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Month later

"I want to make an apology to the family of the Williams for the distress and harm I caused them. I acted erratically and irrational. I am admitting my wrongs and I am getting therapeutic help for my anger issues." I said to the press before my security rushed me away. When I got in the car I huffed.

"Pure bullshit I hope when that bitch wakes up she wakes up retarded."I mumbled as my driver pulled of. I barely used one but yet still paid him along with my bodyguards.

Na was in a coma due to severe head trauma and Ms Williams tried to sue me and get me charged with premeditated murder which didn't make any sense to me. When that didn't work of course she went with assault. I would've been sentenced for the minimum of 5 years but miraculously all charges were dropped. The judge still said that I would be required to see some kind of specialist twice a week or I would be right back in court.

Since money was also on my side I got off easy. Although she deserved it I regret what I did to Na. It almost cost me everything I've worked for, my job and most importantly being a mother. I would go crazy if I couldn't help and watch my kids grow for 5 years.

Hearing Caia cry on the phone saying I promised her I would be there for her school play and I wasn't, broke my heart. I told them I was on a very secret trip and would be back soon. Of course Naelean was aware of what was going on. I even heard she was acting up in school again.

I missed them too much. I told my driver to go to Meeks house so I could surprise them and he did.


I knocked on the door anxious to see my kids and a few minutes later Caia opens in a robe that showed her now pointy and large stomach. She was kind of big to be 5 months.

"Well if it isn't the little felon." She wittily said while smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh wow you're getting bigger. Not so healthy are you?" Her smirked turned into a scowl.

"What do you want?"

"My kids." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh you haven't heard? Meek doesn't want you around them at this moment. Says you're emotionally not stable and can cause great harm to them." I don't know if she was just being her and trying to annoy me or was serious.

"What the fuck are talking about?" Mya jumped back but it wasn't a 'im scared' jump more of a fake one.

"Please don't hurt me." She said smirking. A car began pulling into the driveway and we both looked.

"Mommy!" I saw a small Caia come out the car and run to me. She crashed in my legs and hugged them like i was going to vanish. I picked her up and squeezed her tight.

"Hi my baby. I missed you." I said kissing her face everywhere. My other two came running to me and hugging me.

"Guys you're going to make me fall!" I laughed putting Caia down. I picked Jomei up and kissed all over his face. I put him down and gave Naelean a look.

"You can't pick me up." She dared. I laughed and tried my best. My heels didn't help my cause but she's light and small. I put her down and smothered her face with kisses.

"Mommy! Im going to go get my bag so we can go home and play tea party!" Caia shrieked in excitement. She smiled and I saw that a gap replaced one of her tooth's. My baby tooth came out. I hated that she was growing up I wanted her to stay my innocent baby.

"You're not going home with her." Meek said ruining our moment. I looked at him confused and he gave me the dirtiest look.

"Why not?" Jomei asked hugging my leg. I crossed my arms and gave him a questioning look.

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