Hitomi Kira's past (2)

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Gale and Claus were drinking the famous earl grey tea when the phone rang.
Gale looked at Claus then went towards the phone.
*insert intense suspense music*
He picked it up and before he could even say a greeting, the voice on the other line said coolly. "Tell Claus to stay in the mansion all day tomorrow."
"Wait was that Kaien?" Gale muttered to himself, before nodding his head.
"What did he say?" Claus asked.
"He asked you to stay at the mansion all day tomorrow." Gale replied, plopping himself in the couch.
"But why?"
"Got no clue. Perhaps some vampire who seeks vengeance."
"But Kaien knows I can defeat them."
"Listen, if Kaien told you to stay in all day, then there must be some important reason."
"I know but I need answers." Claus said and went towards the same telephone Kaien called in.
He dialed the number and after a few minutes, the call connected.
"Hello?" It was Ryan Lockhart who picked the phone.
"Hey Ryan, I need to speak to Kaien regarding why he said I should stay at the mansion all day?"
"Oh... about that."
"Wait you know about it too?"
"Well... yeah."
"Then will you care to fill me in because I don't like staying in the dark."
"Listen bud, I can't talk about it on phone but when Kaien comes there tomorrow, he'll explain everything to you."
"I know it's frustrating but please try to understand." Ryan said with underlying desperation.
Claus sighed. This friend of his really knew how to persuade him.
"...Fine. As long as Kaien tells everything about it to me tomorrow."
"Of course he will. Ok now, I really need to leave so talk to you later."
"Yeah later."
Claus turned towards his friend who looked at him with curiosity.
"Any clue?" Gale asked.
Claus shook his head. "Nope, I talked to Ryan and he said that Kaien will fill me in with the details tomorrow."
Something flashed in Gale's eyes which Claus couldn't see.

"Honey are you sure we should stay here and wait for Cross?" Carla asked. When she got to know about what Kaien told, she freaked out.
Claus looked at his wife and smiled trying to reassure her. "I mean it's Kaien Cross we're talking about and I trust him wholeheartedly."
Carla smiled and started brushing the silky raven hair of her sleeping daughter. She looked so peaceful, without any care in the world. Carla wished she could grant her children some real peace.
"Darling, Gale and Kaien will be here within 10 minutes." Claus informed checking his phone.
Carla nodded and got up. "I'll start preparing some tea and snacks." Then she went into the kitchen.
After a few more minutes of waiting, Gale and Kaien came into the mansion.
Claus hugged the blonde friend. Kaien hugged him back. "Long time no see, Cross."
"Yes, it's been a long time, Hitomi." Kaien replied but his smile twitched and Claus could see beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.
Claus noticed his discomfort but smiled nonetheless and said. "Why don't you two come in, it's pretty humid outside."
The duo came in and sat on the couch. Kaien looked at Kira who was sleeping in one of the couches. He smiled.
"She sure has grown up." Kaien said.
"Yeah and I bet she'll get the model looks from her mom." Claus said, puffing out his chest like a proud dad.
Kaien and Gale chuckled lightly and sat down on the other couch. Carla came in the drawing room followed by a maid carrying the tea and cookies (did they have Oreos back then?).
Carla smiled at the two guests and offered some traditional Matcha tea before leaving with Kira.
"Mmm.... that's some really flavorful tea." Gale said.
Claus rolled his eyes and looked at Kaien who was calmly sipping his tea. "Alright now Kaien. Let's get straight down to business... about your strange request?" Claus asked eyeing his friend carefully clearly noticing how his calm demeanor stiffened.
"Yes, I'll tell you all about it but before read this document." Kaien said handing him a official looking piece of paper.
Claus glanced at it and asked "Who gave it?"
"It was given to Ryan by Mr. Otsuki who gave it to me to give it to you." (Wow that was confusing sentence).
Claus read the paper and his eyes widened. "A resignation letter!!!?" Claus asked abruptly getting up from his seat and looking at Kaien with pure disbelief and shock.
"Why would Mr. Otsuki do that? Did I do something wrong? Did I provoke the wrong person or something?" Claus threw question like bullets through a machine gun.
"Calm down, man" Gale said, sweat dropping knowing what will happen next. Claus' frantic state immediately got replaced by a cold and ruthless aura. His eyes radiated danger.
"What's the meaning of this, Kaien?" His voice was as cold as his aura but Kaien didn't seem fazed after all he too did the same when angry.
"I need you to read it entirely before jumping into conclusions, Claus." Kaien replied back to sipping his tea.
Gale looked at Claus then at Kaien. These two demons seem to get along really well, hope he doesn't get murdered between their Cold War.
Claus looked back at the paper. "Its just written that Kaien Cross will explain the further details." Claus looked at Kaien.
"Exactly. Give me a chance to explain the situation properly."
"Go on."
"Well, you're one of our best vampire hunters and surely you and Carla have hunted down many vampires. But currently we've come across a person or a vampire who is targeting you and Carla and is hell bent on killing you both." 
"So, the hunter association can suppress them easily." Claus said narrowing his eyes.
"If it was so simple, we wouldn't  have to resort to such measures."
"So the guy is a mastermind whom hundreds of professional hunter cannot catch?"
"When you put it that way, it sounds insulting."
"It is."
Kaien sighed. "Listen Claus, if this guy gets to you think about what will happen to Kira and Carla. You're one of the best hunters like Carla was but you should know when to stop just like how Carla did."
Claus sighed. Vampire hunting wasn't just a job for him, it was his was of taking out his anger.
"Claus I think you should give it a thought." Gale said.
"Yes, I'll give you time anyways I've got other places to be right now."
Claus shook Kaien's hand and hugged Gale before they left. Claus look back at the resignation letter.
"Protect Carla and Kira by resigning, huh." Claus muttered to himself closing his eyes.
Suddenly Claus heard gunshots and windows shattering. He shot up from the couch and went to where the sound cane from. Over there he saw 5 people... no more like 5 vampires.
They looked at him with hatred. Claus got out his anti-vampire sword, DragonSlayor. He started slashing the vampires but none of them seemed affected.
After a while, Claus was sweating and panting heavily. One of the vampires went ahead and punched him on the face. Claus felt dizzy, these vampire weren't normal.
Claus wanted to pick back but the other vampires held him. "Oh my~ Claus you surely look exhausted." Came a rather familiar voice.
Claus looked at the person emerging from the shadows, then his eyes widened. Traces of hurt and pain were in his eyes. "G-Gale?" He asked, his voice filled with betrayal.

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