and Kira.
"She is an interesting girl" Reiji said
Kaname glared at Reiji and said "If you dare to touch Yuki I swear-"
"Who is talking about that stupid girl. I mean Kira" Reiji said while scoffing.
"Don't call her stupid you damn bastard" Kaname said through his gritted teeth and glaring daggers at Reiji.
Reiji merely ignored him and couldn't stop thinking about Kira.

"Hey, I'll be going somewhere" Zero said and got up from the table. They were eating their dinner which was just some ramen noodles.
"Alrife (alright)" Yuki said while still eating her noodles which muffled her voice.
Kira smacked Yuki and said "Don't talk while eating, it's disgusting!"
Yuki just shrugged and continued eating her food. Zero sighed and went outside the dinner hall.
Zero reached the stables and affectionately petted the white horse. Suddenly he felt a throbbing pain and he winced.
"Damn it!" Zero shouted and sat down. He took out his blood tablets and gulped one down.
"Hey, you okay?" Zero heard a soft angelic voice.
He looked up and saw Kira staring down at him. "K-Kira?" He managed to say before another throbbing pain attacked him.
Kira quickly went down to Zero and patted him tenderly. Zero looked up to see Kira looking at him with concern. His heart was beating fast. 'Is she concerned about me?' He thought.
Kira sat down besides Zero and sighed deeply. "Shizuka's bite really affected you, huh?"
Zero didn't say anything but buried his face in his hands. Kira looked at Zero with a pitiful gaze.
"You know, blood tablets aren't going to help you but just worsen the situation." Kira said.
"I haven't got any other choice" Zero said still not looking up.
"You have to have some blood once in a while" Kira said.
"I can't just drink anyone's blood and I loathe the smell of blood or anything related to those monsters" Zero said and looked ahead with eyes void of any emotions.
Kira sighed and went closer to Zero in front of him. Zero looked at her with a confused expression.
"What?" He asked.
Kira didn't say anything but just unbuttoned the top of her shirt. Zero was blushing crazily. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked while turning his head to look anywhere but at the soft jade like skin of the girl in front of him.
"Here drink my blood" Zero heard Kira say which was more of a demand.
Zero looked at Kira's neck which was smooth and he was having a strong urge of just licking her soft skin and biting it to get a taste of her delicious blood. Zero shook his head and cleared away the thoughts.
"No! I'm not having your blood" Zero said like a stubborn toddler.
Kira sighed again and took Zero's head closer to her neck. "Drink now" Kira said. Zero finally couldn't take it anymore. He licked her neck and blushed. Kira didn't flinch.
'Geez this girl remains calm even during such a intimate moment' Zero thought to himself before biting Kira's neck. The warm and delicious liquid went down his throat. Zero wanted more and more of her blood but stopped himself before letting out the actual monster inside of him.
Zero looked at Kira who flashed him a smile.
"Feeling better?" Kira asked.
Zero nodded softly and pulled Kira into a hug. Kira was taken aback with the sudden action but nonetheless hugged him back.
"Will I... will I also turn into a monster?" Zero asked his voice barely audible.
Kira smiled and pulled out of the hug and looked straight at Zero. "No, of course you won't!" She said. Zero smiled at her and rested his head on her lap. After a while Kira saw Zero asleep.
She smiled at the vulnerable form of her close friend and said to herself "don't worry my friend. I'll protect you and Yuki no matter what"

_________________________________Hey guys!!!I'm so sorry for the super late update

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Hey guys!!!
I'm so sorry for the super late update.

Wasn't our little tsundere Zero just so cute in this chapter.
I hope you like this story. Keep reading to see more of Hitomi Kira.

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