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Few Days Later

"I can't fucking believe this." I said with my head down as paparazzi took pictures of me in the Airport.

"Did you really sleep with the upcoming producer Trey!" One of them shouted. After Meeks and I argument in the parking lot of a Miami bar I was all over headlines. Someone recorded the argument and sent it out everywhere.

"There's a rumor circling that your daughter with Millions is not his and is a kin of Dave East. Can you confirm that?!" A lady came right up to my face with a camera. I haven't had to use security in months but here they were blocking reporters from conversing with me.

Nothing was more embarrassing than this. Instead of talking like we were suppose to Rihmeek took his jet and just left me in Miami as if I was a dollar whore.

I got in the tinted Cadillac and had the driver pull off as soon as I closed the door. I decided to login Instagram to see how much damage there was.

There was pictures of Caia next to Dave's and Meeks pictures. People were really comparing and trying to see who she looked like.

I smacked my teeth and logged right out.
Few hours later

I was home busying myself with chores since my kids were not home. I had stopped by Analease to pick them up but Meek obviously beat me to it and did not bother to tell me.

A unknown number popped up on my phone but I ignored it. It called again and I decided to answer.

"Can we meet?" It took some time to register the voice.

"Why? You need something?" I asked while looking around the room I was in to make sure no one had came in although I would hear.

"I want to talk about something. Piles Diner alley tomorrow." With that being said the phone hung up. I bit my lip and went to delete the call thread.

"Mommy!" Jomei crashed into my legs as soon as I walked downstairs. Caia came running too with her short legs.  "Hi babies. How was your vacation at grandmas?"

"We ate good and we went shopping for toys!" Jomei said bouncing up and down. Caia nodded agreeing with him but then she frown. "But daddy said we have too much toys here so we had to leave them over there."

"You have a big closet just for your toys baby. Now when you go to grandmas house you don't have to worry about bringing toys." I said trying to cheer her up.

They both completely ignored me and ran off.

"Maaaa! Can you get these out my head!" Naelean came in with doodoo braids with barrettes. I laughed instantly. Mama wasn't playing no games when she said Naelean was going to stay her baby.

"I think it's nice. Instead of them grown ass box braids , here are some humble Caca braids." Meek teased her as he walked in with bags of Chinese food. I almost scoffed out loud while looking at him.

"This why you going into a nursing home." Naelean said while giving him the stank eye. She walked away to her room, leaving me alone with Meek.

He say the food on the Island and took it out the bag. He got 3 plates out and placed them on the table.

"So you not going to say anything?" I asked crossing my arms. I didn't have time for the bullshit.

"They wanted to eat at home." He said taking cups out and placing them by the designated plates. I watched him for 3 more minutes before grabbing him by his arm and bringing him into the closes room.

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