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Kayla's pov~~~

I was in my room feeling sorry for myself. I could hear light talks of Cameron and Hayes. I didn't want to though. I was wiping my tears and Cam came in.
"Hey boo, how's it going?"
"Okay, I guess." I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice and the tears from my eyes.

"Don't cry Kayla."
"I'm not." I laughed.
"Lies!" He laughed right back.
"I just fell really left out."
"Well com'on."
"Where are we going?"
"Downstairs with Hayes."
"Why" I groaned.
"To look happy and show him what he's missing out on!"
"Okay!" I laughed at his excitement.

Although I said okay I didn't move. I just sat there in my bed.

"You better get up before I tickle you."
"No cam." I said sitting down. He started to lean in so he could tickle me.
"No!" I got up and ran knowing even though I got up he was still gonna tickle me.

I ran down the stairs and to the living room. Cam was right behind me. I continued to run through the house not stoping one bit. Until Hayes tried to trip me.

"Ouch!" I said as I fell to the ground. It really hurt bad. I knew he was only playing around but it actually ended up hurting me.

My head was sore. Cam jumped on me. Not realizing the hurt. He ticked me but I couldn't fight back or even laugh. The room was spinning and fading black.

Cameron realized that I was hurt. It was to late though. I was out. I blacked out. I could still hear things around me. Just not see.
"Kayla?" I could hear Cam yelling as he got up and ran to the phone. "Nash! Kayla's hurt?"

I heard Nash running down asking what happened.

I felt Hayes touching my arm. Leaning over me. In a whisper voice saying my name. He kissed my cheek. All I could want was him to move away from me though. All of him was fake. I knew he was cheating. But at the same time I wanted him back. All of him.

I heard faint sounds of sirens and a few guys talking. Next thing I knew I was in a cold white room.

I woke up and could see the three boys asleep in chairs. I was in the hospital.

I saw Hayes move. He came and sat by me. I pretended to be asleep. He talked to me making my heart melt.

"Kayla. I'm sorry! This is all my fault. Wake up! I just want you back. I waaa..." He was cut off by his phone ringing. It was Emily.

"Look Emily. I can't do this anymore. I shouldn't have done it to Kayla in the first place. I love her and only her."

He paused.

"Yeah I'm saying that I'm braking up with you." He said and hung up. This made my heart sink. Knowing that he actually was cheating.

"Kayla I love you." He said and got up. Turning to go sit back in his chair I opened my mouth. Thinking of what to say.

"Hayes I love you to." I said.

He quickly spun around on his heals to look at me. Almost as if I was a magical creature that had just showed up at his front steps.

"Guys she's awake." He yelled waking Nash and Cameron.

Both the boys were left the room leaving me with Hayes.

"How much of what I said did you hear."
"All I heard was you say that you love me." I lied.
"Well I do love you."
"How long have I been asleep?"
"Just a day." He said to me.
"Do you know why?"
"Well when you fell you lost oxygen to your brain. You barely had any to survive."
"Oh" is all that I said and started to tear up. It was getting to me. Not me passing out. But Hayes and his lies.

The doctors came in and rambled on about stuff. I didn't pay much attention.

"When can I leave?" I timidity asked.
"As soon as an adult can sign you out."
"Meaning my dad." Nash spoke. I smiled at the thought of his dad. He always made me laugh and was fun to be around.

I honestly just wanted to go home and cuddle with Cameron and fall asleep in his arms. I truly loved Cameron. He was the best 'brother' you could ask for.

After about 15-20 minutes Chad came and signed me out. We left and went home. We had just gotten back and one of the boys had said something about being tired.

"Cameron?" I asked.
"Yeah Bugg?" He returned.
"Can I sleep with you?"
"Of course you can." He smiled. But I saw Hayes out of the corner of my eye. Glaring.

"Let's go." He said happily not seeing Hayes.

I walked over to Hayes and gave him a big hug "love you Hayes."
"Love you to." He returned.

I hugged Nash and told him goodnight. I also did the same to Chad.

Me and Cam went to his room and quickly fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Okay! That was short. Buttt in my defense that's two updates in one night. But then again I haven't updated all week! Uggg!
Well I'll update several times this weekend.

Love you guys and thanks for reading!

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