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One Month Later

"Two negatives and one positive," I said showing Meek the pregnancy tests. He read them then I flipped the camera back to me.

"So are you going to your doctors?" I shook my head and positioned my phone by my sink.

"Yea I'll set up an appointment with them just to be safe."

After we came back from Miami I haven't been feeling good & since we had a lot of unprotected sex we wanted to draw out all of our possibilities.
I knew my body and knew for a fact I wasn't pregnant but better safe than sorry.

"Ard damn I won't even be able to come." I tied up my hair and looked at him. His back was against a headboard and he had a hoodie on.

"Where are your kids?" I asked noticing he was in the room alone. Meeks family was having their annual family reunion so since the kids didn't go last year I made him take them with him.

I was a little uncomfortable letting them go since I wouldn't be there and certain family members weren't too fond of my kids but they're with Meek so they'll be safe.

"After they got here they asses ran off. Nana with Denim thinking they grown and the other two off convincing the other to get in some shit. Oh and the fourth one still cooking up." He smirked in the camera and I rolled my eyes.

"The fourth one doesn't exist."

"Cap my soldiers ain't weak," I smirked and shook my head. "They for sure ain't weak but the pull-out game is. Caia is living proof." He laughed and shook his head.

He was about to say something but someone burst into the room. "Meek Meek Meek!" I frowned hearing Naelean's voice.

"She's bleeding! Uncle, she's bleeding!" I heard Denim voice and took the phone to see what was going on Meek was just staring at them, I guess assessing the situation.

Naelean pulled up her shirt and showed me a nasty bite mark.

"Meek, what's wrong?" I heard Cookie from the phone. "Somebody bit naelean," I said before picking Naelean up and taking her to the bathroom. She was short and small as fuck for a 12-year-old so babying her around was light work.

"Somebody? Who? Who the fuck bit you mamas? I'm coming up there." Cookie said hanging up the phone. I shook my head at how dramatic she was. I took the first aid kit out and started cleaning up the bite.

"Who did this?" I asked her as she winced in pain.

"A stupid little boy." He bit her that hard for her to bleed? The kid had to be a demon. I called cookie back when I bandaged it up.

"I forgot the address. Send it to me." Cookie said laid in the bed. I laughed and picked Naelean up.

"Stay in here ima go get your siblings. No one is going out without me anymore." I said placing her on the bed.

I didn't need them kids popping up with any more bite marks. Their mama was actually crazy and would come down here.

"Who bit her?"

"Some little boy."

"Shiiit I got a little boy too. Where the fuck Jomei at? Why Jomei ain't handle that." I shook my head seeing she was serious.

As if cookie jinxed it, when I got outside Jomei was on top of some boy punching him and Caia was on the side crying while holding her arm.

When Caia saw me she started to cry out for me.

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