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"My fucking head hurts. Meek look at this bullshit." I showed Meek what the blogs were saying about our charades in the club.

"This is so bad my recreational center and for your businesses."

"Can't be that bad for you." He said reading the article. Was he trying to degrade my work?

"Meek I run a recreational center and I'm at clubs cutting people heads with bottles. This is terrible. Omg what if Naelean sees this!"

"Cook don't worry. I'll have all those down in an hour."

"It'll still be in peoples minds & screenshots!" He laughed which irritated me.

"They won't have proof, easily say it was photoshopped." He shrugged as if this was nothing. It was like he didn't care out of everyone he should've cared. He owned a lot of businesses around the world and this could tarnish sales.

"Why aren't you worried about your businesses."

"I am but I want you to enjoy this trip." He said kissing my lips. I sighed and pouted. He bit my lips making me smack his face lightly away.

"You know they're calling us Bonnie and Clyde." I said smiling up at him.

"We exactly that, only more gangsta." I rolled my eyes. Meek stood hovering over me and I looked up at him with a goofy smiling.

"You tryna break the guest room in?" I smirked and thought about it before shaking my head. My phone began ringing before he could say anything making me laugh.

"Actually it's not mine." I threw his phone at him, he caught it and furrowed his eyebrows after seeing who it was. After seeing he wasn't going to answer I quickly took it from him and answered. "How may I help you?" I said with a hint of attitude.

"Bitch give him his phone." Mya yelled she sounded like she was crying making me laugh.

"You only doing that extra shit because i'm nowhere near you to touch you but that's cool because we're in the same city so what's good?" I asked calmly making Meek stand up and try to come get the phone from me but I pushed it.

"You are acting too high and holy for you to be a rebound... a downgrade that is." Before I got to say anything Meek snatched the phone and pushed me on the couch.

"What you want Mya?" I mouthed to him to put it on speaker but he just looked at me. He sighed and walked away.I was of course on his ass. He tried to shoo me away but I simply slapped his hands away.

"Yea baby I know....I swear I miss you too." My mouth dropped and I started swinging on instinct. Here I was trying to work something out between us and here he was telling his ex he missed her.

Meek gave me an evil look and in like a second I was pinned against the wall. He held my arms up and held the phone to his ear.

"I promise I love you Mya....no it's not your fault baby." I was actually flabbergasted by the utter disrespect I was receiving. Was he really telling this bitch all this shit literally in front of my face. I wiggled out of his hold and pushed him while not even saying anything. I opened the doors to the closet and took my suitcase out.

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