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"How long are y'all staying?" I asked.
"I don't know" Cameron said as we walked in the door of the house.
"When we go back do you want to come?" Nash asked.

I looked towards Hayes.

"He would come to." Nash added.
"Okay. I would love to go." I smiled.

I walked into the living room and sat down. Matt came in and sat next to me. I was looking down at my cuts sad that I actually did it. Why would I do this to myself?

"Are you okay?" Matt asked.

All of the other guys were in the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll be alright." I smiled.
"I love you Bugg."
"I love you to Matty." I laughed.

"So how's it been in LA?" I asked.
"Pretty good. What about here?"
"Well." I said lifting my arm to point out the cuts.
"Yeah." He said.

--- next week___

"Come on. We have to get to the airport." Cam laughed.

Johnson has me tackled on the floor. I had his phone. He said that he was talking to someone... a girl. I wanted to know who she was. JackJ was just laughing. I didn't get to see any of the texts all I saw was her name. 'Ali👄🙈💚' that was her contact name.

"Get off of me." I groaned.
"Give me my phone." He laughed.
"Here!" I smiled.
"Thank you." He laughed then stood.
"Does she know?" I asked
"Know what?" He said
"That you like her!" I said.
"I don't like her!"
"Yes you do." I laughed.
"Whatever lets go." He said and walked out the door.

When we got to the airport I sat next to JackJ and Nash. Hayes sat next to Carter and Cameron. Nash said that I shouldn't sit next to Hayes and that I need to spend less time with him.

I wasn't really happy that he said that, but Cameron agreed with him. I just decided to listen to my brother. I am now calling him my brother and he doesn't really care.

"So are you and Hayes going out again?" Nash asked.
"No, we're not." I said with a smile.
"Just wondering." He said.
"Why were you wondering?"
"Okay?" I said and we stopped talking.

I don't think that I want to go back out with him. I mean yes I love him. I just don't think that we should date. I think he feels the same way. I don't really know though.

We weren't going to L.A yet. The boys had a couple of meetings they had to attend. So we were going to New York. I haven't ever been so it was going. To be fun for me.

We landed and were about to go to the hotel that we were staying in. We arranged it to be two people to a room. So me and Cameron share. Nash and Hayes share, the jacks share. Then Matt, Carter, and Shawn had to all three share.

We all decided to go shopping for a few hours. Before we left Hayes was being really rude to me. First he tripped me and I fell. The. He called me ugly and stupid. I got really mad at him so I was just gonna stay away from him for a while.

We walked into the elevator and Hayes bumped into me on purpose almost making me fall.

"Hayes stop!" I said
"Sorry dang." He said.

I rolled my eyes then walked over by Matt. We walked around to different stores and sometimes they would by something. I didn't buy anything.

After a while of walking we went back to the hotel. I went to the room with Cameron and all of the others went to their own rooms.

"Kayla?" Cam said
"Yeah." I said
"Me and all the guys have to go to a meeting now."
"Okay?" I said.
"You and Hayes can't go."
"Okay I'll stay in here and he can stay in there."
"No I'm not leaving you alone. You have to go in his room." Cam said.
"What! Cam please no. He's being an ass hole!"
"Sorry Kayla, but you have to."

I sighed and then went and took a shower. I got out and then got dressed.

"What time do you leave?" I asked.
"Umm in about an thirty minutes." He said.

He was already dressed. He was wearing a tux and looked really good. I had on a baggy black shirt and spandex pink shorts.

I grabbed my headphones and charged and sat on my bed. I was checking instagram and then Cameron told me it was time to go. I sighed and got up.

I walked to Nash's room and walked over to the corner. I plugged my almost dead phone in and all the guys were looking at me.

"What?" I said.
"Nothing." Cameron said and walked to me. He gave me a hug and then they all left. Hayes had a girl in his room.

"Kayla, this is Jaysely."
"Hi." I waved to her.

It kinda hurt me that he had a girl with him but I just pushed the thought to the side.

SHe had dark brown hair and green eyes. She wasn't skinny but she wasn't fat. She looked really nice but I don't know yet.

Hayes pov>>

I had no feelings for Jaysely. She was just one of my old friends. Kayla looked a little jealous but didn't say anything.

Jaysely was sitting on the bed with me. We were all on our phones. I could hear Kayla singing. She was singing to the song 'Show you', the one by Shawn. She said that she couldn't sing but that was a complete lie.

She stopped singing and got up. We could hear her music. The Mario remix song came on. She took out her headphones.

"Is that the Mario song!?" Jaysely asked.
"Yep." Kayla replied.
"Dance of?" Jaysely wiggled her eyebrows.
"Okay!" Kayla laughed.

They started to dance terribly. I was laughing and pulled out my phone. I recorded Kayla. She didn't realize that I was. I posted it to vine and then put my phone up.

When the song was over Kayla had clearly won. She went to the bathroom. Jaysely asked if she could leave. I shook my head yes and then stood up.

"Where did Jaysely go?" She asked when she got out of the bathroom.
"She had to leave."
"Oh." She said.

I wanted her to love me again. I made her mad earlier though.

I walked up to her. I wrapped my arms around her.
"I'm sorry." I spoke.
"For what."
"Being an ass hole." I said.
"Do you forgive me?"

I knew she didn't want to go back out with me. I continued to hug her. She then pulled away and went back to her phone. She fell asleep in Nash's bed and was still listening to music.

I was just sitting there looking at her. I love her so much.

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