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Meeks driver dropped the kids home at 1 in the morning saying they had an emergency.

I called Omelly and turns out Mya went into labor early. It wasn't rare but still was alarming.

I tried calling Meek but didn't get any answer which I wasn't surprised at. Hopefully she makes a safe delivery.

I honestly was scared for Mya, she didn't have any other family besides Meek there and this was her first baby.


"Rihmeek please make the pain stop." Mya cried out squeezing my arm. She was dilating but was experiencing an excessive amount of pain.

"It's okay baby you got this." I said kissing her sweaty forehead. She groaned and moved around in the hospital. The doctor walked in with a couple nurses behind him.

"Okay mom lets check how far you are." He said before sitting on the stool in front of Mya. She propped her legs up and he did what he had to do.

"You're 10 centimeters dilated. You're ready to push." Mya yelled out in pain squeezing my hand.

"But first we have to do a quick ultrasound. You said you were experiencing a lot of pain and we just wanted to make sure everything is okay" he said before looking at the nurses.

"Call doctor Nunez. We have a code OB! Code OB!" The nurses acted quickly and in minutes Mya and I were being detached. I watched in fustration as she was being wheeled out to another room.

"What the fuck is going on? that's my wife and son!"

Two days later

I looked at my children sleeping soundly in my bed. All three of them comfortably spaced out leaving no space for me.

We had decided to watch a movie to calm everyone nerves and they all fell asleep. I got up to use the restroom and just like that my spot was taken.

The kids were worried about their father and Mya. It's been two days and neither was answering their phone. Not even Omelly and Kevin heard from them.

I wanted to visit the hospital she was at to check on them but I didn't want to go with the kids just in case something bad had happen.

It was 2 in the morning and I was now doing my kids laundry. It's like they dirty 10 outfits a day by the end of each week they complained how their home clothes are dirty. Which I find insane because Meek upgrades their wardrobe probably every month.

They had clothes than I have had in my whole lifetime.


I held my son with tears in my eyes then looked at Mya who looked tired and worn out.

A nurse stood before us giving us a sympathetic look as she was waiting to take him.

When he was delivered they let me in the room she was and I when I heard his cries it felt like one of my biggest accomplishments.

I shook my head and gave my quiet son to the nurse.

Before walking out of the hospital room I cleared my face from any evidence showing that I was crying.

I felt like going on a killing spree to free up the bottled energy in my body. Starting with that bitch ass nigga Brent.

He was being funny kissing all on Cookie, staring and smirking at me. I would've pulled the trigger right then and there if we weren't surrounded by a bunch of opps.

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