Accept? No way in hell!

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"This place is creepy as hell." Kira muttered as she saw the giant, different types of forest trees. She could here low growls. She didn't know wether they belonged to a wild animal or the zombie-like vampires. Nonetheless she was creeped out.
She looked behind to see the thick forest which was lightly illuminated by the moon light. She sweat dropped, seems like there's no return. So, she kept trodding further into the depths.
As she was walking, she heard a loud growl which made her halt in her tracks. She looked around, a look of fear on her face.
She didn't know which one was worse- being attacked by wild animals or the zombie-like vampires. Finally a silhouette came pouncing on her. To her dismay, it was a wolf.
The beast opened it's mouth, ready to take a bite of the delicious meal he caught. Kira did the only thing she could think of, she took a broad but small branch from the side, gratified that it was there, and placed it the open mouth of the black wolf.
The wolf however had very strong set of teeth, so it didn't take long for the piece of wood to snap. Fortunately, Kira has already fled by then. Being the intelligent animal it is, the wolf followed Kira at its full speed.
As cliché as it sounds, Kira has fallen down and scraped her knee. However, more afraid of the animal than the her skinned knee, she ran as fast as she can. Which wasn't very fast as a 6 year old but fast enough to reach outside of the woods.
She wanted to stop and breathe all the oxygen she can take in at one go but this was not the time. She kept on running until she finally reached her destination- Kaien's house.
She closed the door and released a breath of relief. Finally, she couldn't take it in anymore, she started sobbing. Staying away from Shizuka for almost two years made her forget what real fear felt like. She cried... like a weakling, and she didn't like it at all. 
Yuki heard a soft sobbing. For a while, she was convinced that the child-like ghosts had come to finish her. Being the curious little dumpling she is, she went to the source of the sound not forgetting to take a bat (a plastic one).
As she reached the supposed 'ghost', she abruptly halted. It was not a ghost... it was Kira (eureka!). One of the three people she most adored. The other two were obviously the guy who saved her from the vampire, whose named she learned was Kaname Kuran and the other was her father-figure Kaien Cross.
Yuki saw her usually cold sister, a tittle only Yuki and Kaien approved of, crying. She looked at Kira's messy state. Her very disheveled hair. Her skin glistening with sweat. The thing which most stood out was her scraped knee, which was bleeding.
Yuki gasped at the sight of the injury, earning Kira's attention. Yuki ran to the kitchen to get the first aid box as Kira furiously wiped her tears.
As Yuki arrived with the box, she saw Kira had moved from the place she was previously in. She went to the living room to see Kira sitting on the couch.
She approached her, "Sis- Kira, show me your knee, I'll make the pain go away." Yuki said. Kira lifted her face to look at Yuki, who was smiling at her.
"Shouldn't you be happy?"
"... Huh?"
"Aren't you mocking me inwardly for being so weak and stupid?", Kira scoffed, "I know you're."
"No! I would never do that.",Yuki said, tears brewing in her eyes.
Kira just looked at her with a harsh glare before saying, "Stop acting like you're some innocent human, cuz we both know you aren't!"
"I-I a-am not a-acting."
"I don't care. SO SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE!" Kira shouted.
"KIRA!" They both turned to the furious Kaien at the doorstep.
"...Uncle Kaien." Kira muttered, knowing that shit was about to go down.
"To the kitchen." Kaien said.
"Uncle Kaien, actually Kira-"
"Yuki, please stay out of this."
Yuki looked at Kira, as she furiously marched to the kitchen.
"Are you ok, darling?" Kaien asked Yuki.
"I'm fine but Kira-"
"Yes Kira, I must have a nice and long chat with her today." Kaien said as he went to the kitchen.
Yuki looked at the kitchen and muttered, "I-I'm s-sorry, s-sister..."

"What was that about, Kira?" Kaien asked patiently.
"What was what?" Kira asked feigning innocence.
"You know what I'm talking about."
"Trust me, Uncle Kaien, if you know the entire situation, even you would want to throw her out."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"Yes, to be honest-" Kaien interfered Kira by showing his hand, indicating her to stop.
"Listen, even if it is the worst case scenario, I would never throw Yuki out." Kaien said.
Kira looked at Kaien, a look of betrayal on her face, "B-But why?....."
"What why?"
"Don't you find it suspicious?"
"What's suspicious?"
"The fact that she came with a vampire, being a human."
Kaien sighed, "Listen Kira, there are a few things that should remain untold."
Kira scoffed, "Then, how on earth do you expect me to get along with her, not even knowing a single thing about her."
Kira said as she moved to leave the kitchen.
"Please Kira, learn to accept her." Kaien said, desperate to get the girls to get along.
Kira looked back at Kaien with her unyielding scarlet eyes, "Accept? No way in hell!"
Then, she ran upstairs to her room, not even glancing at the brunette who heard the entire conversation.

Kira lied on her single-sized bed with her eyes closed, just putting some water on her wound. Her door creaked open, and Yuki came in with the first aid box.
She attended to Kira's wound gently, making sure not to wake her up.
She then smiled at Kira's sleeping figure, "No matter how much you hate me. You'll still be one of my favorite people in the world, sister." She said, not aware that the raven-head was still awake.
Hey peeps!!!!
I'm am so sorry for not uploading for so long.
Well you see ummm..... I missed the first week of my online classes, which not surprisingly, gave me tons of work.
I mean the classes were pretty cool until they made it compulsory for us to sit with the webcams on, or they would kick us out the meeting. I mean I'm pretty cool with it but my mom would go all kamehameha on me.
Next chapter, the trio will be complete.
BTW, I'm currently watching One Punch Man. What are u guys watching?

Yours truly,

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