Mission Possible into action!

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Kira, Liam and Shota hungrily ate their food not minding the blandness. Mika and Shin were having a few bites.
"That was bad but delicious." Kira said, finished eating.
"I know. It tasted like shit and heaven at the same time." Shota said.
"Guess we were too hungry to bother about the taste." Liam said, not quite liking the after taste.
"Alright, from the looks of it, lunch will get over after a few minutes. We should put our plan in action." Kira said.
"Mmm." Mika replied.
"Hell yeah! Let's do this!" Shota said.
"Yeah before it's too late."
"S-shouldn't we h-have a-a n-name f-for th-this p-plan?" Shin said, making everyone look at him. He was flustered due to all the attention. "I-I m-mean I-it's  f-fine I-if-"
"I agree." Kira stated. "We should think of a cool name."
"How about... 'mission'?" Shota said.
Liam rolled his eyes. "Seriously, 'mission'?  Even if you would've said 'Escape plan', we would've thought about it."
"Nah, 'mission' sounds too bland. We should think about something James Bond level." Kira said, thinking while looking at the ceiling as if trying to find the existence of a multiverse.
"James Bond level huh? Then how about... 'Mission Possible.'?" Shota gave another one of his extraordinary mind blowing idea.
Kira's eyes lit up. "Woah! That's like Ethan Hunt level!"
I wonder why these two get along so well, Liam and Mika thought.
"I-I th-think we s-should s-start..." Shin said.
"Hell yeah! Let's put Mission Possible into action!" Kira and Shota said together, then grinned sheepishly at each other.

"Captain, everything clear?" Shota whispered to Kira, who was hiding behind a wall. Everyone wanted Kira to lead the mission. So, the rest were hiding a bit behind.
"Yes, come front my fellow commanders." Kira said, sending a 'OK' sign.
"Why are we calling each other captain and commander?" Liam asked.
Shota shrugged and replied, "Guess it gives you the feeling."
They were sneaking around the Inferno. The hallways were deserted and creepy painting hung on the brick wall.
"These paintings are giving me the chills..." Shota said.
"Bear with it." Kira replied though she was scared shitless too.
Shin looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown but held it back. Liam was sweating profusely while Mika looked like she saw these types of things every other day.
They halted in front of a huge double door. "Guess we should go in and see if we find any clues out of this place." Kira said.
Everyone else nodded. She tried to push the door open but it didn't budge. At the end all five of them had to push it together. They looked around to see no one and then entered the door.
"That was one heavy door." Shota said wiping the sweat off his forehead. Then he looked around in awe.
The room had some amazing paintings unlike the ones outside. There was a book shelf, which held old and worn out books. The most amazing thing was the huge window, which showed the entire town.
"Wow..." Kira muttered dazedly, looking at the view in awe. She didn't realize the place she lived in held such amazing beauty.
"Beautiful..." Liam said smiling. It was as if they found heaven in this hell. The view made them more determined to get out of this place.
Suddenly Kira heard footsteps approaching. "Quick, hide!" She said then hid under a giant table, which covered the all five of them. They saw three pairs of foots.
"I didn't know you were so kind-hearted to let those mortals out of the cell." Kira recognized this voice as Tougo's.
"I don't want my slaves to die of hunger." Supposedly it was Gale.
Somebody scoffed. "I still can't believe you decided to keep that Hitomi blood in that cell."
"I'm keeping her for some future purpose, Liu." Gale said. What purpose, Kira thought.
"Why later when you can start training her now?" Liu asked.
"Because I want to, got a problem?" Gale asked.
"Chill man, it was just some friendly advice." Liu said, chuckling.
"What if they try to escape?" Tougo asked. "That girl looked like someone who would do that."
Do they perhaps know about us?, Kira thought.
"Then I'd end the other four mortals without hesitation." Gale deadpanned at him.
Kira felt Shin trembling besides her. His eyes glistening with tears. She kept her hand on his shoulders, gaining his attention and smiled at him reassuringly.
Shin nodded at her, wiping his tears furiously.
Liu chuckled. "That sounds biased."
"The other four hold no value whatsoever but Kira can transform into a beast if trained." Gale said.
"Hmm... point. I could see her potential." Tougo said.
Suddenly the door opened. Someone said, "Your Eminence, we require you presence in the main room." With that notice all three of them exited the room.
Kira and the others came out of their hiding after a little bit later.
Liam stared at them in horror. "T-they'll k-kill u-us."
"M-maybe we-we sh-should g-go b-back." Shota said.
"There's no point. If we go back to the cell, we'll die anyway but currently we might have a chance of getting out." Mika said.
"Guys I found something!" Kira exclaimed, standing in front of the shelf.
A piece of paper in her hand, which looked like a map.
Kira then grinned at them. "Seems like we'll be outta here sooner than we expected."

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