Married Couple

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Kira knocked down Brethren after listeni-
ng to his story. She decided to call Kaien and tell him that she is alright.
Kira again looked at the surroundings and sighed "Geez, this place is a huge mess." She said.
"Hey, is that you Kira?" She heard a deep voice from behind. She looked behind to see the brunette vampire, Kaname.
"Hey Kaname, what are you doing here?" She asked while walking towards him.
"Well everyone in the night class sensed a lot of unknown blood. And then I went to check on Yuki and saw that she is sleeping. And then I saw Zero and Kaien with some other people. So, I figured out it had something to do with you and here I am." He said.
"Wow you're so smart."
Kaname rolled his eyes and looked around "Seriously, I thought it would be some normal torturing but this.... this is at a whole another level."
"I take that as a compliment." Kira said "And It was me and Zero who did this. So, it's 50-50."
Kaname felt a pang of jealousy. That Silver head Hunter was getting close to Kira and he sure didn't like it.
"What's up with the long face." Kira said and took out a lollipop.
"We need to get you changed out of the bloody (literally) uniform." He said ignoring Kira's previous statement.
"Yeah I'm just waiting for the other hunters to come and take over this place so you can leave if you want." Kira said and smiled.
"No, I'll stay with you!" Kaname said 'Bec-
ause I don't want that bastard to come near you.' he thought "In case you're in danger I can help you."
"You're so considerate." Kira said sarcastically.
After a while around 15 policemen had come to collect the dead bodies with two hunters to arrest the two unconscious vampires.
"Ms. Hitomi, thank you for helping us take this vampire." Said one of the hunters pointing at Brethren "If it weren't for youth. there would've been more crimes taken place by him."
"Oh, no need to be so formal with me Tsuchi. After all it's my duty as a hunter to help you catch these bloodthirsty creatures." Kira said while smirking at Kaname who seemed offended by her last two words.
"Ms. Hitomi, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to Cross's daughter?" He asked her.
"Well, she had gotten kidnapped by Zhao Ming." Kira started as Tsuchi took notes. Kaname looked at her with a horrified expression, Kira looked at him with the I'll-explain-it-later face.
"We checked the security camera but the footage was deleted so Kaien called the Lockharts for help and after that me and Zero came here to rescue Yuki Cross." Kira said not once mentioning about Kylos Hunter." She ended and Tsuchi thanked her and then left.
Kira looked at Kaname and smiled nervously "Let's go back." She said and turned around.
Kaname and Kira went back to the academy. They saw Yuki and Zero with the Sakamakis and Mukamis with the other aristocrats.
Yuki looked and saw Kira coming with Kaname. "Kira and Kaname senpai!" Yuki exclaimed while smiling. At this all the heads turned towards them. A few were jealous of them coming together.
"What's up with the crowd?" Kira asked while looking around.
"Well, me and Zero were waiting for you." Yuki replied while grinning.
"We were waiting for lord Kaname to come back." Ruka said and looked at Kaname, who looked angry.
Kira looked at the Sakamakis and Mukamis and raised her an eyebrow "What are you guys doing here?" She asked.
"Well I was bored so I came out and out of nowhere they all came." Ayato said who was narrowing his eyes at Kaname, who ignored everything.
"Alright let's go back." Kira said and started walking with Zero and Yuki on her trail.
"Lord Kaname lets go back." Ichijo said.
"Tell me more about this little kidnapping." Kaname said to Kira and completely ignoring everyone.
"It was all you heard." Kira replied.
"Yes but did you not once care to inform me about this!" Kaname said angrily.
"Listen-" She started explaining but was interrupted by Kaname's angry voice.
"NO YOU LISTEN! Yuki got kidnapped and I didn't even know about it. And on the first note, how can she get kidnapped on the watch of you, Zero and Kaien. Have you become so irresponsible that you cannot even save her from some petty little kidnapping!" Kaname ended and let out a angry huff.
Kira's blood was boiling. Not once has anyone dared to call her irresponsible. She looked at Kaname with a glare.
"Well, hell is about to break loose." Ayato said.
"Listen up, you bloodthirsty jerkass, we know what we're doing so we don't need you to spat out so many shit. And firstly, if you cared for her so much you should've watched over her 24/7 instead of lecturing someone else." Kira said.
"I don't have the time to that's why I entrusted her to Kaien Cross and after you came I thought she was completely safe but no I was wrong."
"What do you do all day huh. All you do is order all your followers around. And then how can we have the time to tell you between such stressful moments." Kira said. Yuki wanted to stop them from fighting but no one paid attention to her, everyone were enjoying watching the drama.
Yuki clenched her fists, her face red with anger. Finally after a few more shouting she burst out saying "SHUT UP YOU TWO!"
Everyone looked at her astonished by her screaming. She glared at Kaname and Kira. Who can imagine the quite little good two shoes to glare so viciously. "You two stop bickering like married couple for no reason at all." Yuki said.
Everyone stared at her for a moment before bursting out laughing.... well except for Kira and Kaname who glared at her. "Did you just call them a m-married c-couple, god who would've expected you to be so funny." Laito said in between his laughs.
"Yuki h-how c-could you?" Kira said looking at her with fake pain.
"Well, I just stared the fact." Yuki said shrugging "You two looked like a 50 year old married couple."

Everyone had left. It was just Kira, Zero and Yuki now. Zero and Yuki were still laughing while Kira looked at them with a glare, which she was doing for the past 1 hour.
What offended her the most was that her own friend, whom she saved from the mouth of a lion, called her old.
"It was not even funny." Kira said while pouting, which was probably the cutest sight ever if she was not glaring like someone had killed her family.
Zero left to the boy's dorm while Kira and Yuki went the other side. Yuki turned away to part ways. "Yuki." She heard Kira say. She turned around and asked "Yes?"

"You better be prepared to face my wrath."
Wow, that was exactly after a week.

Anyways readers, this chapter was just for fun. Bet you didn't expect the goody two shoes to have so much guts to pair up the she-devil and the vampire king that too as a old married couple.
Keep reading to see way more serious chapters ahead.

Yours truly,

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