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{A/N ^that pic gives me tha fills}

When I got home I decided to call Cameron. It's just now 6 here. That means in California it's only 3. It's a three hour difference between here and California.

"Hey Cameron."
"Hey! How was school?"
"It was good, but I have news."
"Good or bad." He asked
"It's good for me, bad for anyone that likes me." I smiled.
"Wait! Does that mean you have a guy!?" He asked.
"Yeah I have a boyfriend." I laughed.
"Does Hayes know?"
"No, not yet. Your the first person I've told."
"Aww that makes me feel special." He squeaked.
"He has a girlfriend anyways so I don't think he's going to really care." I shrugged.
"What? He has a girlfriend!?"
"Yeah. Did you not know?"
"He hasn't said anything to Nash or me!" He said.
"Oh, well he does." I laughed.

We talked for another ten minutes and I said goodbye. He had a meeting he had to attend.

I texted Hayes to tell him.
To: Hayes😙😁💚
From: Kayla
'I have a guy friend'
From: Hayes😙😁💚
To: Kayla
'Like boyfrannn... Or just friends?'
From: Kayla
To: Hayes😙😁💚
'Like boyprend💚💚🙀😁'

He didn't text back which made me nervous. But within a few minutes there was a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I said

The door opened. It revealed an excited Hayes Grier. His face made me laugh.

"Who is it!!?" He said sitting on my bed.
"Do you remember Jayden?"
"The one we hung out with at the mall?"
"Yeah. That's him!"
"Aww! S'cute." He laughed acting like he was a fan girl.

I shoved him off the bed. He started laughing.

"You're ship name is Kayden!" He laughed.
"And yours is Jayes." I laughed and he glared.

I put my hands up in surrender. He laughed and pushed my arm.

"Wanna go downstairs and watch movies?" He asked.
"Only if they are Disney movies!" I giggled.
"Nemo. Then Stich?" He asked
"Stitch first!" I yelled.

Stitch is my favorite Disney movie ever. Hayes and Cameron were the only ones that knew that. Probably because I would always make them watch it.
"Fine!" He laughed and we raced downstairs.

We watched Lilo and stitch and then put in finding nemo. He ordered pizza before starting the movie. I went upstairs to put on Shorts and get a blanket. I grabbed my phone also and walked back.

After about ten minutes the food came. We payed and then started the movie. I like the movie 'finding Nemo.' My favorite part is the Turtles.

After Nemo was over Hayes wanted to watch 'the Lion king'. When I told him I've never watched he was surprised. I watch a lot of movies. Like a lot.

In the middle of the movie I feel asleep. It was already almost twelve.

I felt two arms wrap around me. It was Hayes carrying me to bed. I woke up about halfway up the stairs.

"Here, Hayes I can walk." I said sleepily.
"No it's okay."
"Fine." I said and snuggled into his chest.

He put me in bed and told me goodnight. He gave me my phone after he set an alarm for in the morning. I'm happy he did that because I have school!

I quickly fell back to sleep. I had a dream about Cameron. He had a girlfriend in my dream. He also got her pregnant. He moved to North Carolina and he adopted me.

I liked that dream. It was over soon by my alarm ringing in my ear. I quickly turned it off and got up. I didn't have time to shower.
I curled my hair and put a beanie on. It was baby blue so I put on a baby blue crop top and jeans. I also slipped on my black vans.

I applied a little mascara and walked downstairs. Surprisingly Hayes was awake. I said hello and pored myself some Orange juice.

I quickly drank it and said goodbye to Hayes. He said bye and I walked out the door with my phone in hand. I also had my bag on my back. I hate having to carry a bag. I had to have my gym clothes though. I forgot to leave them there yesterday.

The coach lets me leave my clothes in his office. I'm the only person that he lets do that.

They day went by fast and it was time to go home. I walked outside with my empty bag and phone. I was going to walk home with Jayden today.

I sat on the bench waiting for him to come out. Two minutes later he walked out with Austin and Alex. The couple were holding hands.

When they reached me Jayden hugged me. I felt uncomfortable but hugged back. He interlocked our fingers together and I felt normal again.

The four of us walked home. The first stop was Alex then Austin then Jayden then me. I lived four blocks away from the school. Alex and Austin were both on the same block and me and Jayden were only one block away from eachother.

When we reached his house I hugged him and said goodbye.

Tomorrow was Thursday. We never have school on Friday's. So tomorrow was the last day before the weekend.

When I got home I was greeted by Jordan. Hayes told her I had a boyfriend and she said that we should go on a double date.

I said okay and we planned for Sunday.

I called Jayden and he said okay.

I went to my room and showered. After I was done i joined the 'Family' in dinner.

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