Special: The quest of the Gronolé Key (5): Finally back!

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Loki and Kira were currently engaged in a hand to hand combat battle.
Kira punched Loki in the face while Loki kicked her. Both of them were bruised. They were panting and quite tired but not close enough to give up.
"You're better than I'd expected." Said Loki punching her causing her to fall on the ground.
"Yeah, I could say the same." Kira said getting up and wiping the blood off her lips. "Time to get serious." Kira said and charged with a pocket knife.

Ayato and Yuma had to fight Liam which they had found way harder than expected.
"Damn this guy was good." Yuma said.
"Hate to admit it but yeah." Responded Ayato. Both of them had blood on their shirts and Liam was unconscious.

Azasu and Kanato had to fight Lin, which was quite difficult.
The girl couldn't stand still in one place for more than 2 seconds. So basically Kanato had to chase her because Azasu was busy admiring a blade.
So after they'd defeated her, they had some strawberry cake and some macha tea or chocolate milk.

Shuu had to fight Leon. Considering that both of them had pretty much the same favorite hobby, the battle was boring.
"How about we settle this with a match of cards, I'm too tired to fight." Said Leon.
"Whatever." Replied Shuu.
Shuu had finally defeated Leon after 6 draws.

Reiji and Ruki has to fight Lillian. Currently Reiji and Lillian were having an intense staring competition while Ruki was reading his book.

"Alright miss, though I don not intend to hurt young ladies such as yourself (𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 yeah right 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩), I still have got to defeat you

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"Alright miss, though I don not intend to hurt young ladies such as yourself (𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 yeah right 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩), I still have got to defeat you." Reiji said.
"Oh yeah right, I've got to defeat you to prove young miss that I'm much better than Loki." Said Lillian.
Then the two of them began their fight.

"You were good, bro." Kira said to the now unconscious body of Loki. "But I'm still a lot better than you."
After that she returned to the place where she started, seeing everyone present.
Cerberus then magically appeared in front of them like 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘩.
"Impressive you guys defeated my strongest warriors." Said Cerberus smiling "Now all you gotta do is to find the key which is, FYI, in the cathedral."
Then she disappeared.
"Alright let's find it quick and get the hell outta here." Kira said and all of them started searching for the key desperately.

"Urrgh." Groaned Ayato "I can't find that stupid key anywhere!"
"THIS IS SO DAMN ANNOYING!" Yelled Subaru punching a wall, which did not break and that seemed to have frustrated him more.
"Have patience." Said Reiji.
"Yeah if young miss said it's here, it must be here." Rick said. Lily whinnied like𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩 𝘐 𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥.
"Nah he's correct. The key is nowhere to be found here." Said Kira furrowing her eyebrows thinking deeply. 'Now, if I were a magical key, where would I be?' Kira thought.
She leaned against a wall and suddenly it flipped the other side (cliche? IDC). She let out a scream gaining the attention of the vampires.
"Tell me I did not just see the raven head being eaten by a wall." Said Ayato staring at the wall.
"Let's check it out." Ruki said and went towards the wall.
He gently knocked the wall, then pushed it. The magical secret door let to a cave-like place with lots of shiny object. But what they noticed first was a giant purple crystal.

 But what they noticed first was a giant purple crystal

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The vampires looked to see Kira looking at a diamond

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The vampires looked to see Kira looking at a diamond.
"Hey Neko-Chan." Said Kou earning Kira's attention.
"Oh hey." Said Kira.
"The destructo crystal." Rick muttered looking at the giant crystal.
"The what now?" Ayato asked.
"This is the destructo crystal. One of young miss' prized possessions." Rick said looking at it in awe.
"Destructo crystal?" Kira asked.
"Yeah like the name suggests, this thing was created for destruction by lord Hades himself." Rick said.
"Hades? Like the dude from hell." Kira said.
"Don't refer to him so casually." Rick hissed and glared at Kira "He is 𝘵𝘩𝘦 lord Hades."
"Alright chill." Kira said raising her hands in surrender "But why would 𝘵𝘩𝘦 lord Hades keep his destruction weapon here?"
"I got no clue." Rick said "Perhaps he trusted young miss with it."
Suddenly Kira's eyes lit up. "Maybe it is the key!" She exclaimed making the boys look at her with what-the-hell look.
"That's impossible!" Rick said.
"Alright now I gotta figure out how to make use of it." Kira muttered ignoring what Rick had said.
"No! This is crazy." Rick said.
Kira then summoned DragonSlayer and gave a smirk.
"Oh...I don't like that look." Ayato said gulping. The other vampires nodded in agreement.
"S-stop! W-what are y-you d-doing!?" Rick said, his eyes widening. "Y-young m-miss will k-kill y-you."
"Oh shut up." Kira said and went towards the crystal. She then stabbed it right in the centre.
Rick gave out a dramatic scream and everything went dark. After a few minutes there was light again.
Kira stood there with the key in her hands and the crystal was gone. Rick looked around wide eyes.
There was a chuckle heard. "My my~ you actually figured it out." Cerberus stood there grinning. "I'm truly impressed by you, girl."
"Y-young m-miss t-the cry-crystal." Rick looked at Cerberus.
"Oh yeah. That story about lord Hades and everything, well it was all made up by me." Cerberus admitted. "I just wanted some fun and finding the key inside this crystal seemed impossible to me."
She then looked at Kira "You guys can go back now. I think I've had enough fun for the time being."
And then all of them were back to the moon dorm corridor, where it all started. They touched themselves seeing if they got back in one piece.
"Wow that was one hell of a quest." Kira said.

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