The wrath of devil

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𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓲𝓼 𝓮𝓶𝓹𝓽𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭
𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮.
-𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓶 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓮

Kira was staring at them with extreme loathe and hatred. These people are the ones who made her dear friend suffer and she is going to make them experience a living hell.
"Zero, let's get over with this job ASAP" Kira said earning a nod from Zero. She took out dragonslayer and pointed it towards Brethren.
Brethren's eyes widened in fear seeing the weapon pointed towards him. He turned towards Ramos who was equally scared.
"R-Ramos pr-press the b-button" Brethren ordered.
Ramos was too scared to listen to his boss's orders. It felt like he was hypnotized by those scarlet eyes. His entire world had been transformed into those two red glowing spheres. It was dark and empty like the universe after a cataclysm. He felt numb. Lost all sensation. It was like his feet was glued to the place he was standing in.
He was so stressed out that he looked like he had grown a 100 years older. Why did he even volunteer to do this? If only he had known that the devil would be here too....
"RAMOS!" Ramos finally snapped out and regained his wits. He looked over to see his boss calling for him.
"Ramos, press the button!" Brethren said. Ramos got a ray of hope. The button, the red button. They can get backup. These two can't win against a several people.... right?.
But the strange thing was neither of the two hunters made a move to stop them from calling backup. It was as if they wanted more people, which was certainly very true.
'You wanna call people? Call the entire building. It will be fun watching them die with my own hands' Kira thought grinning which sent shivers down Brethren and Ramos's spine.
Right after Ramos presses the button, a loud alarm rang through the entire building. Funny it reminded Kira of an ambulance.
Kira stood there again with a poker face while Zero did the same.
Brethren laughed "Now you two won't be able to go back alive."
Kira raised her eyebrows in fake curiosity "Oh really?"
Brethren scrunched his face in confusion. He finally burst out saying "YOU TWO ARE GOING TO DIE! WHY AREN'T YOU SCARED!"
Kira tapped her fingers on her chin pretending to be thinking. "Hmmm.... maybe because we aren't a bunch of coward bastards like you."
Before Brethren could say anything the emergency double door burst open revealing around 20 men. Some of them who Kira recognized from playing poker and drugs.
"Is there anything wrong boss?" One of the few men asked.
Brethren looked at Kira and Zero, finally gaining some confidence "I need you all to kill these two."
All the men looked at Kira and Zero dumbfounded. "Boss, do we need 20 men to kill two kids?" Another one asked.
Brethren looked at the group and glared "Just do what I say, yes you all will do this do you understand."
All the men nodded still kinda down. Does their boss think they have no skill? 20 men to kill two ordinary brats.
The men took out their weapons. Kira was still smiling and kept her dragonslayer back. Brethren and Ramos went to the corner not wanting to get involved. Kira and Zero took out their weapons and looked at each other.
"Let's do this Zero."
"Uh huh, let's do equal."
"Alright 10 you and 10 me."
The men were very angry. First their boss looked down on them and now these brats are treating them like a bunch of pests.
The men charged towards them all together. Kira took forward her knife and sliced one of the men who came towards her yelling "DIE!."
Zero took out his pocket knife and slashed another one. Like this and now only 4 men were left.
The four stared at the dead bodies of their friends including Brethren and Ramos who looked like they were about to faint any moment now. The blood resembled a red carpet on the floor. 16 dead. Kira and Zero were standing in between the scenario. If anyone would've to express views on it, two demons would've been the first words.
The four men were trembling from fear after witnessing the devil's way of killing. They backed up a bit. Kira smirked seeing that.
"Want to run away?" She asked mockingly.
The men didn't say anything. Brethren was also trembling "What do you mean run away? FIGHT YOU FOUR." He said but the men were lost in their own worlds thinking of escape.
'Who cares if the boss hates them, after all their life is more important than pleasing the man who was just standing by and watching.' Finally the four dashed towards the door.
Kira and Zero chased towards them and slashed them all at once. Brethren let out a gasp of horror. Ramos was out of breathe. He cannot die today, this.... this can't happen.
Kira looked at them with disgust clear in her eyes. She looked at Yuki through the giant glass window. She was sitting, her head tilted slightly towards the side. Though her eyes were blindfolded, it was quite clear she had fainted.
Kira looked at Yuki with sorrow in her eyes 'I'm so sorry Yuki.... only if I payed more attention to you.'
She took a deep breathe and looked towards Zero. "Zero, how about you go back to cross academy with Yuki and inform Kaien and the others about the things which happened."
Zero nodded and said "But will you be able to manage it alone?"
Kira nodded and said "Yes" She looked at Brethren and Romos's pathetic state "Anyways, it's not like these two are capable of doing anything."
Zero sighed and went outside the door. After a few seconds he appeared in the window. He untied Yuki's hands and took off the blindfold. He then picked her up bridal style and looked at Kira.
"Just be sure to be back quick." He said "But make sure they experience hell." Kira smirked and nodded "I will."
Zero went outside with Yuki. Kira turned around to look at Brethren and Ramos who were unable to speak.
Kira knocked them both down then tied their hands and legs with a rope. Kira looked around where all the 20 dead bodies were lying.
"I feel kinda proud of this."
She was wondering how did Hunter get the address to of the place. "That man sure is good at what he does."
After a few minutes Brethren and Ramos tried to shift around. When they saw Kira standing in front of them, their eyes widened.
"Well, you both are awake." Kira said "I've got to do a little interrogation, and you know what will happen if you don't answer my question or lie, right?" She smirked sadistically.
"P-Please s-spare m-me." Ramos inhaled a deep breathe to calm himself down and gestured towards Brethren "It wasn't my fault, it was all this man, he is the one who told me kidnap Kaien's daughter to satisfy a grudge."
Brethren looked at Ramos like he was just dumped after nine years of dating "Wait-" He opened his mouth to protest.
"Keep quiet." Kira said to him and he did immediately. She then looked at Ramos and asked "What grudge?"
"I-I d-don't kn-know." He said. Kira sighed and then showed her pocket knife. Ramos gasped and said "I-I se-seriously d-don't kn-know."
"You know, I'm not called a professional hunter for nothing. I can tell when a person is lying or telling the truth." Her eyes then turned dark "And I absolutely loathe people who lie."
Ramos still denied. Kira took his hand gently and peeled off a nail. Ross screamed. Then she peeled another one and then another one. She did until all the nails of his right hand were peeled.
Ramos had fainted due to the pain which Kira intended to do. Kira then looked at Brethren, who was smiling seeing Ramos in pain, with a glare.
Brethren's smile turned into a frown seeing Kira's glare. He gulped. Then Kira asked him "You, of course, should know about the grudge, I suppose."
Brethren's body became stiff. He looked at Ramos again and his hand. If he didn't say it, he might get a worse torture than Ramos. His mind was conflicted with two different thoughts. Should he say or not? Should he fall off the cliff or jump in the mouth of a lion?.
Kira raised and eyebrow "You see, I'm a really busy person so I haven't got much time." She then smiled "So, will you tell me or do you want something much worse than what your friend got there? Because I'll be more than happy to give you such a treatment."
"S-Shut up, y-you can't d-do an-anything t-to me, or else y-you wi-will g-get k-killed." Brethren tried to threaten.
Kira's eyes held amusement "Do you really think you're in the position to threaten me?"
"Fine, I'll tell you." Brethren said wanting to cry.
Kira continued to smile "Good, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
Zero (as you already know) can use bloody rose only on vampires and that's the same for Kira and dragonslayer.
Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. There will be romance ahead, so don't worry.
Keep reading to see more of Kira and her sadistic, sassy, savage and romantic journey with vampires.

Yours truly,

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