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"Stop!" I screamed in laughter.

Hayes was chasing me around the house trying to catch me. I don't know why, but I'm not going to let him.

I ran back to sleep the living room form the kitchen. I saw his phone on the couch and grabbed it. He stopped. But looked like he was going to tackle me.
"Stop or I'll go threw you phone!"
"I don't care!"
He said giggling.

I threw his phone to Cam yelling
"Don't let him have his phone! I'm going threw it later." I laughed and bolted up the stairs.

I ran to his room and tried to shut the door. I was to slow and Hayes busted through the door.

"Stop!" I giggled knowing that he was going to tickle me. I hate being tickled.
"Stop!" I laughed. I tripped over his shoes and fell on my butt. It didn't hurt but now he was going to tickle me.
"No!" I laugh as he sits on my stomach with legs on both sides of me.

He started tickling me and I was out of breath.
"Hayes! Please." I pause
"I can't breathe." I was laughing so hard I can't breathe.
"Stopppp!" I continue to beg.

He stopped and looked into my eyes. He put his hands on the floor right next to my head. He started to lean down. Was he going to kiss me? I don't know if I can kiss! What if I suck And.. My thoughts where cut off by his lips pressed to mine. We kissed and started to make out.

He pulled away.
"I like you.. A lot."
"I like you to." I grin.
"Will you go out with me?"
"I would love to Mr. Grier." I giggled.

"Aww." We heard three voices behind us.

Hayes quickly got off of me. I saw Cameron, Matt, and Nash. They all had their phones out.

Hayes held the back of his neck and I sat up from the floor.
"How much of that did you guys get?" Hayes said as he became red. I wasn't embarrassed at all. But he was.

"When she tripped and fell." Matt laughed.
"Guys delete it!" Hayes begged.
"To late!" Nash said.
"What?" Hayes asked confused.
"It's already on Twitter." Nash laughed evilly.

All the guys looked to Nash.
"Nash are you stupid! She's gonna get so much hate!" Matt spoke.
"No she won't." He reassured.
"Yeah she will Nash!" Cam spoke.

Nash looked to me. "I'll delete it if you want me to." He asked me.

"No... It's okay! You don't have to delete it."
"Are you sure?" Nash asked
"Yeah I'm sure."

We all waked downstairs to the living room where Taylor was. He looked unhappy.
"Tay what's wrong?" I asked.
"Oh uh! Nothing!" I looked at him so he knew I wasn't falling for it. I didn't ask him again though.

It was now only 12:48 and Taylor fell asleep on the couch. Hayes took my hand. We started to walk upstairs before Cam spoke.
"Where are you guys going?"
"Umm to my room." Hayes spoke.
"Um, I don't think that's a good idea." Cam said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Well you guys just started dating and you are still somewhat young. You shouldn't be sleeping together." He spoke like a big brother.
"It's not like we're going to do anything." Hayes reassured.
"Okay fine." Cam laughed.

I walked over to Cam and gave him a hug. I told the rest of the guys goodnight and walked upstairs with Hayes.

He walked to his bed and laid down. I walked over to the opposite side and laid with him.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I returned a kiss but to his lips. He smiled.
"Kayla I love you."
"I love you too."

I quickly drifted to sleep and so did he. Once I was asleep I remembered his phone. I forgot to go through it. Oh well I'll do it in the morning.

I woke up to find him still asleep. It was Sunday. Great... School tomorrow. Note the sarcasm.

I got up making sure to not wake up Hayes. I walked slowly downstairs and saw that Taylor was awake. I walked over by Cam and took Hayes phone. I sat down next to Taylor and he spoke.

"Umm. Why are you going through Hayes phone."

"Because I want to." I said with sass.
"Well you shouldn't! That's his personal stuff."
"Yeah I know, but last night when he was casing me I said that I was gonna go through his phone if he didn't stop."

"Whatever" he groaned and I went through all of his phone. I didn't really find anything interesting. I locked his phone and walked back upstairs.

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