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"Baby it's going to be okay. I'm going to give daddy the monster spray and all the monsters are going to go away." I said with a croaky voice. It was 4 in the morning when I got a call from Meek. I was confused as to why he had the audacity to even call me but it ended up being Caia and Jomei.

"Mommy I miss you. I-I-I want to sleep with you to make the monsters go away." Caia cried and it broke my heart.

She was six and believed monsters were under her bed. Every night when she thought they were she would come in my room and crawl into the bed claiming monsters weren't under my bed. So to get her to sleep in her room I rearranged her room and sprayed Febreeze which I told her it was monster repellent. She still wanted to sleep with me but I wasn't complaining.

"Baby why don't you just go inside your sisters room?"

"I-I-Im scared she has monsters to.Jomei tried to scare them away but I still think they're there." I sighed at my relentless daughter.

"Then go into daddy's room. He'll protect you." I said with an eye roll.

"I don't like daddy right now. He's mean." She whispered letting me know he was right there.

"Okay then I'm going to give daddy a secret recipe to keep the monsters away okay? Are you going to sleep in your room?"

"I don't want to sleep in there! I want to sleep with you!" She bursted out with an angry tone. It surprised me. Caia is a quiet and more to herself type of child. She was also a daddy's girl so for her to refuse to sleep at Meeks mean he must've did something to hurt her feelings.

"Okay let me talk to daddy, mama"

"Meek just apologize to her. Even if you yelled at her just apologize. She just doesn't want to be around you." He didn't say anything and I rolled my eyes.

"Spray her room with Febreeze and tell her it's monster repellent. Please make sure you actually watch her sleep and not just leave. She'll be crying all night if not."

"Bet." He said hanging up. I wasn't even phased by it. I needed a drink.

"What the fuck are doing here?" I asked confused when I opened my door at 9 in the morning.

"Here to see you."

"I took the heat for everything! Shit dented my career while Yo ass sat in the dark and didn't even say a peep!" I said nudging his chest. He walked past me and I closed the door.

"Damn chill on me. I was on tour and i heard about the bullshit that happened. I tried to come as soon as I could but my manager and label wasn't having it. Had to wait till I was off."

"So you couldn't have just made a little statement or fucking called! Instead you wait to come here in over a month?" Dave smirked at me making me even more mad.

"Is something funny? The fuck do I look like a joke?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yo nipples hard and that small ass tank top ain't doing you justice." I looked down at myself to finally realize I had open the door in panties and a small tank top. I in fact did look like a joke.

"Man fuck you." I said rolling my eyes.

"What if it wasn't yo nigga at the door and someone else? That's how you was gon answer? I mean I ain't complaining.." I rolled my eyes. He licked his lips eyeing my kitty.

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