The start

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A short notice from Kira and the others:
Kira: Hey there, my beloved fans!
Ayato: (scoffing) Your fans? They're my fans, you idiot.
Kira: oh? Is that so?, cuz the last time I checked I was the protagonist of this story.
Yuki: (sweat dropping) Can we just get to the point.
Kaname: (sighing) it's no use taking to these uncultured people, Yuki.
Kira and Ayato: Who the hell are you calling uncultured!?
Shu: So noisy.
Kira: Anyways, as everyone knows this is a dangerous period, not as dangerous as me though-
Kaname: We're hoping that you guys are not getting out of your houses-
Zero: They're not as dumb as you to be not aware of this obvious fact.
Kaname: -Washing your hand atleast for 20 seconds-
Ayato: 20 WHOLE SECONDS!? That's sooooooo long.
Laito: Yeah this glutton here will eat the food without even washing his hands.
Reiji: Unhygienic good-for-nothing.
Kaname: -maintaining social distances-
Kira: Yeah dudes, avoid getting chummy with others.
Kou: Aww~ I was about to go hunting for some delicious blood.
Kaname: I swear if you people interrupt-
Kira: How long will you talk, dude?
Ayato: Yeah man, you're like hogging all the screen time.
Ace: I thought we were talking in a book.
Ayato: Do you think I care.
Kaname: Can I finish? Cause I don't want you idiots to speak such important note.
Ayato: I DON'T KNOW!
Author: SHUT UP YOU BUNCH OF- *beep* *beep* *beep* *beeeeeeeeeeep*. Stop annoying the readers.
Everyone: (sweat dropping)
Author: (smiling at Yuki) Yuki darling, please continue.
Yuki: R-Right.... anyways, please avoid eating restaurant-made food.
Ayato: Aww~ that means i can't enjoy takoyaki.
Kira: Like honestly, I think ramen is better.
Ace: Hey! I like ramen too.
Zero: Tch, don't they know sushi is so much more better.
Azasu: But I like churros......
Kanato: Should I eat pancakes or cupcakes for lunch... tough choice.
Ruki: Can I leave?
Subaru: How immature.
Yuma: My tomatoes are the best.
Author: Anyways that was it. Now we'll continue the 42nd chapter, 'the start'. Please enjoy!
Kira: Wait I'm not done talking-
Yuki knew something was different today. Kira was behaving rather unusually. First of, she didn't give Yuki her famous glare as a greeting in the morning.
Secondly, she didn't give her a nasty scowl when Yuki day besides her during breakfast. Yuki saw Kira's knee and the blood had been clotted.
Perhaps she knew Yuki aided to her- no she definitely thinks Uncle Kaien did it, Yuki thought, but why is she behaving this way. Maybe she was tired of showing her hatred towards Yuki. Yeah that's it-
"Your breakfast is getting cold." Kira stated, getting Yuki back on earth.
"Y-Yeah." Yuki tried you pick the spoon but by mistakenly tripped the glass of orange juice.
"I-I am sorry. I'll clean it right away." She said as she got up to get the table wipe.
"It's fine, I'm finished with my food so I'll do it."
"If your food is kept like that for even a minute more, it'll get cold and will taste bad." Kira said. "You might probably throw it and I don't like wastage of food. So sit and eat."
"A-Alright." Yuki said as she picked her fork and digged into her eggs.

Kaien knew the relation between Yuki and Kira was not good and adding another child would just make it worse. But it's not like he can leave him here.
His parents were killed by the pureblood and his twin brother was abducted. The child is already quite traumatized, he can just hope Kira doesn't treat him the same way as Yuki.
It's not like he became cold-hearted towards Kira, in fact she is like his daughter. But now he has got two more responsibilities, and accepting Kira's harsh behavior, will just make her more cynical.
Kaien can just hope one day they'll all get along. Maybe he should call Toga for help. But Toga doesn't know the language of children either.
He hasn't been this confused since the first time he started being a hunter. Can he find a guide to parenting 101?

Kira and Yuki were watching 'The nightmare before Christmas', when the doorbell rang. "I'll go get it." Yuki said, Kira didn't mind- she was too focused on the movie.
Yuki ran to the door only to see Kaien was silver-haired boy. His clothes were all bloody and torn. His hair was all messed up. Dirt and scars on his face. In other words he looked like a survivor of a zombie apocalypse.
"Uncle Kaien... this...."
"This is Zero Kiryu."
Kira ears perked up at the name, Kiryu. She ran to the door. She saw the boy and then looked at Kaien. "Kiryu. One of the legendary hunter families?"
"Ah! Kira, seems like you know them." Kaien said.
"They're famous. Wait, so this dude here is their child." Kira asked.
Kira was confused as to why the Kiryu child was here.
"He'll be staying with us from now on." Kaien said.
"WHAT!?" Kira and Yuki screamed simultaneously, causing the Silverette to cover his ears.
"But why?" Yuki asked.
"His parents have died." Kaien stated causing Kira and Yuki to shut up. Zero looked at the two with hostility. Kira recognized the expression almost immediately. It reminded her of the Kira from almost 2 years ago.
"Go inside Zero. Kira and Yuki will help you to settle in." Kaien said as he lightly pushed Zero.
"Tch." Was all he said before walking in. Yuki asked Kaien some more questions, most of which Kaien didn't answer. While Kira's gaze was still on Zero who had seated himself in the kitchen.
Kaien saw Kira's gaze and he knew what she was thinking about. He had the same condition as Kira. He too passionately hated vampires.
He left Zero to Kira and Yuki. After all he had to check up on Ace too.
Hey guys!
I know this chapter was too short but the next chapter will be larger. 😅😅
Also I, hereby, change Kira's IQ level to 160, because 200+ IQ is just too illogical. And I would like to say the sequence of this book is not at all the same as the anime. As most of you've already noticed that that I've added a few scenes of VK guilty too. Even the dialogues and actions are not the same. So yeah...

Yours truly,

The Scarlet Minute (a VK and DL fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now