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"Bye mama, as soon as one of them act up whoop them! Especially this little one." I said pouting at Jomei who frowned and looked at his other siblings.

"Y'all be good for your grandma." Meek said coming from the living room.

"Mama my stomach hurts." Naelean groaned.

"Yup THATS our cue, let's ride." Meek said taking my hand. I shook my head and kissed the heads of my babies before saying bye to my mama.

"You driving." Meek through the keys at me and I surprisingly caught it.

"What you doing?" Meek asked with a funny face.

"What?" I started the Mercedes and fixed the mirrors to my liking. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth since it was Naeleans phone that was connected.

"You not gonna fix the seat?" He asked. I shook my head and looked at him. Since he drove here the seat was practically all the way back. He basically drove in the backseat.

"I'm trying to be like you." I said wiggling my eyebrows and putting my seatbelt on. We looked at each other and both bursted out laughing.

My short legs was nowhere near the pedals and my arms couldn't even get to the wheel. After fixing my seat I pulled off.

As we were pulling on highway I almost slammed into the back of a truck. The big fuck literally cut me off making me almost hit it.

"Slow down little one." Meek said slapping my thigh making me hiss.

"Get ya gun out. This car played me." I mumbled switching lanes and riding beside it. Meek watched me intensely as I rolled his window down.

I honked and put my middle finger up. I pressed on the gas to go ahead of him and passed him.

"Man you fucking crazy." Meek said shaking his head after the truck was done honking at me.

When we got to the airport, Kevin and Omelly was waiting.

"Took long enough bitch." Kevin said snatching the car keys from Meek.

"Little one was taking forever." Meek said whole handing the bags to the plane attendants.

"Shut up I was doing 80 in a 60 zone." The guys looked at each other and chuckled.

"She said that like that was something." Omelly said as he shook his head. I mean mugged him and pinched Meek for laughing. I didn't even bother to say goodbye to them and went on the jet with the help of an attendant.

I looked around after noticing Meek had switched up the interior and waited for him to come up. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Thoughts drained my mind and I hated it.

Did I still really love Meek or was I doing this for the kids? That was the most recent and paining thought.

I drifted off to sleep and minutes later I felt the other side dip. Meek pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"Sex with me is soooo amazing." I sung then doing tricks with my tongue, just to tease Meek. I betted him for five thousand he couldn't hold out on sex the whole trip.

"Man get out my face with all that. Come on the drivers here." He said making me laugh.

We had just touched down in Miami and I was excited. I've been to Miami before but just for a day and I didn't get to do anything since I was on business.

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