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"Girl she invited me to rub it in my face! Like bitch bye you could have that good for nothing nigga." I scoffed. Tyina looked at me confusingly as she stuffed her face with chinese shrimp fried rice.

"Did he cheat?" She managed to say without showing me the smushed rice in her mouth.


"Does he take care of his kids?" I nodded and she rolled her eyes.

"Then how he good for nothing?" I shrugged. I admitted that I was being bitter about the situation but it was reasonable to be in my mood.

"I'm just so mad. He expected me to be happy for him! Then he comes to my car basically bragging about how he's getting married and I no longer have him. Tuh nigga if I wanted you trust me I would have you." I opened my fortune cookie not bothering to read my "fortune".

"Girl so do you want him back or something."

"No!" Meek and I been separated for all this time, doubt our feelings were the same as they were 6 years ago.

"Girl then what's the problem?"

"It's the bitch! Out of all the girls in the world it had to be her? Downgrading ass nigga."

"You got problems. You know you want him back." I scoffed and pouted.

"I don't. I got a nigga already." This time Tyina stopped eating completely and gave me a look.

"Where this nigga at? Casper where are you!" She began looking around and I laughed. I drunk from my water bottle and stuck my finger out at her.

"I don't need a nigga I'm focusing on being a mom and business woman."

"Okay but you've been doing the mommy job for 12 years. You should treat yourself! Do something nice for yourself like getting dick for an example."

"Where am I gon get dick? Nobody wants a mom with three kids."

"Two kids." She tried correcting me.


"See couldn't have been me. Meek landed the jackpot with you because once you leave me the kid going to." I shook my head.

"I've been the only mother figure he's had since birth. I'm all he knows so I couldn't just get up and leave. Plus Naelean isn't biologically Meeks and he does literally everything for that girl." Tyina nodded understandingly and we carried on stuffing our face.

"That was a nice little lunch. I have lunch at 2:30 Friday it'll be on me this time." Tyina said as we walked out the Chinese shop.

"Yes ma'am I have a boards meeting at 2 but I'm sure it won't last no longer than 2:40. That's go-" I was busy looking at Tyina and talking that I didn't notice the man in front of me. I stumbled almost falling but caught my balance in time.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized picking up my keys that fell. The figure turned around and looked at me.

"Nah you straight. You good though?" I finally looked at who I bumped into and I had to admit he was beyond fine. He had a fresh new hair cut, beard shaped perfectly, plumped arms with various tattoos and his abs practically was trying to rip through his shirt.

"I'm ppperfect" I stuttered after I was done eyeing his body. Tyina nudged me and I cleared my voice.

"I'm sorry again." I walked pass him and Tyina followed behind me.

"Bitch what was that!" She said when we got to our cars. I rolled my eyes while unlocking my door.

"That was me being clumsy."

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