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It was the last day of summer and I was extremely nervous. Going to a new school! Why did I talk myself into this? It will be okay! I'm going to find friends. I hope.
I keep doubting myself on this. I need to stop.

It was now 10:30 at night and I was going to sleep. Well going to play on my phone. In bed.... I can never go to sleep early. It's impossible!

I go to sleep around 1:40 or so. That's early enough. Right?

I wake up around 6:00 to get ready. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I put on one of my Tye-die shirts jeans and black Vans. I straighten my hair and apply little makeup. All I put on is eyeliner and mascara.

I look in the mirror satisfied. I go wake up my dad and run downstairs. I make food and eat it quickly. After eating I walk to the front door. As soon as I get there dad is walking downstairs.

"Are you ready?" He smiles.

"Yeah!" I answered.

We walk out the door and to the car. It was now only 7:10 and first hour starts at 7:50. It was only a 5 minute drive. How did I not know about this school?

We pull up to the door and dad says "good luck."

I smile and say "thanks! Love you!" I shut the car door before he can say anything.

I walk up to the front door and walk in. I was heading to the office when I ran into someone.

"Sorry!" I say looking up from my feet.

"It's okay." A brown headed boy spoke. "Where are you headin'" then asked.

"Well I'm looking for the office. But I don't know how to get there." I smile.

"Do you want me to take you?" He asks sweetly.

"If you wouldn't mind."

"My name is Hayes by the way."

"Hi Hayes" I laughed "my name is Kayla."

We finally reach the office and he leaves me so I can get my schedule. I thanked him before he left. I then went to my locker. I placed all of my belongings in except for a notebook and a pencil.

I hurry off to class. I sit in the very back of the room alone. I open my notebook and wrote 'Math. Kayla Nichole Hood' I smile at my name and look up to see few people in the room. I take a deep breath as a group of girls walk in.

They quickly approach me and talk.
"Hi! Are you new here?" One of them asks.
"Hi, yeah!"

"Well my name is Sekethia, but call me Peaches!" A samoan girl says. She was short and had black hair.

"My name is Destiny!" A black girl says. She was really pretty and also short. Her hair was braided and was really long. You could tell it was her real hair.

"My name is Lauren" the last one says. She was an Indian and had shoulder length black hair. She smiled and was really nice.

"I'm Kayla." I smile.

"Can we sit here?" peaches asked.

"Yeah! Of course." I say softly.

Hayes then walks in and sits in front of me. Before he sat down he looks at me and asks.
"Kayla. Right?"

"Yeah!" I smile and as he sits down. I see the girls whispering and pointing to Hayes. I looked at them confused.
"He knows your name!" Lauren whispers.
"Yeah so?" I ask still confused.
"That's Hayes Grier!" Destiny says quietly.
"And?" I say still not getting it.
"He's internet famous! Look him up." She finishes as Hayes turns to us.

"I can hear you!" He laughed. Lauren turned red and I started to laugh.

The bell rang and I went to a few more classes. It was now time for lunch. I was nervous. Who was I going to sit with? Lucky for me when I walked in Peaches saw me.

She motioned for me to come over. I walk to her and sit at the table with the other girls. They were all eating.

"Are you not going to eat?" Lauren says.

"No, I'm good." I answer.

"Wait! Your not one of those people that starve theirselves are you?" Peaches asked.

"What! No!" I say confused.

"Had to make sure!" Peaches replied.
"Let me see your phone." Lauren said.
I hand over my phone not thinking about it. She put in her number and passed the phone around. Everyone put their numbers in and handed me back my phone.

I texted everyone so they would have my number. As they finished eating the bell rang. My next class was gym. I was extremely happy because I like sports. I walk in and the coach greets me.

"Hi" I smile.
"Do you play any sports?"he then asked.
"Yaes" I said weirdly making him laugh.
"What do you play?"
"Basketball, soccer, softball, and i do track."
"Do you have shorts to practice in today?"
"Good! Go get changed!"
I walked back to the door that he pointed at and I got dressed. I put my long hair in a ponytail.

As I walked out I saw Hayes. I walked over to him said hi.
"Hey!" He said then asked "you play sports?"
"You don't look like someone that would."
"What's that supposed to mean" I laughed.
"Nothing you just look girly..." He laughed.
"I thought you were calling me fat." I laughed.
"You are nowhere near fat, but what sports do you play?"
"Umm, I play basketball, softball, soccer and I do track."
I smiled and the coach blew a whistle. All attention was on him as he spoke.
"Run 15 laps and then we will play basketball today."
Inside I was screaming in joy. Basketball was my favorite sport.

I started to run and noticed that I was almost the only girl in the gym. I saw two others both had dark hair.
Hayes spoke snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Race Ya?" He took off running before I could answer. I start running and catch up to him quickly. I ended up winning the race by one lap.

He approached me out of breath.
"Dang! Your faster than I thought."

I was the only person finished so I walked over and sat by the coach. It was now time that people picked teams. Their was only 12 people in this class but through out the day was different classes.

"6 people to a team. Dustin, and Dylan! Your the captains."

I ended up being one of the last people picked. I didn't mind it though. I was on Dylan's team and Hayes was in Dustin's. I decided to guard him.

I played good and our team ended up winning. Before we had to change a few of the guys came up to me and told me I was really good. I smiled and thanked them.

School was now over and I was sitting outside by myself. I stood up as I saw my dad's car pull up. I walked to the door and got in.

"How was your first day?"
"Great!" I smiled.
"Any cute guys." He teased me.
"Actually yes!" I laughed making his face go straight.
"Whats his name? How old is he?"
"His name is Hayes and I don't know how old he is. Around mine?"
"No dating" he said making me laugh.
"I'm serious!" He said making me laugh more.

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