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Kayla's pov>>>

I ended up falling asleep in Nash's bed. It was only 7:30 and the guys were supposed to be back by nine. I didn't plan on sleeping there for the night. Hayes ended up waking me up at eight.

"What?" I sighed
"The guys will be back in 30 minutes and they want to go out to eat."
"Okay, will you come over to my room so I can get ready?"
"Yeah, sure."

I put on a white crop top. I put on black leggings and a black and white flannel. I curled my hair and put on a white neff beanie.

I finished right when they got back.
"You look nice." Cameron said as he kissed me on the forehead.
"Thanks, you look good to." I smiled.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Nash asked.
"Yeah." I said.

We went to some fancy restaurant and then to a movie.

I sat next to Cameron and the wall. The guys were all still wearing their Tuxedos. I kinda looked dressed up. Hayes was the only one not. He didn't look bad though. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans. He also had in black vans.

~~next week>>

The boys had meetings pretty much every day. Most of them me and Hayes could go to. I don't know why we couldn't go to the first ones.

We have to leave tomorrow morning. I woke up today not feeling to well. Cameron sat on my bed next to me. I was curled up in a little ball holding my stomach.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked rubbing my back.
"No, not really." I poured.
"Why don't go feel good?"
"I don't know."
"What doesn't feel good." He asked like a good brother would.
"I have a headache and I feel like throwing up and pass out." I frowned.
"I'm gonna go get some medicine. I'll send the guys over here with you."
"Okay, love you Cam."
"Love you too." He said and walked out the door.

As soon as he walked out I ran to the bathroom. Yep, I was throwing up. I hate this so much, it's gross. I was done for now and I brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth.

The guys came in when I was brushing my teeth.

"How you feelin' babe?" JackJ asked.
"Horrible." I frowned.

They brought me food and ice cream and skittles. I love skittles.

I tried to eat the food they gave me but I ended up throwing up again. This time I sat in the floor of the bathroom waiting for it to happen again.

I had Matt go and get me a Sprite. That was the only thing other than water and lemonade that I would drink. That was the most I drank though.

He came back with the sprite and I drank it down. Cameron was about to have me take the medicine. He brought back both pills and liquid. I like to take pills better than the other stuff.

Me, Matt, JackJ and Cameron were the only ones in the bathroom with me. The room started to spin and fade to darkness.

"Kayla, are you okay?" Matt asked right before I fell to the floor. No one caught me so I hit my head on the wall.

I could still hear everyone. I couldn't see anything. I was scared.

Cameron's pov>>>

"Kayla, are you okay?" Matt asked right before she fell to the floor. She hit her head on the wall pretty hard. It also hit the ground but not as hard.

She was laying there almost like she was dead. Mage was still breathing though. I picked her up and carried her to the lobby. I walked outside and I could see the hospital from the hotel. It was about a block away.

I ran. I ran down the hills of the side walk. Talking to her. Telling her that I loved her and I needed her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I got to the hospital in a panic. The nurse asked what was going on.
"She was throwing up the. She passed out. She hit her head on the fall down."
"Okay sir, calm down."

She brought a stretcher thing and out her on it. A doctor and more nurses swarmed her and I was walking behind them as they pushed her down the long hallway.

They pushed her through a door and one lady stopped me. I tried to push through. I couldn't. Security guards came and took me to the lobby.

The boys joined me and we sat in quite. Waiting for news.

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