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Camerons pov>>

About an hour passed and the doctor came out.

"Parents of, Kayla Hood?" He asked.

We all stood up in unison and said us. He looked to Matt. Matt and her looked a lot alike. He ignored the fact that we weren't her parents or even related.

"She woke up about 30 minutes ago. She started to throw up again. Only this time there was blood." He paused.
"We gave her medicine to make her stop throwing up and she is okay for now. She lost a lot of blood."

"Do you know what caused her to bleed?" Matt asked
"Yeah, but it has stopped and we don't have to worry about it anymore."
"When can we see her?" Hayes questioned.
"I guess you can go in now." He said.

There was only supposed to me three at a time. So me, Nash, and Hayes, all went together. Then Carter, Matt, and shawn. Then both of the Jacks.

Hayes pov>>>

I knew that when we walked into the room Cameron would break down. And he did. A year slipped down my cheeks when I saw her hooked up to all of the mechanics.

We all three cried then the other guys got their turn. They were going to let her out of the hospital in three hours. I guess so they can make sure it doesn't happen again.

Three hours later~~

Kayla's pov>>

They let me out and we all went to eat at Taco Bell. I put my head down on the table. I still felt horrible but it was only because I had a headache.

Cameron rubbed my back trying to comfort me. I hugged him tight.

"I love you guys."
"We love you to." Carter smiled.

I am so lucky to have them. I I didn't I would literally probably die. No joke, I would die.

They got up and brought the food over and I are in silence. Hoping to not throw up again. Lucky for me I didn't.

I was really happy. We went back to the hotel and I fell to sleep. Before I did I asked Cameron to sleep with me. He agreed and I went to take a shower. I grabbed my pink spandex shorts and a pink crop top.

I got out and dried my hair. I then payed down with Cameron. He was on his phone and I quickly fell asleep. I has really close to him hugging him.

We have to leave tomorrow.

I woke up with Cameron not next to me. He wasn't in the room at all. I looked at my phone to check the time. It was already 1 in the afternoon. Our flight leaves at 7.

I walked out of my room not even bothering to change. I put my hair up and nocked on the door of Nash's room.

No one was there so I went to the jacks room. They were in there. All of them. Shouting about random things. I could hear them from outside. I knocked on the door and they went silent.

Matt answered the door. You could tell they though that they were going to get in trouble. I laughed and joined the room.

I walked past Hayes and to Cameron. I could feel his eyes tracing my body. I sat on Camerons lap and hugged him.

"Are you packed?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I said. When I go to hotels I don't unpack my things I put it back to my bag after I'm done with it.

"We're going to take an early flight. It leaves in an hour." Matt said.

I wasn't going to get dressed up or anything I would just slip sweats over what I was wearing. I grabbed a pair of Cameron's sweats and put them on. It was some of his merch.

We walked out to the lobby and go to the airport. I was holding Cameron's hand. He's my bestie forever!

"Love you cam." I smiled
"Love you to bugg." He said

We just decided to walk to the airport it wasn't that far away. We were stopped by a few fans, but still made it to the airport in time.

I got on the plane and sat by Cameron. He was the only person because I got to sit by the window. I love to see the sky but it was dark so I couldn't really see anything.

I closed the window and talked to Cameron. We talked for about 30 minutes and then I fell asleep. Me and him were still holding hands. It's kinda like we are a couple.

We definitely aren't though. I don't like him like that. He's like a brother and he's a lot older than me.

My thoughts cut off by my dark sleep.

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