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3 Weeks Later

"Rihmeek you literal ass! That's not how it goes." I whined. We were in a complicated game of twister and our kids had us tied up like a pretzel. Meek wasn't even following the colors. He just positioned himself in any position he can get a view of my butt.

"Watch your mouth in front of my kids." He bit my ass making squeal and fall.

"Mommy lost!" Caia yelled.

"No I didn't your dad just nasty." I got up with the help of meek but I pushed him down. The kids laughed but I was serious.

"Little midget angry!" Meek teased, before I knew it I fell flat on my butt.

"Okay game night is done!" I tried to get up but Meek pulled me by my shirt down. I smacked my teeth and started slapping his thigh.

"I will snap them little twigs of yours." I threatened. Naelean came and helped me up.

"It's like that Na?" Meek asked acting like he was hurt. She nodded and I laughed.

"Yup she on the team of the person who gave her life!" I stuck out my tongue and he put up the peace sign. My eyes widened and we both laughed while the kids didn't know what was funny.

"Mommy can we have tacos tonight?" Jomei asked with his pleading eyes.

"Nope, daddy is making dinner tonight because mommy gotta go to sleep early today. So good night babies." I kissed them on their forehead and when I got to Meek I pinched his cheek.

"Why you going to sleep early?"

"Important business meeting early in the morning and I have to go in two hours before to set it up."

"Don't you got an assistant?"

"She's on maternal leave. All by myself for the next five months." I said before walking to my room.

I yawned and began getting ready for bed.
The Next Day

"You know it's rude to ignore your lunch date, right?" Brett said making me to look up from my phone.

"I'm sorry, a business meeting went wrong and messed up a potentially really good deal." I said locking my phone and looking at him.

"Well there will be bigger and better deals in the future this one won't even mat teeth  but don't let it stress you out and enjoy your life."

"You're right! Thank you taking me out by the way."

"It was my pleasure, I saw how cooped up you were in your office and thought why not." I bit my lip and sipped my lemonade.

Was it weird that I felt guilty about this? Meek and I weren't together together but yet this felt so wrong.

"So how's your job going?" I asked trying to shake my feelings. I'm allowed to have lunch with friends.

"Well, my best client cursed me out and fired me since I quote 'you're slumming it up with a whore'."

"What? What does your personal life have to- oh." I stopped midway and realized who he meant. He raised his eyebrow and we both laughed.

"Man fuck that girl. If I had the time I would hire you to whip me back to my pre mommy body."

"Why? I like the mommy body. Blessed in all the places." He winked and I blushed.

"See you just trying to get some cooch." I said jokingly. He wiggles his eyebrows making us both laugh yet again. He had a good vibe, I liked that.

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