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Two weeks later

"Have fun and don't stay up late on Sunday you guys have school the next day!" I warned specifically Naelean. The 'twins' had no idea of what staying up late was they just went to sleep whenever they were told. Sometimes would rebel but most of the times they would listen.

"That's if meek even remembers to bring us. He'll think it's the summer and let us sleep in like last time." Nana said rolling her eyes I shook my head because she was right. Meek would forget that the kids had school and let them have a "free day" as he calls it.

"Girl get out of my car. Make sure Caia takes her medicine and don't let her play outside either!" Caia broke out into hives earlier this morning and cried all day till I sung her to sleep. She was still my little baby while the other two were grown.

"Call me before y'all go to sleep." I kissed her head and turned to the back to see the two small ones sleeping. I sighed and got out of the car to take them out.

I picked Caia up and took her school bag while Nana took Jomei and his things. Before we walked up to the door it was pulled open. Mya stood there with her arms crossed and with a straight face on. She had a ivory glossy robe on and fendi slippers.

"You don't think it's a little late to be bringing them?" She asked and I stopped in my tracks and eyed her.

"I called Meek already. Our daughter was sick the whole day so I had to take her to the pediatrician. But since that's your fiancé I assume he did tell you this, right?"

We heard the gate open and I looked behind me to see Meek pulling in. He parked his black Royce besides my car, turned off the engine and got out walking towards us.

"Hey ma." He said giving me a side hug well an attempt since I was holding Caia. He took her from me and she opened her eyes for a few seconds before wrapping her arms around Meeks neck.

"I brought her some medicine it don her bag."


"Alright by babies" I said hugging them then blowing Caia a kiss.

"Wait cook we ain't going out tomorrow no mo?"

"No I have a meeting for work and I don't want Caia out till she heals fully." Mya scoffed making it known she detested the idea of us going out in the first place.

"You know you could come Mya." I said looking at her.

"For what? So you could threaten me and my unborn?" She asked with venom while touching her small round belly.

I didn't say anything and just walked back to my car.

"Your unborn isn't in your face though. I want to threaten your face!" I mumbled to myself while I got in.

I sighed and looked at the date of today on my phone tomorrow was the 19th. It pained my heart of the memories from that date. The day I lost the love of my life & the day I killed someone.

Every year I would send the kids off and just sleep the whole day, regretting every decision.

"Ive come with food and desert!" Tyina shouted from downstairs. She obviously dug in my flower pot and used my spare key to open the door.

I heard her come upstairs and seconds later my door flew open.

"Look at the pouty pants but fear not for I am here to save you!" I rolled my eyes as she took off her shoes and laid next to me.

"I brought your favorite." She said waving the bags in my face. I haven't eaten all day just been moping around and watching Netflix.

"Not hungry."

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