Special: The quest of Gronolé Key

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Hey guys!!!!
This is kind of a filler chapter, so it's not related to the plot whatsoever. But yeah, a few things in this chapter are important. So basically this chapter is to improve the relation between Kira and the diabolik lovers cast.
"What are you doing in the moon dorm?" Asked Reiji.
"I was here for some business." Kira replied nonchalantly.
"What kind of business?"
"I suppose, I am not obliged to tell you."
"Hey, what is this demon doing here?" Said a certain red head.
"My my~ what is this lovely young lady doing here?" Said a Laito randomly appearing with Kanato.
"Ne teddy, seems like Kira-san is here to visit us." Kanato then looked at Kira and smiled warmly which appeared to be psychotic. "Would Kira-san like to have some chocolate soufflé with us?"
'This kid has got some serious problems'. Kira thought.
Kira then looked down to see a blonde head sitting on the ground, listening to something and sleeping. 'Is he sleeping in the aisle?' Kira asked to herself.
"Tch, this damn deadbeat sleeps the first opportunity he gets." Reiji said visibly annoyed.
Shuu opened one of his eyes slightly and then closed them again as if none of them were worth his time.
"What is this damn mortal doing here!?" Yelled Subaru while breaking the wall with his hands.
"You know that wall was my favorite wall." Kira said.
"But it's just like the others." Ayato said.
"I just love walls." Kira looked at the now dented wall with sorrow.
"Ok... weird fetish but oh well." Ayato said while looking at her.
"Oh my~ what is sweet little neko-chan doing in this shady place..... that too with the jerks." Kou's voice changed from cheerful to disgusted in no time.
"Neko?" Kira asked raising an eyebrow. Kou smiled at her ignoring the glares from the Sakamaki brothers.
"Yup! You're as cute as a kitty cat!" Kou said.
"Uh.... thanks." Kira replied.
Kira looked to see the other three Mukami brothers appear behind Kou glaring at the Sakamakis which they returned whole heartedly.
Kira could feel the tension on the air. "Uhh... Anyways I'll have to leave." She said.
"Wait-" Reiji was interrupted by a giggle coming out of nowhere.
"Call me crazy but I just heard a sick laugh." Ayato said.
"No we all heard it." Kira said looking around to find the source. There was a loud thunder before everything went pitch black.

Kira woke up to see a forest and all the 10 vampire brothers sitting there acting like they did not just end up in a random green forest after a sickly giggle and a loud thunder.
"Oh you're awake." Ruki stated turning the attention of the brothers to Kira.
"Yeah.... but how did we get here?" Kira asked.
Yuma stood up from the rock he was sitting on and dusted himself. "To be honest none of us know."
"I guess we should move on then." Kira said standing up and walking towards the deeper end of the forest with the brothers right after her.
When Kira came to a stop, there was giant pit in the middle. Kira looked at the brothers who were looking at the pit trying to figure it out.
"I think we should jump inside the pit." Kira said.
"Lady's first." Ayato said and the other brothers agreed. Kira looked at them and sighed then jumped.
Kira looked around to see complete darkness. Suddenly she felt herself fall down with a heavy figure on top.
"Ow...Geez." Said Ayato. He felt a soft figure beneath him and from his vampire sense of smell, it was Kira.
"Geez get off me whoever it is." Kira groaned.
Ayato smirked "of course not princess~"
"Ayato! You damn son of a-"
"Shh... don't start with your colorful words Kira." Ayato said.
"Oh puh-lease you use it more than I do." Kira said.
"Now can you get off or shall I throw you off?"
Ayato got off realizing now Kira was pissed. Kira got up from the support of a rock or so she thought. It was after all really dark.
Soon after all the brothers came down. "I can't see anything." Kira said.
"Well too bad, let's go." She heard Yuma say.
"Wait you guys can see?"
"What a stupid question. Of course we can. We're the creature of night so we do have night vision." She heard Reiji say.
"Then can you be a gentleman and take out a flashlight or something?" Kira asked impatiently.
Just a second after saying that the place lit up from god knows where. Kira could now see the place which looked like a normal rock cave.
"Well then let's get going." Kira said and went ahead not minding the source of light. The boys followed suit.
After a bit of walking they reached a giant door with some ancient language engravings on it.
They opened the huge door and much to their surprise there was a girl around the age of 13 sitting on a throne made of.... bones?
But I guess anything is possible if you hear a creepy ass giggle followed by a lightning and a random rock cave with lights coming from some random place.

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