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I walked in and saw shaylee and Hayes on the couch watching Finding Nemo. I went to the stairs and stopped looking at my phone because Matthew texted me.

"She's so fucking ugly." I heard Shay say.
"Thanks Shay!" I smiled. She rolled her eyes and I continued to walk upstairs.

I walked into my bathroom and took a shower. After I put on spandex shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

I then walked into my room and saw her in there.

"Umm what are you doing in here?" I said
"Nothing." She said as she put down what she had in her hand down.
"Okay can you please leave?" I said.
"Can you?" She smirked.

I didn't say anything and she walked out. I locked my door and walked to my bed. I plugged up my phone and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and called Matt. It was only 12:15.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"I will be in ten minutes."
"Okay I'll come by and pick you up."

I told him the address and walked to get ready. I put on black leggings, a Britain tank top and I put a blue flannel on. I slipped on black Vans and looked in the mirror. My hair was kinda straight so I just left it alone. I put in little mascara and walked downstairs.

"What are you doing today?" Hayes asked.
"Well you know that Matthew Sherrill guy?"
"Yeah, I do." He said .
"Well I met him at the gym last night and we are hanging out today."
"Oh cool." He smiled.
"What about you? What are you doing." I asked
"I'm staying home and taking care of Sky."
"Oh, have fun." I laughed.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door.
"Bye Hayes!" I yelled as I got to the door.

It was Matthew with his Pennyboard. I grabbed mine and we walked out of the door.

First we went to the park and road our penny's and talked about random things. He was pretty fun. We then got tired and walked to the Mall. We went into Jamba Juice and got smoothies.

It was around 3:30 and I got a call. It was Hayes.
"Mom wants you to come home."
"Okay, why?"
"I don't know."
"Okay I'll be there in about an hour."

"Sorry Matt, they want me home."
"No it's okay! I understand."
"Cool, okay well I'm gonna go." I said.
"I'll walk you." He smiled.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." I said.
"No I want to"

We stood up and walked to the house. I said goodbye and he left. I walked into the house and saw Shay.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked.

She pushed me down then said "you fat ugly slut."
All I could do is laugh.
"What's your problem!" I asked.
"You bitch."
"What ever.." I said and stood up.

I got to my room and called my dad.
"Are you still in LA?" I asked.
"No I'm home now."
"Is it okay if I come back home?" I asked. I didn't want to go home but Shaylee was hurting me.
"Yeah... Sure. When do you want me to come get you?"
"I still have to pack my things. I'll call you when I'm ready."
"Okay, love you. I'll see you later." He said. I hung up and walked downstairs.

"Hayes?" I said and my voice cracked.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" He said.
"Can I talk with you? Alone?"
"Yeah sure." He said and stood up. We went to the hallway and I didn't know how to place my words.

"What's wrong?" He asked
"Umm, I think I'm going to leave." I said.
"Okay, when will you be back."
"No Hayes, like leave and go live with my dad."
"I just need to do this for me. Okay?"
"Okay, yeah, sure." He said.

"Fucking slut." I heard Shay say from behind me.

I walked past her and Hayes said nothing. I walked to my bathroom and pulled out a little black box. Was I really going to do this? Yep. It's happening. I thought as I slid the blade down my rist. I tried to make myself stop but I couldn't. I just kept going, and going.

I was getting light headed when there was a knock at my door. Hayes opened the door and I started to fall.

"When are you leaving? Oh shit! Kayla are you okay!" He said and I fell into his arms he grabbed his phone and called the ambulance.

Hayes pov>>>

I didn't want Kayla to leave but I couldn't stop her. I was going to her room to ask when she was leaving. I found her in the bathroom with blood all down her arm. Did she cut? She did.

She fell into my arms and I called the ambulance. They came and got her. I rode with them and she was slipping out of life. A tear fell down my cheek as they took her away into the room.

I walked into the waiting room and called the guys. I had her phone so I also called Matthew, I figured she would want him there.

I called Nash.
"Hello?" I said crying.
"Hayes what's wrong."
"It's Kayla."
"What happened Hayes?"
"She cut, now she's in the Hospital." I cried.

He told me that he was going to fly down tonight. He was gonna bring all the guys with him. That means Nash, Carter, Cameron, both Jacks and Matt. Matthew had shown up and me and him were sitting in quietness.

Three hours later The guys all showed up and we still didn't get to see her.

Cameron's eyes were red. He was crying, and wouldn't talk to anyone. He was taking it rough.

The doctor finally came out.

"Kayla hoods relatives?" He said
"Me." We all said in unison. She knew we weren't relatives but talked any ways.

"She's doing fine now, but she lost a lot of blood."
"Can we see her?"
"If you want to One at a time though."
"Cameron first." Nash said.

Cameron walked back with her and we were left in quietness.

Kaylas pov>~>>

I kept my eyes closed from the blinding light. When Cameron came in.

Cameron's pov>>

She looked so dead. I couldn't bare the thought. Her hooked up to all those mechanics. All those wires. I broke down crying.

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