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Cameron's Pov>>>

I can't believe Kayla thinks that I won't do anything if something happens to her. Well that's going to have to change. Starting now. I'm going to talk to the guys when they get here. Maggie won't be with Carter because she was going to have to go home after the mall.

Kayla fell asleep and the boys came home within the hour. So they got here around Four and Kayla still wasn't awake. So I had to tell the guys. I asked Jaydee to leave. She looked a little hurt but I told her that I just needed to talk to the guys and the guys alone.

Even though Mahogany showed up at the mall and came home with the guys I didn't ask her to leave. She was part of the family and if I could tell the guys I could tell her.

When we were at the smoothie place she also told me how Hayes was acting. It kinda made me mad.

Kaylas pov>>>

I woke up and grabbed my phone to check the time. It was already 7. I slept for a while.

I took of my flannel and put on a neon pink crop top. I kept the tights that I had on, on.

I walked downstairs to see all the guys sitting around. I also saw Mahogany. I love her hair. None of the guys were on their phones or even watching TV.

"Where's Jaydee and Maggie?" I asked.
"They had to leave." Cameron said.

"Kayla, I'm sorry about Maggie. I didn't know that me saying that would cause her to do that."

When he said that my eyes shot to Cameron. I gave him the 'I hate you' eyes. I didn't want him to say anything! I hope he didn't say anything about Taylor.

I walked past Hayes and sat next to Mahogany and Jack. As I walked past Hayes his breath hitched and his eyes traveled my body.

"Why you gotta tease the boy like that." Nash laughed.
"What do you mean tease him?" I laughed back.
"I'm talking about what your wearing. I mean you do have like a perfect body and your wearing tights and a crop top." He laughed making the rest of them laugh.

I sighed.
"Well if Maggie were here I wouldn't have to worry about anything." I rolled my eyes and the room of laughter stopped.

My eyes flashed towards Hayes and I could she the disappointment in his eyes.

"You look way better than Maggie." Jack said putting his arm around me pulling me close.
"I guess Hayes doesn't think so." I frowned.

He rubbed my arm and kissed my head. I stood up and say between Cameron and Nash.

I sat closest to Cameron and he hugged me.
"I'm sorry you guys... I'm just gonna go to my room now." I said and stood up.
"Y'all have fun." I said and walked up the stairs to my room.

I could feel them looking at me. I didn't care I just kept walking. I went into my room and Kaye's down. I know I shouldn't be tired but I was.

I didn't even get to lay down when there was a knock at my door. I walked to it and opened it. I saw Hayes. I really didn't want to talk about it but I would.

"Hi." He said.
"Hi." I mumbled.
"Can I come in?"
"Yeah" I whispered.
"Kayla, why didn't you tell me about Taylor?"
"I guess he told you guys that to."
"Yeah, I wouldn't have been as surprised but the only people you told was Jack and Cameron."
"I know, I was scared."
"Scared of what? Scared of me?" He said
"Yes Hayes I was scared of what you would do."

We sat in quietness.

"I'm sorry Kayla."
"Sorry for what?"
"Not paying attention to you, looking at Maggie every chance I got."
"Hayes, it's okay."
"No it's not Kayla. I was wrong."
"Hayes stop." I sighed.

He was crying a little. He got up and walked down to the guys.

Cameron's pov>>>

He came back down from talking to Kayla. I of course thought that she broke up with him.

"Did she.." Nash asked.
"No she didn't break up with me."
"Your really lucky Hayes." Mahogany said.
"I know."
"I wouldn't do that again if I was you." Mahogany added.
"I know, I feel terrible about it."
"What's she doing?" Nash asked.
"She was going to go to sleep." Hayes said.

I was completely surprised that she didn't break up with him. If I was her I would have.

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