Trahison des clercs

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"This map looks.... unique." Mika said.
"Definitely complicated." Kira said.
"We can't even jump through the window. It will be suicide."
"How will we get out now? What if they find us? What if they kill us? What if-" Shota blurted our panicked.
Liam interrupted, "Shut up, Shota! All of us are scared here, so please stop making us more..." Liam was trembling with tears in his eyes, he wanted to go home to his mom and dad.
"I-I th-think we-we sh-should t-take a ch-chance." Shin said with a newfound determination.
"Talked like a real man, Shin." Kira said smiling to which Shin blushed.
Liam chuckled, all traces of tears vanishing. Kira looked at Shota, who had a solemn look on his face.
"Hey, Shota." Kira said. "You know we'll get out of here no matter what. So, let's take Mission Possible to whole another level, yeah?"
Shota gave a weak smile which Kira returned with a bright one. Why does he look so weird, Kira thought. Perhaps missing his home.
"Alright, now let's try to get through this map." Mika said.
"Uh-Huh." Kira replied opening the paper again.
"Geez, I feel dizzy just by looking at it." Shota muttered to which everyone chuckled.
"Can't agree more with ya." Liam said.
"I think we should search for some more clues." Mika said and everybody agreed. They searched for 5 minutes but found nothing.
"Ugh! This is soooooo annoying!" Shota said.
"We should get out of here for now." Kira said and everybody went out. Kira too a last glance at the large window and thought, we have to get out of here.
No one noticed a tiny device, twinkling with red light.

They came across various rooms but found nothing useful. They tried to navigate through the map again, that too didn't work.
"My legs are paining." Shota said.
"I know. But we can't stop here, what if someone finds us?" Kira asked.
Liam slumped onto the floor panting. "This place is so big."
"Let's rest for awhile, please." Shota said.
"T-too t-tired." Shin said and slumped down besides Liam.
"Alright you guys stay here, while I try to find some safer place till then. Ok?" Kira asked.
"I'll come with you." Mika said. "I'm not too tired anyways."
"Kay, let's go." Kira said. Then she looked at the three tired boys and said, "Do not move while we two are out."
Both of them went. Then Shota sat down on the ground.
"How can both of them not get tired?" He asked.
Liam shrugged. "I want to get out of here."
"I-I a-am sc-scared." Shin said, new pool of tears forming in his eyes.
"We all are, Shin." Shota said.
"There's no point in crying." Liam said. Shin nodded. After a few seconds of silence, Liam decided to break it.
"Hey Shin, I've noticed you taking glances at Kira once in awhile." Liam said, smirking.
"W-What?" Shota chocked on his saliva.
"Aww come on, don't deny it~" Liam said causing Shota to blush.
Shin grinned. (Pun intended)
"S-Shut u-up!" Shota said, looking the opposite direction.
"How tsundere, Shota~" Liam said.
"Too much otaku-ness is getting to your brain." Shota said, glaring at Liam. Liam gave him a grin.
"Shh... do you hear that?" Shota asked.
"What?" Liam asked. Suddenly there were footsteps.
"W-What's t-that?" Shin asked.
Suddenly everything went black.

"That was such a fail." Kira said, sighing. Mika nodded.
They were heading back to the place, where they left behind the boys. Kira halted in her steps.
"What happened?" Mika asked. Then she too stopped.
There was.....
No one.
"Geez! I told them not to go anywhere!" Kira huffed. "Such idiots!"
"Do you smell that?" Mika asked.
"It's blood."
Kira gasped. "Y-You th-think th-they are k-"
"No, the smell is faint." Mika said. "I think they might have been bitten."
"Shit!" Kira said. "They took them!"
"We must find them." Mika said and Kira nodded.
"Let's go fast!" Kira said.
They followed Mika's strong sense of smell. They ended up in front of another giant double doors.
The duo nodded at each other and pushed the door open. "This is heavier than the last one." Kira said.
Suddenly the doors opened as if inviting them in. "Let's go." Mika said. They tried to put aside the unusual door opening by itself.
They walked in. It was cold and dark, even though it was still in the afternoon. A giant glass chandelier hung on the ceiling. 
This place will give you the chills but the two girls decided to put aside the horror setting. Finding their friends was now their top priority.
Kira stopped abruptly, her eyes widening with horror and disbelief. Mika's eyes widened too.

There hung Liam and Shin crucified. Shin looked normal but Liam's appearance was enough to scare the living daylights out of them.
His height looked the same but his face was deathly pale. Half of his albino hair had vanished. There were wrinkles all over his face. Blood drip down from both of their heads. But for Liam, blood was flowing from his closed eyes too.
"LIAM! SHIN!" Kira screamed, tears streaming down her face. Mika too was crying.
"K-Kira?" They heard Shin's almost inaudible voice.
"Shin!" Their heads snapped up. "W-What ha-happened?" Kira asked, hiccuping. Before she knew it, Shin was crying.
"V-Vampires bl-blood L-Liam." He wasn't able to form sentences due to the shock he received earlier.
"The-They s-sucked L-Liam's bl-blood?" Kira asked and Shin nodded furiously. "Pl-Please re-release..." He said trying to get out of the giant glass cross.
"Oh my~ you children came so quickly?" They heard a voice, Shin's eyes widened before more tears fell out. There stood Gale smirking.
Kira glared at him. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO LIAM!!?"
Gale smiled. "Ah~ that boy... his blood was so delicious and sweet." He said, his pupils dilating due to excitement. "His screams... those were music to my ears... and his blood was just... divine."
"YOU FREAK!!!!" Kira screamed at him, a sudden urge of murder came to her.
"Shh... such vulgar language." Gale sighed. "Children these days..."
"Wh-Where's Sh-Shota?" Mika asked. Gale's crazed smile widened.
"Ah that other boy..." Gale said.
"What did you do to him!?" Kira growled out.
"You'll be happy to hear he is safe." Gale said. "....If fact, he is the one who helped us in this game of cat and mouse."
"What do you mean?" Kira asked.
Gale smirked and went to Kira. "I mean... you little friend helped us find you." He whispered in her ears.
Kira felt her world crashing down. Shota betrayed us?... No! He's lying!.... right?
"You-You are de-definitely lying!" Kira said.
"No, he isn't Kira" She heard the all too familiar voice say.
"Shota!" Kira exclaimed, smiling but she got a blank and cold stare back from him. Her smile dropped. 
"Please tell me he is lying, Shota." Kira said. She got no response from him.
"SHOTA! YOU GODAMN IDIOT!" Shin yelled from behind. "HOW COULD YOU HURT LIAM!?"
"Tsk, how noisy." Shota muttered, glaring at Shin.
"Well, I must honestly say your acting skills were amazing, 𝘴𝘰𝘯." Gale said.

The Scarlet Minute (a VK and DL fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now