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Some days later

"I'm not trying to argue with you!" I shouted at him while chopping carrots.

"All I said was that you need to be with her! His death didn't only affect you, she pushed that baby out just to watch it die!" I said pointing the knife at him. I didn't want to come out as harsh but he needed to hear it.

I surprisingly enjoyed his company the last few days but the problem is he's been here since that night. He didn't even pick Mya up from the hospital. Last time her saw her was when they last saw their child.

"Man quiet with all that." He said putting his hands on my waist and rubbing it. I moved his hands and faced him.

"I'm serious. This serious. You have to see her, she lost him too Meek stop being so insensitive! It wasn't her fault, is that why you don't want to see her? Because you think it was her fault?" I asked frowning.

"Ard man." He said storming off. I wanted to go after him and pop him for walking off like someone dismissed him but instead I continued cooking my food.

"Mommy why doesn't daddy want us to see our brother?" Caia asked me as I helped her put her shoes on. I sighed not wanting to explain.

"It's not that daddy doesn't want you to but can you see angels?" Was the first thing I thought of. I didn't feel comfortable telling her this. Maybe I'll wait to tell them with Meek before the funeral.

"No?" She said confused. I didn't say anything and continued tying her shoes. She hopped off the bed after I was done and ran out to the living room.

"Why didn't you just tell her the truth?" Naelean said from the door. I looked at her then went to comb my hair.

"It died didn't it?" She asked sitting on my bed.

"Well atleast we're not tied to Mya in that way, that's one less kid to worry about." I shot her look.

"That was your brother! You sound insensitive. If I ever hear some shit like that come out your mouth, watch and see." I said with a stern frown. She shrugged and got up.

"You were thinking it too." She mumbled quickly walking out.


"This one is made of cherry wood veneer and the interior is lined with soft ivory velvet. It also comes with the small pillows."

I heard when I entered the living room. Mya sat next to her sister blankly looking ahead of I guess who was the funeral planner. She looked sad and frozen. Almost as if she wasn't even breathing.

"How much is it?" Her sister Kristy asked.

"30 inch is $650 and 24 inch is $550." Kristy looked at Mya and sighed. Kristy shifted in her seat and finally saw me. Her eyes turned into slits and a scowl formed in her face.

"Oh wow shocker, the father finally decided to show up to plan HIS sons funeral after a long week of playing house." Kristy snapped. I ignored her and acknowledged the planner.

"We'll take the 30 inch."

Hearing my voice Mya looked at me. She stared at me for a good five minutes before her eyes started watering. She got up and walked out. She scoffed while she passed me.

I followed her all the way to the room. She say in the bed and touched her stomach while crying.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked concerned and sitting next to her. I put my arms over her and she looked at me and did a fake laugh. Wiping her tears, she sniffed and looked at me

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