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Hayes was on his phone typing vigorously at his phone. He had it tilted enough where I couldn't see it. I could tell he didn't want me to. I didn't even try to look, although I wanted to. I started to stress over the thought of him cheating. That's not possible though... he wouldn't do that to me. Would he? No he wouldn't!

I pushed the thought of that out of my head and got up. I walked to the kitchen where Cam was on his phone.

I walled in and he look up from his phone. Something Hayes probably wouldn't do right now.

"What's wrong?" He Cam asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Nothing!" I tried to fake a smile. But it barely showed. Hayes was hiding something.

"Your lying." He said walking to engulf me in a hug.
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are bugg, and your gonna tell me right now." He said with a laugh.
"I don't want to."
"Yes you do." He convinced me.
"Okay... Can we go to your room to talk?"
"Yeah." He said with a smile that made me happy.

We walked into the living room and up the stairs. Hayes didn't look up once and I knew he could hear us.
We went to his room which was right next to mine.

He sat on the bed and patted next to him. I plopped down beside him. With a sigh I tried to smile. He laughed.

"Now, what's wrong?" He asked.
"It's Hayes." I said sadly.
"What's happening?"
"He's acting all weird, like he's trying to hide something." I said strangely.

He took a minute to answer.

"Yeah... I've noticed it to." He said with a sigh.
"I mean.. He went outside to talk on the phone to that girl."
"What girl?" He said in a confused manner.
"I dunno. Some girl named Emily."
"You don't think?" I cut him off.
"Yes I do think Cam." I said with a frown.

He hugged me and told me to go tell Hayes he wanted to talk to him. I begged him to not talk to him about this. But he shushed me and told me he had to.

I sighed and ran downstairs.

"Hayes?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He sounded sweet but didn't look up from his phone.

"Cameron wants to talk to you."
"About what."
"I don't know Hayes." I said trying hide that I did know.
"Where is he?" He asked still not looking from his phone.

"In his room."

He said as he got up and simply walked up the stairs. Still starring at the object in his hands.

I wish I knew what they were talking about. Man, I hope this doesn't ruin us.

***Cameron's pov***
He walked in my room still having his eyes glued to his phone.

"What?" He snapped.
"I need to talk to you!" I snapped right back.
"Okay, talk then. I'm listening." He said with an attitude.
"No Hayes, I need you to put your phone down so I can talk to you."
"Oh my gosh! Really Cam!"
"Yes Hayes."

He placed his phone down with a sigh. Looking down at it whenever someone texted him, but never picking it up to reply.

"Yeah." He said without an attitude like he was bipolar or something. He was being a lot nicer.

"Now this is serious and I need you to answer honestly.
"Okay?" He questioned.
"What's going on?" I said
"What do you mean?"
"Who have you been texting all night that you couldn't pay any attention to any of us."
"Nobody Cam." He said it timidly. Almost like he was guilty.

"Your lying." I said looking into his eyes.
"No I'm not." He tried to reassure.
"Then you wouldn't care if I go through your phone?" I asked knowing that's how I would solve everything.

He took a few moments to answer.
"No! I care. That's my own stuff."
"What are you hiding Hayes?" I said squinting my eyes.
"I'm not hiding anything Cam."
"Then who's Emily?" I said raising my eyebrows and voice."
"A friend."

By this time I knew he was cheating. Well kinda. Of course I didn't know for a fact. But I had very high thoughts of it being true.

"Whatever Hayes, but I just want you to know what you're doing to Kayla is not right. You shouldn't have to hide things from her. Even if it could ruin the relationship. I know what you doing and its totally not cool." Me and Hayes were both standing now.

He grabbed his phone and walked out. Saying nothing. If all this was true and he really was cheating it wouldn't be good for Kayla.... or him.

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