Chapter Thirteen

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Part III. - "If you're wrong, I'm going to haunt you from my grave."



I woke up to dull needles poking into the bottom of my palm. When I moved my hand, I realized that it was facial scruff and not actual needles. Before I had completely opened my eyes there was an emptiness devoid of any light that made me realize something was off. I let my arms fall above my head in an attempt to stretch out, but my wrists banged against a hard rough surface.

My hand began to wander further, exploring for a way out. Silky hair ran through my fingers. Then I realized there were more of us in here. Now fully awake, all I could see was darkness. That's when the panic first set in.

I felt around, but all I could seem to touch was skin and hardness. My foot kicked forward as hard as it could, but that wasn't enough to knock the top off whatever we were in. After multiple failed attempts, the panic worsened. Pressure in my chest increased — like my lungs were filling up with a heavy substance, but in reality, it was all caused by hyperventilation.

I opened my mouth, attempting to form a scream, but what came out was a whimper. I tried again, this time putting so much pressure on my vocal cords that they felt like they were going to burst into a million pieces. Nothing happened. I was almost resolved to accept the fact that no one was coming to save us and we were probably going to die.

"Aya?" Brennan asked.

My labored breathing steadied. "Brennan? Thank goodness."

"I can't breathe in here."

"Me neither."

I think we're being buried alive." I panicked.

Brennan laughed. I wanted to kick him. Why was he laughing?

"We're not being buried alive. We're in the trunk of a blitzer," he said.

"I'm not ready to die," I muttered.

"No one's dying. Not today," he replied.

"If you're wrong, I'm going to haunt you from my grave," I joked.

"Well then let's hope I'm not wrong for both our sakes," he said.

The top of the trunk started to rumble. I held my breath. We were about to be rescued. More darkness seeped into the trunk as the lid was lifted open. We were somewhere dark. My hopes started to fade away.

I lifted my head, trying to get a glimpse of where we could be. Once the trunk's lid was fully removed, I saw someone donned in the same uniform the woman had been wearing. I tried to get a glimpse of the person's face. It was Tayler. I sighed with relief. I had worried for nothing.

"Thank god, Tayler. I knew someone would come." I smiled.

Tayler gripped onto my biceps and pulled me out. She wasn't smiling or happy like I thought she would be after rescuing us. It would have been a big win for her in Serina's book. Something was off.

After I was out of the trunk, another person held my wrists behind my back. I was very confused. I tried to wiggle out of the position, but he stopped me.

"Stand still," he ordered, lacing a piece of rope around my wrists.

Why were they tying us up again, they just rescued us? I glanced back at the trunk. Brennan was the next one to be pulled out. He was trying to kick the assailants. Soren was already tied up, but he was still deep in sleep, so was Piper, but she had woken up.

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now