Kidnapped? (4)

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Just you wait Yuki, I'm going to skin those bastards alive' Kira trail of thought was broken by a deep voice.
"We have found the deleted footage"
Kira's snapped her head forward to see Kaien and Hunter, who was holding a laptop, standing in front of the door. Kira couldn't help but smile 'd-did they j-just say the d-deleted foo-footage was found'. Kira again went back to her poker face and asked "you found it?"
Kaien looked at her and smile and said "yes we've, all thanks to Hunter"
Hunter looked at Kira from the corner of his eyes and saw her poker face. Though her face held no emotions her eyes were enough to show how happy and relieved she was.
Hunter smiled 'so she cares about her friends' but his smile disappeared within a second 'unlike her father'.
Hunter shook his head to clear the thoughts and said "alright, let's see the footage."
All of the people were huddled around the table with hunter sitting on the chair opening the long awaited footage. After a while he played it.
It showed Yuki running but within seconds she disappeared not before the picture of a hazy silhouette. Kira looked at it carefully once and saw the figure not very clear.
Kaien told Hunter to play that second again but much slower. Hunter did as told. Finally they saw the clear picture. Kaien, Hunter, Claire and Ryan made a face with twisted emotions.
Kira and Zero didn't know anything about it and only one thing was going on their minds 'KILL'.

Yuki was sitting on a metal chair with their hands tied and blindfolded. The room was dark with a feeble light coming from the only window.
She was crying and screaming but no one came to her rescue. She seemed to have been bitten by a vampire once and the amount of blood they took made her faint.
The man who bit her was looking at her struggling and crying but did not make an attempt to help. He turned around to look at his boss.
He bowed 90 degree as soon as he saw him. The boss was an old man looked in his 60's with his eyes bloodshot. His thin dry lips were curled up into a smirk.
"Get up Ramos." The old man ordered the young boy who was bowing.
The man named Ramos got up and was immediately hugged by his boss "I'm so proud of you boy, good job." The old man looked at him with immense satisfaction and delight.
"Thank you boss Brethren" he said politely.
Brethren nodded and asked "how is the girl?"
Ramos said "still struggling to get out."
"Humph, foolish humans." Brethren said and looked at Yuki.
Brethren licked his lips with his eyes full of lust. He was looking at Yuki's bare neck which was bitten by his member.
He wanted to drink her blood till the last drop.
"Kaien's daughter sure is beautiful." Brethren said.
Ramos looked at his boss and cringed inwardly.
Yuki heard the voice of two men and screamed "LET ME GO YOU BASTARDS"
Brethren chuckled "She sure is feisty, it will be even more of a pleasure now to such her dry."
"KIRA AND ZERO WILL KILL YOU" Yuki said hoping for her friends to come and rescue her out of this place.
"Oh, so you think your pesky little friends will come to save you." Brethren said "Well let me tell you we've erased every last one of the clue."
Yuki was sobbing 'am I going to die here?' She cried even more thinking of her friends and father 'Kira, Zero and dad please save me from this hell.'

Kira was determined to make those who kidnapped Yuki suffer. She was thinking about her friend's wellbeing. She might be injured badly or even worse...
Kira shook her head to dismiss the disturbing thoughts. She looked at Kaien with her eyes filled with determination. "I and Zero can go." She said.
Kaien looked utterly bewildered "No! I can't put you two in danger." He said. Kira wasn't surprised, she expected this reply. She sighed and said "Headmaster, firstly only two people are safe to go. And then what if they attack the academy too, you need to be here to keep them out."
Kaien was going to open his mouth to protest but Ryan interrupted him "Alright, you two go on. Be sure to be safe and torture those people nicely."
Kira and Zero smirked and nodded. Then they took the address from Hunter and ran out of the room. Kaien looked at Ryan with disbelief "You just let them go." He said.
Ryan looked at his blonde friend and sighed. The air around him was like teaching that two plus two is four to an over emotional toddler. "Listen Kaien, Kira and Zero and both professionals"
"That doesn't mean you should let them go alone" Kaien said.
"They are kids that's why they are must more faster and smoother than we are" Ryan said but that didn't convince Kaien "Fine if one of them don't come back by one hour we will go look for them."

Kira and Zero were running to the designated area. It was just 10 minutes from the academy but for Kira and Zero it took 4 minutes.
They looked at the place. It was dark and isolated perfect for a gang doing illegal things and kidnapping. The building was supposedly an old office which was burned because of a fire tragedy.
Kira and Zero looked at each other then went inside. They were concealing their footsteps and presence. They saw a bunch of thug looking people doing all the cliche stuff- drug dealings, playing poker and all that but it didn't concern Kira. Her eyes were forward and imagining the blood of the people who kidnapped Yuki in her hands.
Suddenly Kira and Zero heard the loud cry of a girl "LET ME GO"
Kira and Zero recognized the voice- Yuki. They immediately ran to where the voice was coming from ignoring the yells of the people present there.
Suddenly Kira and Zero came to a halt. Seeing the backs of two men talking. "Boss, we need another girl for the festival." Younger one of the two men said.
"Yeah I know, it seems like another one of Kaien's children came to the academy. We can get her." The older man said.
It didn't require a genius to figure out that they meant Kira. But will they be able to capture the devil herself?.
'What festival?' Kira and Zero has the same question in their mind. But most importantly they needed to find Yuki. Kira narrowed her eyes and her eyes turned as dark as the black hole upon hearing a sentence
"I'm going to go and enjoy with my delicious meal" Said the older man. Kira figures out that 'meal' meant Yuki and this whole scenario means danger. So the only option left is to kill.
"You sure are a pervert, aren't you old man?" Kira finally decided to reveal her presence. Zero took his offense posture with bloody rose out.
The two men turned back. For a second there eyes widened seeing two silhouettes. Their faces were not very visible due to lack of light.
"W-Who are you?" The old man said taking a step back.
Kira and Zero didn't answer but just stared at the two men while their eyes screamed 'murder'.
The old man was now more scared "A-Answer M-me! W-who a-are you?" He asked again.
Kira smirked seeing the man scared "A little birdie told me you're a very strong pure blood."
The man regained some of his wits hearing a compliment "listen if you're a fan then-"
"But you're even more scared then my 'friend' whom I skinned alive" Kira interrupted finally revealing herself out of the shadows with a sadistic grin plastered on her perfect face.
Zero decided to show himself too with a interesting question "You skinned your friend alive?"
"Oh yeah, he squashed Millie with his car"
"Who's Millie?"
"My white Persian cat"
"Oh that's sad"
"Yeah I even had a funer-"
Brethren interrupted their serious talk with his angry voice "YOU BRATS! HOW DARE YOU COME IN HERE!"
Kira smirked again "It's a surprise how he was scared shitless just a second ago"
"People really do change" Zero replied back.
"Yeah but then I realized you're just two mere pests" Brethren said.
"Oh really~" Kira mocked.
Romos's eyes widened realizing something. Scared was an understatement, he was horrified.
Brethren looked at his member whose face was now as pale as a ghost "What happened Ramos?"
Ramos looked at his boss, his eyes showed fear "H-Hito-tomi K-Kira." He uttered two words with scared the living daylights out of Brethren.
Brethren narrowed his eyes for a second before realization hit him too "H-Hitomi K-Kira."
Kira grinned again and said "That's my name~"
Brethren gulped in fear but not wanting to show his weak side "S-So what if y-you're H-Hitomi Kira? You're a st-still a k-kid." He said trying to reassure himself.
Kira ignored his latest statement and decided to cut to the chase "Now, it seems like you've held my friend as a captive"
"Kaien's daughter is your friend?" Brethren asked.
"Well Yes" Kira replied her face turning dead serious "And it seems like you've taken the risk to mess with Cross."
Brethren gulped in fear his legs were now jelly due to the intimidating aura of Kira "Y-Yes I-I on-only w-wanted re-re-re-"
"Let me guess revenge?" Kira asked while raising an eyebrow. This was just too common regarding Kaien's life. But this time Yuki was involved which pissed Kira to her extreme.
Brethren didn't say anything but nodded and continued to stare at her.
"Now, why did you want revenge?" Kira asked.
"H-He sl-slaughtered m-my cl-clan" Brethren replied. To be honest, he was scared to kidnap Kaien's daughter but it seems that he went with his guts instead of brains. And who would have imagined that Hitomi Kira was also involved with the young girl. It was for the first time Brethren felt like dropping to his knees and begging for forgiveness but what stopped him....
'His pride'
One of the seven deadly sins. People say pride can ruin you while some say pride will keep your reputation and dignity.

But what Brethren didn't know that if he had begged that time he wouldn't have to face the wrath of the devil herself.

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